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The difference between AFK farming and letting my turrets kill things?

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I want to know the differences for these below:



As a general policy, any form of unattended gameplay is prohibited in Guild Wars 2 . This includes:


The use of auto-casting abilities to farm while not at your computer or not actively playing the game.

The use of a macro to automate character skills while not at your computer or not actively playing the game.

The use of a macro to farm repeatable events or activities for rewards while not at your computer or not actively playing the game.

The use of a third-party program to automate or create a "bot" that performs autonomous actions in the game.


"actively playing the game"


If i am using turrets spread far out and wide, i am AT my computer STARING at my game and watching the mobs die to turrets... am i in violation for using these skills?


Its a touchy subject but i am still getting so much hate for playing the way I want to farm for materials. I know some harpies drop materials but i get people harrassing me and telling me in game that im botting...when im there the entire friggin time listening to a discord music player... this has got to stop.


I even recruit engineers only for farming these materials and i make DANG sure that they are there the entire time and if they have to use the bathroom or "brb" then i tell them to detonate turrets.


is anything im doing wrong here?



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I do not see a problem with it.you playing the game within the classes limitations. If you are braking any rules then the class mechanic needs to change to not allow you to do what your doing. Imo


If you are placing your turrets more then 1200 distance away from your self then the player to turret range needs to be lowered. If a engi steps 1200 distance away from there own turret it should auto detonate. Personally i think like 600-900 distance be best.

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Actively playing is being at your PC and being able to react to a GM trying to interact with you. They probably had to add this term to their policy wording because people who were sanctioned for unattended gameplay claimed that they were not AFK and just not paying enough attention, or asked for "proof" that they were AFK (which ANet obviously cannot provide to anyone, ever). So in addition to not being allowed to have your character do stuff while you are AFK, you also are not allowed to have your character do stuff while you not away from the keyboard, but instead at your PC but not paying any attention.


There was a clear statement GM Dornsinger (one of the three highest GMs there are) not too long ago that confirmed that ANet does check players to see if they are actively playing, and if the players respond to those checks, there will never be any problem.


You can read more details in the thread linked below. But beware, there were a few false assumptions stated there by various people. If you read the thread, read carefully.



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> @"Jayden Reese.9542" said:

> [...] then shady individuals who think setting up turrets or putting pet on att mode or w/e its called and walking away or passively paying attention not clicking anything don't need to wonder if they exploiting or not.


If you had read one of many many threads about this that keep coming up again and again then you would know that they are neither "shady" nor do they have to wonder if they are exploiting or not. Your pets can do whatever they want and nothing will happen to you even if you are afk, as long as your own character is not performing any actions. Pet kills were explicitly clarified as being exempt from the whole afk discussion.


I wrote the same thing in more detail just one month ago in the thread I linked before. Here is a link directly to the relevant post which in turn includes a link to the original and official "pet kills do not count" statements:


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