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[NA][PVE] Nexus Legends [Core] | Lv 69 | Strikes | Raids | Fractals | Missions | Events | Poggers


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Discord: [https://discord.gg/yMVrs9a](https://discord.gg/yMVrs9a "https://discord.gg/yMVrs9a")


Hello there. Our community is welcoming those interested in raiding, fractals (T4s/CMs), guild missions, strike missions, and/or general PvE content, as well as socializing. We organize endgame activities, raid training for new and returning players, and teach all about gear, build, and strategies. A few of us do PvP/WvW from time to time as well (Mainly Darkhaven).


Our community has been around since 2015.


**Guild Name** - Nexus Legends [Core] is our guild name and tag. Nexus can also be viewed as a central connection that brings us together to form a greater community. Additionally, Core is a synonym of Nexus.


**Schedule/Primetime** - Guild events and activities take place overwhelmingly in the afternoon to midnight window (NA Timezones). Most raids begin at daily reset +1. A majority of members are online from 4pm EST to 12am EST (when work hours end, up to sleepy time). Strikes are run almost daily, along with fractal groups. Guild Missions occur every week (Personal Hero Banners!).


**Discord is not required** but it is highly recommended to take full advantage of being able to easily find people to group up, and get pinged when certain activities you choose begin. When you join, you can choose what game content you want to be pinged for, such as Raids, Fractals, CMs, Guild Missions, PvP, Strikes, and more.

Our discord is active daily.


**Active Members** - Our guild often has a lot of people online, especially around and during daily reset. A few dozen are usually online during this time, so you can always have someone to talk to or play with. Some may say that that many people will just drown out each individual voice, but in reality it just widens opportunities to meet new people with common interests, more people will read your sent messages, and you can never feel like there's no one there.


**Community** - We have a lot of cool, funny, and memey people within our community. Many are eager to help beginners and contribute to the enjoyment of everyone. We do not have a set age requirement. Why? How would one verify it in the first place? As long as there is maturity present, age does not matter. This is a video game after all, and people of all ages do play Guild Wars 2.

We have people from Australia, Canada, Brazil, Japan, and Michigan. We also have fun with some guild events from time to time, like a treasure hunt within our guild hall, or a maze where the winner gets a prize at the end. We've had tons of giveaways, many thanks to donators. Legendary weapons, Mystic coins, Gold, Expensive dyes, all to give back to the community that makes up our guild.


**Guild Hall** - We have a pretty neat maxed out guild hall, thanks to all the donations in the past. We use it for guild events, gatherings, material nodes, and boosts from the tavern. We've allowed Members to decorate the guild hall and have their own House, as well as the ability to submit it into a contest for prizes. This allows many people who would otherwise not have had any experience with the guild decoration aspect of the game, to be able to within our guild.


We may be forming strike statics. If interested, join the discord.


If interested, feel free to join our discord and ask for an invite there.

You may also ask for an invite by replying to this post.


Take care.


| Poggers |


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This guild is legit! No drama, just chill people enjoying the game (and still being competent at end-game content). At a good point in growth, with the 3rd raiding static group forming up now. Definitely check it out if you're looking to progress on raiding / legendary armor.

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I've been in Nexus Legends for quite some time now. When I first started playing GW2, I had received a random invite to Core. I had joined, and met some amazing people. This was my first GW2 guild, so wasn't really sure what other guilds were like. I ended up leaving Nexus Legends for a short period, and after hopping around between a few different guilds, I found that nothing could come close to comparing to what Nexus Legends had to offer. I knew that I had already found home once, and needed to return immediately! I rejoined Core and reunited with the great people that its roster holds. Since then, we have been working in all directions to adventure into the raid scene, fractal CM's, and many other aspects of the game that are often overlooked by most, whether it be due to inexperience, or not knowing where to begin. This guild is a one of a kind experience, and is definitely a place that everybody could call home. I am truly happy to be among the roster of the greatest GW2 guild in game. Hope to see you all soon!

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Been in [Core] for quite a few months now. In core I finally swapped from solo to group play after 6 years of solo Guild Wars 2 (Yeah, terrible honestly, don't know what I was doing). Through the Guild I have been able to level up my fractals and run daily t4s. I've learned raids and even taught a few bosses myself. Nexus Legends is my one guild. Love all the time I get to spend with all the peeps and excited for more people to join!

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Can confirm everything in this post :grin: I've recently started this game a month ago and everyone here's been very helpful.

Well can confirm everything except the Quaggan penguin roleplaying... I think I missed the memo on that one :open_mouth:

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Hello I have been in this guild for quite some time and I can confirm this post. The guild is very active seems like we have an event every night and there is always something to do. There are a lot of knowledgeable members and everyone is very helpful. The people in this guild are just fun to be around in general.

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Will shill for food (and points). But anyways yeah have been with the guild for a few months and people are nice. All PvE content here is alive and well (raids, fractals, even dungeons sometimes). Newbies and vets alike just come chill and hang out. Even the more serious raids and fractal groups are not toxic and we joke around a lot.


Also if you are new to raiding and wish to start then would definitely recommend. I run trainings along with a good number of other peeps and we are more than happy to show you the ropes :)

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I really love this game, but I found myself getting bored (logging in to do dailies and logging off) because I was playing solo for a few years after my friends that introduced me stopped playing. I finally spent some time looking for a guild to find new people to play with and this guild has made me fall in love with the game again. Everyone is super friendly and willing to help if you want to do fractals, dungeon, story, raids, or anything else. (Also, hi Cos).

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