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[NA][PVE] Nexus Legends [Core] | Lv 69 | Strikes | Raids | Fractals | Missions | Events | Poggers


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I've been in many guilds, but CORE has by far been my favorite. The members are incredibly friendly and helpful and there are enough of us that there's always someone wanting to do the same content as you. We've been doing a bunch of raid training recently which has been super fun, lots of first-time raiders getting their first clears in. I have over 1800 hours in GW2 and have honestly never has as much fun playing as I have with CORE.

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I would be interested in joining your Guild. I have run solo forever and just recently joined my first guild. However there seems to be no community in it and people don't play together. Reading through the comments here I'm hoping to get what I was looking for originally. A fun group of people that play together. I am very willing to help new people or those wanting Hero points or , tbh, most anything. Guys just wanna have fun, as the song (almost) goes.

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> @"Broxis.5841" said:

> I would be interested in joining your Guild. I have run solo forever and just recently joined my first guild. However there seems to be no community in it and people don't play together. Reading through the comments here I'm hoping to get what I was looking for originally. A fun group of people that play together. I am very willing to help new people or those wanting Hero points or , tbh, most anything. Guys just wanna have fun, as the song (almost) goes.


Hello. Will get an invite sent out. Hope to see ya in game. Take care.

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> @"Cosminion.5042" said:

> Discord: [discord.gg/PreGPDX](http://discord.gg/PreGPDX "discord.gg/PreGPDX")


> Hello there. Our guild/community is welcoming those interested in raiding, fractals, guild missions, and/or general PvE content. We organize endgame activities while maintaining a more casual environment for the rest of our members. We are not uptight about constant participation or representation, although we prefer players to not be invisible from the community the whole time.


> We also have a few people who group for PvP/WvW.


> Schedule - Before you read all on, make sure your schedule aligns with our primetime. Guild events and activities take place overwhelmingly in the afternoon to midnight window (NA Timezones). Most raids begin at daily reset. Most members are online starting from around 4pm EST (when we get off work) to a few hours past midnight.


> Discord is not a requirement if you won't be raiding. It will be required if you choose to raid, but speaking is optional.

> We have plugins within our discord server which allow you to see your in game information, such as raid bosses killed for the week, character list, and a ton more things I probably don't even know about. It's pretty useful.


> Active Members - Our guild often has a lot of people online, especially around and during daily reset. At least 50 members are online during this primetime, so you can always have someone to talk to or play with. Some may say that that many people will just drown out each individual voice, but in reality it just widens opportunities to meet new people with common interests, and you can never be alone.


> Fun Fact: Our guild's peak online member count came to about 110 players at a single time.


> Our Training - We love to train inexperienced or completely new players in raiding. We have many players who have dedicated themselves to lead and teach beginners or semi-exp in new wings and bosses. If you are an experienced raider and would be interested in leading training runs, we welcome you too!


> Our Statics - Our statics select players based on an original point-based system. We've set up a survey that interested people fill out, specifying experience with each boss/wing and available roles. This information is translated into a number, and the higher it is, the more likely you will be selected for the static. Different statics will have different thresholds.


> Fun Fact: In general, we like helping people get closer to their beloved legendary armor as well. Sometimes an entire static or raid group gets together to help that one player with their collection.


> Spontaneous Runs - Sometimes, when a group of people are feeling the itch, they gather sometime during the week in an unscheduled run. They decide amongst themselves what they want to do.


> Fractals - These are run throughout the week, as well as CMs.


> Guild Missions - These are run once a week for anyone who wants to gain guild commendations. There are a few guild-exclusive rewards out there that one may want. (Hero Banners YEEET)


> Fun Fact: Commendations acquired through guild missions can be used to obtain exclusive minis, weapons, and other items from guild hall vendors.


> Community - We have a lot of kind, funny, and memey people within our community. Many are eager to help beginners and contribute to the enjoyment of everyone. We do not have a set age requirement, but it is safe to say we are all above 18, or mature enough to be considered that in spirit. We have people from Australia, Canada, Brazil, Japan, and Michigan. We also have fun with some guild events from time to time, like a treasure hunt within our guild hall, or a maze where the winner gets a price at the end. We are currently organising an event with three legendary weapons as rewards.


> Guild Hall - We currently have an amazingly decorated Gilded Hollow with the help of our lovely scribe. We use our guild hall for fun events.


> We are adult oriented for the most part. People have jobs, college, families, and quaggan tonics. We understand if you can't play sometimes due to life events, or if you feel like role-playing as a quaggan all day and want to take revenge on that penguin who stole your pizza.


> If interested, feel free to join our discord and ask for an invite there: [discord.gg/PreGPDX](http://discord.gg/PreGPDX "discord.gg/PreGPDX")

> Or ask for an invite here.


> Take care.



Sounds like a fun guild, I would be interested in checking it out

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> @"havenstance.1746" said:

> > @"Cosminion.5042" said:

> > Discord: [discord.gg/PreGPDX](http://discord.gg/PreGPDX "discord.gg/PreGPDX")

> >

> > Hello there. Our guild/community is welcoming those interested in raiding, fractals, guild missions, and/or general PvE content. We organize endgame activities while maintaining a more casual environment for the rest of our members. We are not uptight about constant participation or representation, although we prefer players to not be invisible from the community the whole time.

> >

> > We also have a few people who group for PvP/WvW.

> >

> > Schedule - Before you read all on, make sure your schedule aligns with our primetime. Guild events and activities take place overwhelmingly in the afternoon to midnight window (NA Timezones). Most raids begin at daily reset. Most members are online starting from around 4pm EST (when we get off work) to a few hours past midnight.

> >

> > Discord is not a requirement if you won't be raiding. It will be required if you choose to raid, but speaking is optional.

> > We have plugins within our discord server which allow you to see your in game information, such as raid bosses killed for the week, character list, and a ton more things I probably don't even know about. It's pretty useful.

> >

> > Active Members - Our guild often has a lot of people online, especially around and during daily reset. At least 50 members are online during this primetime, so you can always have someone to talk to or play with. Some may say that that many people will just drown out each individual voice, but in reality it just widens opportunities to meet new people with common interests, and you can never be alone.

> >

> > Fun Fact: Our guild's peak online member count came to about 110 players at a single time.

> >

> > Our Training - We love to train inexperienced or completely new players in raiding. We have many players who have dedicated themselves to lead and teach beginners or semi-exp in new wings and bosses. If you are an experienced raider and would be interested in leading training runs, we welcome you too!

> >

> > Our Statics - Our statics select players based on an original point-based system. We've set up a survey that interested people fill out, specifying experience with each boss/wing and available roles. This information is translated into a number, and the higher it is, the more likely you will be selected for the static. Different statics will have different thresholds.

> >

> > Fun Fact: In general, we like helping people get closer to their beloved legendary armor as well. Sometimes an entire static or raid group gets together to help that one player with their collection.

> >

> > Spontaneous Runs - Sometimes, when a group of people are feeling the itch, they gather sometime during the week in an unscheduled run. They decide amongst themselves what they want to do.

> >

> > Fractals - These are run throughout the week, as well as CMs.

> >

> > Guild Missions - These are run once a week for anyone who wants to gain guild commendations. There are a few guild-exclusive rewards out there that one may want. (Hero Banners YEEET)

> >

> > Fun Fact: Commendations acquired through guild missions can be used to obtain exclusive minis, weapons, and other items from guild hall vendors.

> >

> > Community - We have a lot of kind, funny, and memey people within our community. Many are eager to help beginners and contribute to the enjoyment of everyone. We do not have a set age requirement, but it is safe to say we are all above 18, or mature enough to be considered that in spirit. We have people from Australia, Canada, Brazil, Japan, and Michigan. We also have fun with some guild events from time to time, like a treasure hunt within our guild hall, or a maze where the winner gets a price at the end. We are currently organising an event with three legendary weapons as rewards.

> >

> > Guild Hall - We currently have an amazingly decorated Gilded Hollow with the help of our lovely scribe. We use our guild hall for fun events.

> >

> > We are adult oriented for the most part. People have jobs, college, families, and quaggan tonics. We understand if you can't play sometimes due to life events, or if you feel like role-playing as a quaggan all day and want to take revenge on that penguin who stole your pizza.

> >

> > If interested, feel free to join our discord and ask for an invite there: [discord.gg/PreGPDX](http://discord.gg/PreGPDX "discord.gg/PreGPDX")

> > Or ask for an invite here.

> >

> > Take care.

> >


> Sounds like a fun guild, I would be interested in checking it out


Do you have discord and are able to join the server?

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I'd be down for a good active guild. I'm an old School long term, "mature" Gamer at 44, and have been playing Guild Wars 2 for about a month now (3 nights a week). Currently coming up on Level 40 with my Ranger and left a guild [KARM] that was not active enough from my perspective. I'm looking to get with a group of folks to better master and understand GW2 mechanics. I'm only able to be on about 3 nights a week atm due to my career etc, but I want to jump right in and get active when I am on. my experience is wide in the Gaming world and my custom PC will not leave me lagging behind. especially with my new RTX 2080 ;-)

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> @"MERX.4537" said:

> I'd be down for a good active guild. I'm an old School long term, "mature" Gamer at 44, and have been playing Guild Wars 2 for about a month now (3 nights a week). Currently coming up on Level 40 with my Ranger and left a guild [KARM] that was not active enough from my perspective. I'm looking to get with a group of folks to better master and understand GW2 mechanics. I'm only able to be on about 3 nights a week atm due to my career etc, but I want to jump right in and get active when I am on. my experience is wide in the Gaming world and my custom PC will not leave me lagging behind. especially with my new RTX 2080 ;-)


We welcome you to the guild!

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I was wondering , I am in MST in NA , you say you mainly start at 4pm EST , that's around 2pm out here , is that just the "raiding" ?? Also week nights , whats the crowd like between 8pm EST to 11pm EST?? (that would be my 6 pm to 9pm here) . I have solo'ed for a while , joined a guild but no one was ever on at these times , looking to avoid that as well. Also I am on Devona's Rest , does server matter?

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> @"Kamarius.5631" said:

> I was wondering , I am in MST in NA , you say you mainly start at 4pm EST , that's around 2pm out here , is that just the "raiding" ?? Also week nights , whats the crowd like between 8pm EST to 11pm EST?? (that would be my 6 pm to 9pm here) . I have solo'ed for a while , joined a guild but no one was ever on at these times , looking to avoid that as well. Also I am on Devona's Rest , does server matter?


Raids usually begin at daily reset. From 8pm to 11pm EST, there are usually at least 50 people online. Server does not matter in PvE.

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