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My sPvP core necro power build (p1 currently)


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While the build is working for me so far, I would like to have some feedback on it.




Basic idea? A somewhat supportive power necro build that is durable and can survive for some time even when under pressure. The death magic traits grant a 40% reduction of incoming condition damage when you have the protection boon, and the build has various sources of protection to make sure it is always up. Conditions are rarely a problem and you can remove condis by entering shroud. Also thx to perma protection you are quite resistant to power damage, and the vampric traits add a fair bit of healing as well. However it does have weaknesses: low life-force generation and being vulnerable to CC chains. For extra life force i recommend cleaving dead bodies with dagger aa.


About the offense: We have some dps with the double wells and axe2/dagger2 also have decent damage. We can also corrupt boons with well of corruption and focus5.But don't expect offense like a power reaper or condi scourge. Shroud AA and 4-5 are decent in teamfights and spamming Shroud AA can do okayish dps.


About support: We have good revives with the double well of blood and our team get's supported with protection wells and the vampiric traits. Also dropping wells and plaguelands on downed enemies is decent pressure as well.


About the elite skill: All 3 are kinda weak in this build. I usually use plaguelands for some extra pressure in teamfights, but feel free to use Lich or flesh golem.


Why don't I use elite specs? The important part of the build is the blood/death magic synergy. I can see this build working with scourge, but I doubt that the f1-f5 skills of scourge and the better elite skill justify the huge loss of dps by not taking spite. reaper has a way better elite but has almost no damage without spite might stacking, also reaper shroud uses more life force than death shroud and we have a limited amount of life force already.

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the prob with core necro is that if you want to roam or small party you have to use minions to curb the damage done to you. And core necro is not good with power builds, only condi and tank pretty much. If anet would stop nerfing life steal and make it legitimate then core necro is the way to go. But as it stands now, reaper pretty much reigns supreme if youre not a brain dead sand shade spammer.

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