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Necromancer, Warrior or Guardian ?


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Hey I play guild wars 2 since a couple of weeks and am really struggeling to choose a class.

I finally decided to play thief for raids, but I want a second class for open world (for example events) or fractals.

right now I am struggeling between guardian warrior and necromancer.

1. I really like necromancer but dont know which elite spec or which kind of necromancer is good for open world and fractals.

I also dont know if necromancer gets accepted by other people in higher fractals like t3, t4

3. Guardian looks cool to me and I heard its good for fractals and even Raids so I would have a 2nd "backup" class for raids, but I heard it gets boring after a time.

4. Warrior looked cool to me because I saw someone doing open world stuff with a bow and I found it pretty interesting , and banner warrior caught my eyes, but I saw you switch between sword and bow and how much fun is it to play warrior compared to guardian or necro and how hard is he to play (learn curve)


would be nice if you could write down what your thoughts are and which class would be good for which purpose and how meta they are or good in some ways like raids, fractals or open world.

build options would be nice too

Thank you !



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@"Kayoumi.6974": I recommend Dragonhunter (a Guardian elite spec) for all the content you mentioned (although Firebrand can be a better pick for raids, depending on the rest of the group's constellation). DH has such high burst damage it'll knock you off your chair. :p


Necromancer requires a bit more practice, as does Warrior (both also two good professions to pick).


I recommend you take a look at [this website](https://metabattle.com/wiki/MetaBattle_Wiki "this website") to get an overview of the best current builds and read up on what they are made for, to see what you might enjoy the most.


> @"phs.6089" said:

> for OW & Fractals

> Necro-reaper


Bah! Reaper, pfft. Scourge is the way to go! :)


> Guardian-DH




> Warrior ummmh-Warrior(can say much prolly other will add more)


Both, Berserker and Spellbreaker, offer very efficient builds.

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Hey I decided to play guardian so far ty for your help.

I also have a necro running for when I am bored and want to play something different.

I just wanted to ask which necro build should I take ?

went to metabattle and saw this Scourge Support Healer:





Utility Condi DPS



which one of them is better in general and which is more fun ?

You have some pros and cons ?

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> @"Kayoumi.6974" said:

> @"Ashantara.8731"

> Hey I decided to play guardian so far ty for your help.


Glad I could be of help. :)


> I just wanted to ask which necro build should I take ?


Depends on the game mode. My favorite open world build is [this](https://metabattle.com/wiki/Build:Scourge_-_Scepter/Torch_Epidemic "this"), or some slightly different variations of it. The ratings of the website should help you decide which ones are preferable to use. There are many reliable Necro builds. :)


> went to metabattle and saw this Scourge Support Healer:

> https://metabattle.com/wiki/Build:Scourge_-_Support_Healer


That's a build for raids and fractals (each profession on MetaBattle has subsections for the different game modes). I don't think you will have much fun running that when you are roaming the open world on your own. ;)


> Utility Condi DPS

> https://metabattle.com/wiki/Build:Scourge_-_Utility_Condi_DPS_(Fractal)


Now, _that_ one is pretty similar to my favorite open world build, so I could run that without having to collect a second set of equipment specifically for raids and fractals, which is quite practical and also something that you should consider if your financial resources are limited.


> which one of them is better in general and which is more fun ?


That I cannot answer for you. Everyone has different preferences, no? :) I know Necromancer players who always run minion master in open world, something I cannot relate to - but they love it. You need to decide what _you_ like best. If you figure out later that your opinion has changed, you can always [change stats](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Stat_changing "change stats") on your ascended equipment using the Mystic Forge. If you don't own ascended equipment yet, then you don't have to worry about raids just yet and should really focus on open world builds only for now.

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Minion master reaper is the open world solo God. Super fun and nigh on unkillable for all open world content. Has it all, even when in downstate you can out dps champs and self sustain endlessly (especially with the LWS3 5th downstate ability).


For fractals i'd go with a scourge variant or DH/BS Warrior.

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