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FPS crashing at random, not sure how to fix (+ .gif example)

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For the last two days my FPS has been randomly tanking for seemingly no reason. I haven't recently changed anything on my computer and I tried uninstalling and reinstalling on my D drive.


I use a low end gaming laptop and have never had any issues until recently. I average 50+ FPS in most areas with low 30's in high population areas or HoT maps. Most settings are on medium/high with character settings both being on Lowest when in large groups.


In the .gif example [here, you can see my FPS suddenly make significant drops where there isn't anything going on.](https://gfycat.com/bronzepolitehog) I really need an answer on how to fix this because it is unplayable at the moment. At times it will go for quite a while with no FPS drops, others it will be multiple spikes within a few minutes. Thus far it has never lasted longer than a minute but regardless, with it dropping below 10 most times it happens, it can get me killed in some situations.

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  • 2 weeks later...

> @"SpellOfIniquity.1780" said:

> For the last two days my FPS has been randomly tanking for seemingly no reason. I haven't recently changed anything on my computer and I tried uninstalling and reinstalling on my D drive.


> I use a low end gaming laptop and have never had any issues until recently. I average 50+ FPS in most areas with low 30's in high population areas or HoT maps. Most settings are on medium/high with character settings both being on Lowest when in large groups.


> In the .gif example [here, you can see my FPS suddenly make significant drops where there isn't anything going on.](https://gfycat.com/bronzepolitehog) I really need an answer on how to fix this because it is unplayable at the moment. At times it will go for quite a while with no FPS drops, others it will be multiple spikes within a few minutes. Thus far it has never lasted longer than a minute but regardless, with it dropping below 10 most times it happens, it can get me killed in some situations.


No worry, it should be fairly easily fixable, it's probably some windows automated **** gone wrong


My initial response might be that because you said you're running it on a laptop, your battery settings might have changed and you might be on a 'saving mode' or something similar, which would ultimately limit the maximum capability of your laptop. However it might be one (or several) other issues.


Can you be a bit more specific?

* Did it suddenly stopped working from on day to another? Is it just in some specific areas?

* What's your computer spec? you said a low end gaming laptop do you have a GTX 1050 or 1050 Ti or similar but lower generation?

* Are you running Windows 10/7/lower ? Are you running Windows at all ?

* In-game settings (I'm mostly interested in shaders, shadow, sampling, etc...)

* Are you using Nvidia Gaming Experience software with automatic update

* Have you reached multiple times the maximum space size of your HDD ? Sometimes gaming laptops have relatively small HDD 128GB or 250GB and if you use it for multimedia you sometimes often end up writing and re-writing data on top of each other. That's also an issue with SSD, so technically your HDD might be communicating very poorly with the rest of your computer. (In which case, you would need to wipe it clean with special software, to rewrite everything as blank data) I am also partially asking that, because I know a lot of uni students use gaming laptops and therefore run into this issue more than you would think. Especially since those 128-256GB SSD which they put inside your computer are generally pretty *****.



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