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WvW needs an amlet system!


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1) GW2 IS not a gear power fantasy, its always been a fashion wars anti grind system, with an amulet system new or pve players could quickly get into the mode and be efficient quickly due to their nature exotics often times are easier just getting ascended first and then transferring stats this probably means a daunting grind for any player looking to get into wvw (at least a week for more hard core players who haven't wvw or are on the newer scale)


2) stats are way out of wack in wvw currently you can break the dps numbers with any dps class and 1 shot people before they can react or you face un-killable builds, a stat system could reign the outliers and might allow much more enjoyable fights small and big scale


3)but stats and build diversity, surprisingly enough there's actually more build diversity in pvp (if the surprisingly well maintained metabattle is to go off of, which as 2x more builds than wvw)



4) fights during the night would actually be way more unpredictable with a amulet system if a commander found his comp was weak he/she could then quickly regear the squad for comps and such



5) this would encourage experimentation, since people and groups could switch on the fly they could then be free to try new combos and such


6) but min maxing and hybrid.... who says wvw would use the pvp stats and runes wvw could then have its OWN balance this could give the wvw and skills team some ideas to put in maybe even push the mode without breaking others (for example sigil of annulment in pvp is beautiful but its a pvp only sigil)


7) you cant ask for wvw to be balanced if the stats are out wack


Cons: id imagine it would be very controversial to all of us who have legy armor, weapons and trinkets like crazy, (yes I said us as I have lots too) but I wouldn't be propzing this if the game mode was healthy, imo pvp has better fights just is way less fun since it revolves around point rotation and can be very demoralizing when due to win/loss ect.

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> @"Blocki.4931" said:

> I prefer the way it is right now. It's too late to change it now because the great upset it would cause for people who specifically crafted and farmed for their gear will feel trolled by this.




Ya I only bring it up cause wvw is hurting, if it was doing well and engaging me I wouldn't have bothered. But it kind of sucks now even with the way better rewards I used to play it and not make anything now idk the mechanics are bad.


And btw I have full left armour 5 left weapons asended gear out the wazzo for all classes. I only ask this cause the fights suck now

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> @"Balthazzarr.1349" said:

> Simply put, no way period! As a wvw old timer that would end my wvw days immediately and most likely send me off to find some other more configurable game with a similar mode.


> Amulets can stay in pvp.


I have to ask why is that? What builds wouldn't work with a amulet system? And I've been around since release with only a year break due to being overseas. As power creep and stronger stats came I've only seen fights degrade and communities leave


Gone are havoc and fight guild's


Gone are the majority of roamers who would hang in os or bls on off hours for dueling, small gvgs and smack talking


Laid to waste most server communities save for the banwagon giant servers

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> @"Eleazar.9478" said:

> 1) GW2 IS not a gear power fantasy, its always been a fashion wars anti grind system, with an amulet system new or pve players could quickly get into the mode and be efficient quickly due to their nature exotics often times are easier just getting ascended first and then transferring stats this probably means a daunting grind for any player looking to get into wvw (at least a week for more hard core players who haven't wvw or are on the newer scale)


> 2) stats are way out of wack in wvw currently you can break the dps numbers with any dps class and 1 shot people before they can react or you face un-killable builds, a stat system could reign the outliers and might allow much more enjoyable fights small and big scale


> 3)but stats and build diversity, surprisingly enough there's actually more build diversity in pvp (if the surprisingly well maintained metabattle is to go off of, which as 2x more builds than wvw)



> 4) fights during the night would actually be way more unpredictable with a amulet system if a commander found his comp was weak he/she could then quickly regear the squad for comps and such



> 5) this would encourage experimentation, since people and groups could switch on the fly they could then be free to try new combos and such


> 6) but min maxing and hybrid.... who says wvw would use the pvp stats and runes wvw could then have its OWN balance this could give the wvw and skills team some ideas to put in maybe even push the mode without breaking others (for example sigil of annulment in pvp is beautiful but its a pvp only sigil)


> 7) you cant ask for wvw to be balanced if the stats are out wack


> Cons: id imagine it would be very controversial to all of us who have legy armor, weapons and trinkets like crazy, (yes I said us as I have lots too) but I wouldn't be propzing this if the game mode was healthy, imo pvp has better fights just is way less fun since it revolves around point rotation and can be very demoralizing when due to win/loss ect.


1. Exotics are easy to get.

2. It's balance issue.

3. Fact there is more builds on metabattle for pvp, doesn't mean there is more build diversity.

4. Can kinda agree, but that's what u have leg armor for. If anet will give me money back for my 2 sets (and a lot more for other ppl) I maybe would consider.

5. Look 4.

6. If u want ur own balance in wvw, than ur 2nd point is pointless. Maxing and hybryding is the reason, many ppl play wvw

7. Look 2.



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> @"Queen Anastasia.7103" said:

> Sweet, another one of these threads


> Let WvW have it's diversity and freedom of choice as it has been for the past 6+ years... you want amulet system - play PvP


Diversity and freedom? PvP has literally double the builds. And zergs are just guard,rev,necro,ele

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I prefer the current system right now as well. **Gear is pretty much equally accessible to everyone**. The 5% difference of ascended vs. exotic is not game changing in my opinion and the methods to alter ascended isn't really all that expensive if you don't want farm in order to make an additional set of armor/wep or work toward legendary. As far as diversity, you have way more diversity in wvw, because you don't have 4 people harping on about why you should be running a certain build or even a class for that matter, since their rep. goes up or down based on how the team fares. The amulet system seems to function well enough for the small team capture the flag game format, but **the open world of wvw is very independent.** You can roam, small group, or be part of the zerg with any build you choose. Some elitism factors into grouping, but you can follow without being in a squad. If you prove yourself, you often get an invite and they don't ask your build or armor specs if you've proven your worth. If your build is not successful you change it and/or your armor until you find something that works for you.


Amulets narrow stat possibility. If I feel an additional 7% to my precision will exponentially improve my build I can make it happen by altering a piece of armor or trinket. It's not nearly as easy with pvp ammy choices, there are always supreme sacrifices of vitality or toughness. Switching on the fly is definitely an advantage to the ammy system, but I would doubt anet if they were to change to an amulet system would allow the switch in the middle of a field. You can't switch in the middle of match, so would they allow trading out only at spawn or have it on a timer? Additionally, anet has at a moment's whim removed amulets like cleric and settler's (both in since the game's beg.), while they don't seem to touch the pve/wvw armors thankfully.


I fully agree dps is out of control. As far as a solution to the overblown numbers achievable with lopsided stat number stacking in wvw, I would propose a flat percent nerf to everything across the board. The wvw armor is from pve which matches the player against enemies sporting health pools and armor beyond player's attainability. The numbers on our gear for damage coincide with this match-up. These stats can therefore prove just as effective against real people with much smaller amounts of health and armor. Pvp amulets have a much lower cap for all stats. Perhaps reducing the effectiveness of all stats would create a similar effect? Perhaps a 25% reduction (ex. 1000 pwr would be 750, 40 health would be 30)?


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> @"Safandula.8723" said:

> > @"Eleazar.9478" said:

> > 1) GW2 IS not a gear power fantasy, its always been a fashion wars anti grind system, with an amulet system new or pve players could quickly get into the mode and be efficient quickly due to their nature exotics often times are easier just getting ascended first and then transferring stats this probably means a daunting grind for any player looking to get into wvw (at least a week for more hard core players who haven't wvw or are on the newer scale)

> >

> > 2) stats are way out of wack in wvw currently you can break the dps numbers with any dps class and 1 shot people before they can react or you face un-killable builds, a stat system could reign the outliers and might allow much more enjoyable fights small and big scale

> >

> > 3)but stats and build diversity, surprisingly enough there's actually more build diversity in pvp (if the surprisingly well maintained metabattle is to go off of, which as 2x more builds than wvw)

> >

> >

> > 4) fights during the night would actually be way more unpredictable with a amulet system if a commander found his comp was weak he/she could then quickly regear the squad for comps and such

> >

> >

> > 5) this would encourage experimentation, since people and groups could switch on the fly they could then be free to try new combos and such

> >

> > 6) but min maxing and hybrid.... who says wvw would use the pvp stats and runes wvw could then have its OWN balance this could give the wvw and skills team some ideas to put in maybe even push the mode without breaking others (for example sigil of annulment in pvp is beautiful but its a pvp only sigil)

> >

> > 7) you cant ask for wvw to be balanced if the stats are out wack

> >

> > Cons: id imagine it would be very controversial to all of us who have legy armor, weapons and trinkets like crazy, (yes I said us as I have lots too) but I wouldn't be propzing this if the game mode was healthy, imo pvp has better fights just is way less fun since it revolves around point rotation and can be very demoralizing when due to win/loss ect.


> 1. Exotics are easy to get.

> 2. It's balance issue.

> 3. Fact there is more builds on metabattle for pvp, doesn't mean there is more build diversity.

> 4. Can kinda agree, but that's what u have leg armor for. If anet will give me money back for my 2 sets (and a lot more for other ppl) I maybe would consider.

> 5. Look 4.

> 6. If u want ur own balance in wvw, than ur 2nd point is pointless. Maxing and hybryding is the reason, many ppl play wvw

> 7. Look 2.




1)Only core game exotics are easy to get and none of those are even close to being meta for wvw

2) how can they balance when stats themselves are extreme

3) how so nobody talks build theory on any forum or chat for wvw for zegs it's okay x or gtfo. Roaming is just PvP builds pushed over the top

4) I totally get that point but the game mode sucks for fights now (imo)

6) I really doubt that's the case usually you fall into very similar stats across the board or PvP like

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> @"Kilrik.6320"

Very good points but sense this a forum and I still very much want to explain my thinking here it goes


1) only base game exotics are easily accessible, to get good stats you not only need expacs but also living stories and often times it's easier to either a) just grind for legy armour or b) grind for asended amour which both take weeks due to time gates and curancey and gold costs


2) see that's the beautiful thing about PvP stats have downsides, it's always best when in games there's strengths and weaknesses to builds for example most PvP amulets you have either toghness or vit this making you weak or strong to condition or power builds (btw I think paliden is stupid) also wvw should have it's own stats


3) I'd totally be down for that. I've wondered for quite some time what if they just decresed minor stats more

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> @"Eleazar.9478" said:

> > @"Balthazzarr.1349" said:

> > Simply put, no way period! As a wvw old timer that would end my wvw days immediately and most likely send me off to find some other more configurable game with a similar mode.

> >

> > Amulets can stay in pvp.


> I have to ask why is that? What builds wouldn't work with a amulet system? And I've been around since release with only a year break due to being overseas. As power creep and stronger stats came I've only seen fights degrade and communities leave


> Gone are havoc and fight guild's


> Gone are the majority of roamers who would hang in os or bls on off hours for dueling, small gvgs and smack talking


> Laid to waste most server communities save for the banwagon giant servers


As much as people complain about the power creep that's only a symptom of the problem. WvW is stale, and has been stale for quite a long time. That staleness is not due to power creep, it's due to stagnation. The game mode has, unfortunately, been ignored for far too long. So LS chapter after LS chapter, maps, metas, events, raids, etc have come to PvE, but what has WvW gotten? DBL, which was roundly panned, and even after fixes is the least played. Little weekend events that all trend weak. Rewards, which are nice. Legendary armor and backpack, once again me likey.


But wait, you want to remove the legendary armors and backpacks, and the efforts players have put in to getting these items.


Instead, taking WvW abilities off of PvE levels, and tuning them for WvW would be light years better. Streamline the engine to try and improve performance would be a great leap forward. Put in GvG support and functionality would, perhaps, entice some players back. These are improvements that would make WvW better.

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> @"Eleazar.9478" said:

> 1) GW2 IS not a gear power fantasy, its always been a fashion wars anti grind system, with an amulet system new or pve players could quickly get into the mode and be efficient quickly due to their nature exotics often times are easier just getting ascended first and then transferring stats this probably means a daunting grind for any player looking to get into wvw (at least a week for more hard core players who haven't wvw or are on the newer scale)


> 2) stats are way out of wack in wvw currently you can break the dps numbers with any dps class and 1 shot people before they can react or you face un-killable builds, a stat system could reign the outliers and might allow much more enjoyable fights small and big scale


> 3)but stats and build diversity, surprisingly enough there's actually more build diversity in pvp (if the surprisingly well maintained metabattle is to go off of, which as 2x more builds than wvw)



> 4) fights during the night would actually be way more unpredictable with a amulet system if a commander found his comp was weak he/she could then quickly regear the squad for comps and such



> 5) this would encourage experimentation, since people and groups could switch on the fly they could then be free to try new combos and such


> 6) but min maxing and hybrid.... who says wvw would use the pvp stats and runes wvw could then have its OWN balance this could give the wvw and skills team some ideas to put in maybe even push the mode without breaking others (for example sigil of annulment in pvp is beautiful but its a pvp only sigil)


> 7) you cant ask for wvw to be balanced if the stats are out wack


> Cons: id imagine it would be very controversial to all of us who have legy armor, weapons and trinkets like crazy, (yes I said us as I have lots too) but I wouldn't be propzing this if the game mode was healthy, imo pvp has better fights just is way less fun since it revolves around point rotation and can be very demoralizing when due to win/loss ect.


1) Exotics can be acquired by collecting gold while leveling in pve to get into wvw (or with some reward tracks). It sure wont be as good as some HoT/PoF stats, but they arent that hard to get. Whats the point if everyone has everything without any effort? There's also legendary armor that you can get by simply playing the game mode or ascended trinkets that you can get from logging in (laurels) or farming for 15 mins a day (living season 3). Gearing up isnt grind, it's leveling process.

2) Having 300 less stats from gear means nothing if you get 2000+ from all traits and boons that you can maintain 90% of time (by yourself or in zergs). Are pvp builds more balanced than wvw ones? I hardly doubt that.

3) Wvw has different types of play styles depending on number of players, while pvp has only conquest. Number of builds means nothing if half of them are variation of another build. I can make 5 examples of staff weaver builds for wvw and call them different because of a few traits and runes, but their role and performance is pretty much the same.

4) Swap classes, fight in positions where you have more advantage, use siege etc. There's plenty of ways to adapt without requiring amulet. Good players can adapt whether amulets exist or not. Good players win fights. It's not the gear system that's an issue. If you cant win now, you'll win in a week when you get proper builds, it's not the end of the world if you lose a few skirmish points in wvw, it's not like they matter anyway.

5) Predefined stats != experimentation. Check pvp builds, nearly all builds of same type (for example power) use the same amulet (demolisher), or in the best case have 2 options (marauder). In pve/wvw you at least have freedom of scaling your health by mixing zerk with marauder, as much as you want, not as much as amulet gives.

6) It can have own balance by balancing broken skills and traits, stats have almost nothing to do with this.

7) You can because stats from gear arent an issue, it's builds with certain skills, traits and boon uptimes that are too strong.



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> @"Eleazar.9478" said:

> > @"Safandula.8723" said:

> > > @"Eleazar.9478" said:

> > > 1) GW2 IS not a gear power fantasy, its always been a fashion wars anti grind system, with an amulet system new or pve players could quickly get into the mode and be efficient quickly due to their nature exotics often times are easier just getting ascended first and then transferring stats this probably means a daunting grind for any player looking to get into wvw (at least a week for more hard core players who haven't wvw or are on the newer scale)

> > >

> > > 2) stats are way out of wack in wvw currently you can break the dps numbers with any dps class and 1 shot people before they can react or you face un-killable builds, a stat system could reign the outliers and might allow much more enjoyable fights small and big scale

> > >

> > > 3)but stats and build diversity, surprisingly enough there's actually more build diversity in pvp (if the surprisingly well maintained metabattle is to go off of, which as 2x more builds than wvw)

> > >

> > >

> > > 4) fights during the night would actually be way more unpredictable with a amulet system if a commander found his comp was weak he/she could then quickly regear the squad for comps and such

> > >

> > >

> > > 5) this would encourage experimentation, since people and groups could switch on the fly they could then be free to try new combos and such

> > >

> > > 6) but min maxing and hybrid.... who says wvw would use the pvp stats and runes wvw could then have its OWN balance this could give the wvw and skills team some ideas to put in maybe even push the mode without breaking others (for example sigil of annulment in pvp is beautiful but its a pvp only sigil)

> > >

> > > 7) you cant ask for wvw to be balanced if the stats are out wack

> > >

> > > Cons: id imagine it would be very controversial to all of us who have legy armor, weapons and trinkets like crazy, (yes I said us as I have lots too) but I wouldn't be propzing this if the game mode was healthy, imo pvp has better fights just is way less fun since it revolves around point rotation and can be very demoralizing when due to win/loss ect.

> >

> > 1. Exotics are easy to get.

> > 2. It's balance issue.

> > 3. Fact there is more builds on metabattle for pvp, doesn't mean there is more build diversity.

> > 4. Can kinda agree, but that's what u have leg armor for. If anet will give me money back for my 2 sets (and a lot more for other ppl) I maybe would consider.

> > 5. Look 4.

> > 6. If u want ur own balance in wvw, than ur 2nd point is pointless. Maxing and hybryding is the reason, many ppl play wvw

> > 7. Look 2.

> >

> >


> 1)Only core game exotics are easy to get and none of those are even close to being meta for wvw

> 2) how can they balance when stats themselves are extreme

> 3) how so nobody talks build theory on any forum or chat for wvw for zegs it's okay x or gtfo. Roaming is just PvP builds pushed over the top

> 4) I totally get that point but the game mode sucks for fights now (imo)

> 6) I really doubt that's the case usually you fall into very similar stats across the board or PvP like


1. crystal desert reward track, has all stats

2. reduce scaling

3. ppl do it by themselfes or in guild. i dont run to the forum with every little change i do to my builds

4. look 2. it will help with small scale, in bigger fights, amulets wont help as well

6. i change my stats pretty often, if u dont do that, its ur stuff

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> @"Safandula.8723" said:

> > @"Eleazar.9478" said:

> > > @"Safandula.8723" said:

> > > > @"Eleazar.9478" said:

> > > > 1) GW2 IS not a gear power fantasy, its always been a fashion wars anti grind system, with an amulet system new or pve players could quickly get into the mode and be efficient quickly due to their nature exotics often times are easier just getting ascended first and then transferring stats this probably means a daunting grind for any player looking to get into wvw (at least a week for more hard core players who haven't wvw or are on the newer scale)

> > > >

> > > > 2) stats are way out of wack in wvw currently you can break the dps numbers with any dps class and 1 shot people before they can react or you face un-killable builds, a stat system could reign the outliers and might allow much more enjoyable fights small and big scale

> > > >

> > > > 3)but stats and build diversity, surprisingly enough there's actually more build diversity in pvp (if the surprisingly well maintained metabattle is to go off of, which as 2x more builds than wvw)

> > > >

> > > >

> > > > 4) fights during the night would actually be way more unpredictable with a amulet system if a commander found his comp was weak he/she could then quickly regear the squad for comps and such

> > > >

> > > >

> > > > 5) this would encourage experimentation, since people and groups could switch on the fly they could then be free to try new combos and such

> > > >

> > > > 6) but min maxing and hybrid.... who says wvw would use the pvp stats and runes wvw could then have its OWN balance this could give the wvw and skills team some ideas to put in maybe even push the mode without breaking others (for example sigil of annulment in pvp is beautiful but its a pvp only sigil)

> > > >

> > > > 7) you cant ask for wvw to be balanced if the stats are out wack

> > > >

> > > > Cons: id imagine it would be very controversial to all of us who have legy armor, weapons and trinkets like crazy, (yes I said us as I have lots too) but I wouldn't be propzing this if the game mode was healthy, imo pvp has better fights just is way less fun since it revolves around point rotation and can be very demoralizing when due to win/loss ect.

> > >

> > > 1. Exotics are easy to get.

> > > 2. It's balance issue.

> > > 3. Fact there is more builds on metabattle for pvp, doesn't mean there is more build diversity.

> > > 4. Can kinda agree, but that's what u have leg armor for. If anet will give me money back for my 2 sets (and a lot more for other ppl) I maybe would consider.

> > > 5. Look 4.

> > > 6. If u want ur own balance in wvw, than ur 2nd point is pointless. Maxing and hybryding is the reason, many ppl play wvw

> > > 7. Look 2.

> > >

> > >

> >

> > 1)Only core game exotics are easy to get and none of those are even close to being meta for wvw

> > 2) how can they balance when stats themselves are extreme

> > 3) how so nobody talks build theory on any forum or chat for wvw for zegs it's okay x or gtfo. Roaming is just PvP builds pushed over the top

> > 4) I totally get that point but the game mode sucks for fights now (imo)

> > 6) I really doubt that's the case usually you fall into very similar stats across the board or PvP like


> 1. crystal desert reward track, has all stats

> 2. reduce scaling

> 3. ppl do it by themselfes or in guild. i dont run to the forum with every little change i do to my builds

> 4. look 2. it will help with small scale, in bigger fights, amulets wont help as well

> 6. i change my stats pretty often, if u dont do that, its ur stuff


1) requires pof expac and story completion with means you have to grind to 80 then play the story content then grind the reward track honestly that would probably take a week or two for normal people


2) Totally be fine with reduced scaling (as I mentioned to another poster in the thread)

and really would love that butt see my other points

3) lol there's barely any discussion or theory craft usually it's a meta build with a small stat change to give you the illision of choice. (For example 200-600 condition damage healing power ect is neglabble)

6) I change and experiment way more in PvP


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> @"juno.1840" said:

> I think amulets would improve the balance for sure.


> It would obsolete many of the rewards currently available tho.


Which ones?! most are in PvP anyways and the ones that are not, would be still good as the nature of wvw comps would still want them ( hammer rev well mes and ventari for example)


Also I do say again and again wvw could have it's own stat sets apart from PvP

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> @"Eleazar.9478" said:

> > @"juno.1840" said:

> > I think amulets would improve the balance for sure.

> >

> > It would obsolete many of the rewards currently available tho.


> Which ones?! most are in PvP anyways and the ones that are not, would be still good as the nature of wvw comps would still want them ( hammer rev well mes and ventari for example)


> Also I do say again and again wvw could have it's own stat sets apart from PvP


I went into PvP to duel a friend the other day and couldn't actually bring my wvw build because the stats didn't exist on any pvp amulet, and my runes were not in the pvp rune set.


I don't know why some stat sets are not available on PvP amulets -- but my guess would be those stat sets are imbalanced compared to the others, or those stat sets break the game mode. Regardless it makes you wonder why, and taking it one step further, what does it mean that those forbidden stat sets are allowed in WvW?


It's almost as if ANet knows what is broken for competitive play, and with that knowledge they could fix some (or many) WvW balance issues. There's still the challenge of a large "arena" which doesn't exist in PvP.

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> @"Eleazar.9478" said:

> > @"Safandula.8723" said:

> > > @"Eleazar.9478" said:

> > > > @"Safandula.8723" said:

> > > > > @"Eleazar.9478" said:

> > > > > 1) GW2 IS not a gear power fantasy, its always been a fashion wars anti grind system, with an amulet system new or pve players could quickly get into the mode and be efficient quickly due to their nature exotics often times are easier just getting ascended first and then transferring stats this probably means a daunting grind for any player looking to get into wvw (at least a week for more hard core players who haven't wvw or are on the newer scale)

> > > > >

> > > > > 2) stats are way out of wack in wvw currently you can break the dps numbers with any dps class and 1 shot people before they can react or you face un-killable builds, a stat system could reign the outliers and might allow much more enjoyable fights small and big scale

> > > > >

> > > > > 3)but stats and build diversity, surprisingly enough there's actually more build diversity in pvp (if the surprisingly well maintained metabattle is to go off of, which as 2x more builds than wvw)

> > > > >

> > > > >

> > > > > 4) fights during the night would actually be way more unpredictable with a amulet system if a commander found his comp was weak he/she could then quickly regear the squad for comps and such

> > > > >

> > > > >

> > > > > 5) this would encourage experimentation, since people and groups could switch on the fly they could then be free to try new combos and such

> > > > >

> > > > > 6) but min maxing and hybrid.... who says wvw would use the pvp stats and runes wvw could then have its OWN balance this could give the wvw and skills team some ideas to put in maybe even push the mode without breaking others (for example sigil of annulment in pvp is beautiful but its a pvp only sigil)

> > > > >

> > > > > 7) you cant ask for wvw to be balanced if the stats are out wack

> > > > >

> > > > > Cons: id imagine it would be very controversial to all of us who have legy armor, weapons and trinkets like crazy, (yes I said us as I have lots too) but I wouldn't be propzing this if the game mode was healthy, imo pvp has better fights just is way less fun since it revolves around point rotation and can be very demoralizing when due to win/loss ect.

> > > >

> > > > 1. Exotics are easy to get.

> > > > 2. It's balance issue.

> > > > 3. Fact there is more builds on metabattle for pvp, doesn't mean there is more build diversity.

> > > > 4. Can kinda agree, but that's what u have leg armor for. If anet will give me money back for my 2 sets (and a lot more for other ppl) I maybe would consider.

> > > > 5. Look 4.

> > > > 6. If u want ur own balance in wvw, than ur 2nd point is pointless. Maxing and hybryding is the reason, many ppl play wvw

> > > > 7. Look 2.

> > > >

> > > >

> > >

> > > 1)Only core game exotics are easy to get and none of those are even close to being meta for wvw

> > > 2) how can they balance when stats themselves are extreme

> > > 3) how so nobody talks build theory on any forum or chat for wvw for zegs it's okay x or gtfo. Roaming is just PvP builds pushed over the top

> > > 4) I totally get that point but the game mode sucks for fights now (imo)

> > > 6) I really doubt that's the case usually you fall into very similar stats across the board or PvP like

> >

> > 1. crystal desert reward track, has all stats

> > 2. reduce scaling

> > 3. ppl do it by themselfes or in guild. i dont run to the forum with every little change i do to my builds

> > 4. look 2. it will help with small scale, in bigger fights, amulets wont help as well

> > 6. i change my stats pretty often, if u dont do that, its ur stuff


> 1) requires pof expac and story completion with means you have to grind to 80 then play the story content then grind the reward track honestly that would probably take a week or two for normal people


> 2) Totally be fine with reduced scaling (as I mentioned to another poster in the thread)

> and really would love that butt see my other points

> 3) lol there's barely any discussion or theory craft usually it's a meta build with a small stat change to give you the illision of choice. (For example 200-600 condition damage healing power ect is neglabble)

> 6) I change and experiment way more in PvP



1) is there any other mmo, where u can start the game and jump into end game content? ur just now saying, that exotics are hard to get

3) that is what U say

6) that is what U do


edit: if u want f2p accounts to jump straight into end game content, than there will be noone paid to do any changes in wvw

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> @"Safandula.8723" said:



> 1) is there any other mmo, where u can start the game and jump into end game content? ur just now saying, that exotics are hard to get

> 3) that is what U say

> 6) that is what U do


1) first off other mmos use vastly different gear systems and are built specifically for the gear power grind. gw2 with it's gear cap should go a different route instead of halfing it. (For example destiny 2s gear revolves around minor stat changes and gear perks same for most usually it's the level that dictates player power for power scaling or endgame) if they're gonna go power fantasy then they should do that too and make stats more extreme for long time players! Doing a little bit of both makes everything Luke warm and like Luke warm water will probably be spat out.


3) where's all the discussion? No more YouTubers or groups talking hey check this out, not roamers or wvers I'm telling you every most if not all builds in wvw are found in PvP, ever sense the specialization rework gw2s focus has been way more leaning into traits


6) because the balance isn't so out of wack in PvP you can actually do quite well with off meta builds so it pushes me to experiment. Imagine wvw where you don't have to worry about point rotation.

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> @"juno.1840" said:

> > @"Eleazar.9478" said:

> > > @"juno.1840" said:

> > > I think amulets would improve the balance for sure.

> > >

> > > It would obsolete many of the rewards currently available tho.

> >

> > Which ones?! most are in PvP anyways and the ones that are not, would be still good as the nature of wvw comps would still want them ( hammer rev well mes and ventari for example)

> >

> > Also I do say again and again wvw could have it's own stat sets apart from PvP


> I went into PvP to duel a friend the other day and couldn't actually bring my wvw build because the stats didn't exist on any pvp amulet, and my runes were not in the pvp rune set.


> I don't know why some stat sets are not available on PvP amulets -- but my guess would be those stat sets are imbalanced compared to the others, or those stat sets break the game mode. Regardless it makes you wonder why, and taking it one step further, what does it mean that those forbidden stat sets are allowed in WvW?


> It's almost as if ANet knows what is broken for competitive play, and with that knowledge they could fix some (or many) WvW balance issues. There's still the challenge of a large "arena" which doesn't exist in PvP.


Okay so around after HoT dropped arena net got rid of healing/toghness (and for awhile celestial the current PvP stat is weaker) due to it causing to much of a slowdown with all the defense the elite specs brought to the game, this was problematic to PvP due to the fact it revolves around points, therefore fights would devolve into unkillable bunker battles.


Wvw by it's very nature is alot different so I don't see why it couldn't have it's own stats

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