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Seriously people ? against mounts in WvW ?


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soooo many people here don't have imagination.....


most of the points and cries against it are INVALID..... ALL of these can be worked around with tweaks and disabling stuff...


the ONLY REAL VALID point is the Lag..... <<<< if devs can get arround that so it stays the same not makes the lag worse then there is 0 absolutly 0 reason to not get mounts in WvW.


**-Dissable all abilities on mounts.

-make it insantly dissmount you the moment you get in any kind of combat

-Swiftness runing speed max

-make it usable everywhere ( its just a cool looking perm swiftness buff after all )**


there all of your peoples issues are fixed



+ helping out the classes that have SERIOUS mobility issues.

+ Classes that are known for mobility example Thiefs would still be mobility kings or are you telling me you can get away from a thief by spamming swiftness boons ? lol

+ More freedom with Traits and utility skills and even weapon skill more freedom on builds ( not forced into speed traits and Swiftness utilities )

+ Devs might turn after these changes the movement speed traits and swiftness utilities into something way better and usefull for even more build diversity.



- if they can work around the increased lag then NOTHING.


seriously someone tell me ONE real valid point against it ( outside of lag we don't know if anet can fix that or not yet so we dont know if its a real issue bassicaly )


seriously sometimes i just think Players just outright don't want others to have fun stuff in a GAME because they not like that one specific stuff so they don't want ANYONE else to have fun with it.


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> @"Cloud Windfoot Omega.7485" said:

> I would make mounts usable only in maps which your world has claim of (like gliders).

> I would change the 1 attack to a dismount with no attack though.


then we go back to the mindless Swiftness spamming and lame traits + utilities ONLY to be able to move across half the map faster when we could use stuff that actualy truly help us during combat...


also it would give a slight advantage to the defenders....

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> @syntohras.1064 said:

> The maps are to small for it. Look at TESO Online, the "WvWvW" map there is bigger than every WvWVW Gw 2 map together. Here it makes no sense to have mounts. Then it will change the balance overall in a bad way so anet will be forced to revamp the maps, classes ect.


read again what i wrote .... with the changes i listed it absolutly does not change the Balance.


and WvW is PLENTY big for Mounts i sometimes fall a sleep while trying to get the other side of the map to the commander just to get ganged by a thief out of nowhere and restart the runing.................


and our travel speed would actualy not change with Mounts it would be only slightly faster because there wont be these few seconds here and there where you have no swiftness...

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> @Exciton.8942 said:

> That 1 Con you listed there is serious enough to not get mount into WvW.


> Zerg with mounts will cause serious lags and performance issues. And we all know Anet has never been able to improve the WvW skill lag problem when there you have 3-way zerg fights.


thats i AGREE on BUT if they could implement it ( hell they might even be able to i also dont have much faith in them on this tough ) without touching the Perfomance much there is still not a Valid reason to keep mounts out of WvW then...


ALSO the majority of perfomance issue comes when combat Starts with all the Abilities that is flying arround...

im not even sure that mounts would realy hit perfomance that hard outside of combat.... especialy that you get dissmounted the moment you start combat...

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> @VaaCrow.3076 said:

> Look OP, everyone is entitled to an opinion, this is yours, stop trying to put words in people mouths, some people just do not want mounts in wvw, you need to accept that.

Pretty much this. I find mounts annoying, but I'm not going to cry if wvw gets them. I just personally don't see any positive outcomes to implementing them in wvw.

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> @VaaCrow.3076 said:

> Look OP, everyone is entitled to an opinion, this is yours, stop trying to put words in people mouths, some people just do not want mounts in wvw, you need to accept that.


what i listed here is not an Opinion...........

im not puting words into people mouths at all....


im just saying majority of arguments people make against mounts in WvW have no legs to stand on.

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> @Blodeuyn.2751 said:

> > @VaaCrow.3076 said:

> > Look OP, everyone is entitled to an opinion, this is yours, stop trying to put words in people mouths, some people just do not want mounts in wvw, you need to accept that.

>I just personally don't see any positive outcomes to implementing them in wvw.


read the pros i wrote.

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So u want only mounts because u fall asleep when u walking to your commander and u got sometimes wrecked be thiefs?

Other question every Vet player well know that some classes like thief isn't really viable in zerging and is more for havoc or snacking. Which role should he take then when every class can run like forest gump? That would only bring that every coward would flee into a tower or zerg when he see a enemy. And for sure it would be a big balance problem and strip out some tactic. Do you even study once the map layout of EBG/Alpine? It wasn't designed for mounts. I say also like syntohras that the maps are too small for it.

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> @Grebcol.5984 said:

> So u want only mounts because u fall asleep when u walking to your commander and u got sometimes wrecked be thiefs?

> Other question every Vet player well know that some classes like thief isn't really viable in zerging and is more for havoc or snacking. Which role should he take then when every class can run like forest gump? That would only bring that every coward would flee into a tower or zerg when he see a enemy. And for sure it would be a big balance problem and strip out some tactic. Do you even study once the map layout of EBG/Alpine? It wasn't designed for mounts.


sight......... read my post.....


EVERYONE except maybe necros can get perma swiftness while running around...tough you need to sacrafice weapon/trait/utility skills for it on most classes.


the falling a sleep and re running after getting killed was ONLY an example from me to say that MAPS are BIG enough for mounts NOT the reason to have mounts...


also mounts running on swiftness speed wont invalidate Thiefs or any classes mobility niche... or are you telling me thiefs allready cant catch people that spam swiftness so bassicaly ANYONE ?


my MAIN reason for Mounts are in the Pros i listed in the Original Post.

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> @Gahzirra.8639 said:

> No thanks on Mounts, it would kill roaming. I do not roam, but if I was able to mount up and get back to the zerg and roamers had no way to dismount me that would eliminate a huge part of pvp.


> Mounts would need lots of changes to possibly work, don't think its worth dev time.


IS nobody READING what i wrote ?????????????????????????????????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


disabling everything on the Mounts and reduce its runing speed to swiftness level.... thats not much of a Work......



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> @Zoltreez.6435 said:

> > @Blodeuyn.2751 said:

> > > @VaaCrow.3076 said:

> > > Look OP, everyone is entitled to an opinion, this is yours, stop trying to put words in people mouths, some people just do not want mounts in wvw, you need to accept that.

> >I just personally don't see any positive outcomes to implementing them in wvw.


> read the pros i wrote.


I did, and I still don't prefer them in wvw. I'm just not that excited. Again, my opinion.

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Besides potential server performance problems, the mounts impact on gameplay would be almost nonexistent, but they would improve the fun factor of the game mode a lot.


People are overexaggerating - as usual. It's just stupid. All the complaints about gliders when they were introduced.... WvW is dead... everyone will exploit everything and stuff... and now? Nothing has changed besides QoL improvements and a lot more fun to play WvW.


- only in own territory (for obvious reasons)

- getting hit two or three times dismounts (like in PvE)

- mounting should not be possible when infight (different from PvE)


... no problems at all. But a lot more fun. I would like to see a zerg full of Springers jumping over a wall to defend a tower. This might look broken but when you think a bit about it, it has low impact as it's very easy to get players into combat with aoe spam. You can kill the few who made it over the wall while the rest of the zerg is separated and has to run through the door.

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Most people dont want mounts in WvW. The visual clutter alone is a good enough reason. Why is it so hard for OP to understand that?

We dont all have to agree with you just because you think there's no downside and you want to hop on your rat in the only place in the game where its not enabled.

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> @Blodeuyn.2751 said:

> > @Zoltreez.6435 said:

> > > @Blodeuyn.2751 said:

> > > > @VaaCrow.3076 said:

> > > > Look OP, everyone is entitled to an opinion, this is yours, stop trying to put words in people mouths, some people just do not want mounts in wvw, you need to accept that.

> > >I just personally don't see any positive outcomes to implementing them in wvw.

> >

> > read the pros i wrote.


> I did, and I still don't prefer them in wvw. I'm just not that excited. Again, my opinion.


thats an opinion thats fine no everyone likes mounts...


but trying to make the community think and even the devs thats its a Super bad idea with arguments and reasons that are not true and have no standing just to take away an OPTION from players an option that is fun for allot of people that would also bring POSITIVE changes overall JUST because they oh mah god i HATE it so your not allowed to have it either is BS......

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> @KrHome.1920 said:

> Besides potential server performance problems, the mounts impact on gameplay would be almost nonexistent, but they would improve the fun factor of the game mode a lot.


> People are overexaggerating - as usual. It's just stupid. All the complaints about gliders when they were introduced.... WvW is dead... everyone will exploit everything and stuff... and now? Nothing has changed besides QoL improvements and a lot more fun to play WvW.


> - only in own territory (for obvious reasons)

> - getting hit two or three times dismounts (like in PvE)

> - mounting should not be possible when infight (different from PvE)


> ... no problems at all. But a lot more fun. I would like to see a zerg full of Springers jumping over a wall to defend a tower. This might look broken but when you think a bit about it, it has low impact as it's very easy to get players into combat with aoe spam. You can kill the few who made it over the wall while the rest of the zerg is separated and has to run through the door.


You know what would improve the fun factor? Fixing lag, fixing condi/balance, and fixing server populations/links. Saying it is stupid for people to disagree with you is, well, stupid.


Also, wvw isn't dead, and mounts are not the solution for fixing what is wrong with wvw.

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> @Strages.2950 said:

> Most people dont want mounts in WvW. The visual clutter alone is a good enough reason. Why is it so hard for OP to understand that?

> We dont all have to agree with you just because you think there's no downside and you want to hop on your rat in the only place in the game where its not enabled.


you know that during Combat your dismounted so there is not realy anymore visual clutter during zerging.....


and there wasn't realy much visual clutter when you were just running around from one place to another......


with mounts you Replace all those people with their Swiftness animations and ability spams during travel WITH Mounts so


there isnt much more visual clutter with mounts realy........

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> @Zoltreez.6435 said:

> > @Blodeuyn.2751 said:

> > > @VaaCrow.3076 said:

> > > Look OP, everyone is entitled to an opinion, this is yours, stop trying to put words in people mouths, some people just do not want mounts in wvw, you need to accept that.

> >I just personally don't see any positive outcomes to implementing them in wvw.


> read the pros i wrote.


Again, Just because YOU view them as Pros, doesn't make it a fact.

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> @Strages.2950 said:

> Most people dont want mounts in WvW. The visual clutter alone is a good enough reason. Why is it so hard for OP to understand that?

We had an unofficial survey abouts mounts a few days ago. The last time I checked the thread the number of pro and con votes were 50:50.


That's not what I would call "most people don't want...".


Do you remember the Desert Borderlands introduction? "Most people" hated Desert Borderlands... until ANet checked this statement via survey where 75% voted FOR the map.

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> @VaaCrow.3076 said:

> > @Zoltreez.6435 said:

> > > @Blodeuyn.2751 said:

> > > > @VaaCrow.3076 said:

> > > > Look OP, everyone is entitled to an opinion, this is yours, stop trying to put words in people mouths, some people just do not want mounts in wvw, you need to accept that.

> > >I just personally don't see any positive outcomes to implementing them in wvw.

> >

> > read the pros i wrote.


> Again, Just because YOU view them as Pros, doesn't make it a fact.


Tell me then WHAT are not facts in those pros ?

go on tell me. 90% of those pros i listed WOULD happen if they implement mounts that way.

outside of the changing of abilities from the devs because that might happen or might not. thats on the devs and their plans..


e**veryone is just Saying NO nah nay but MOST not all but MOST of these people ONLY don't want it because they well don't like it lol taste..... NOT because there is any real Valid issue with them.... just they don't like it... so they don't want others to have it either it seems.....**

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