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Seriously people ? against mounts in WvW ?


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> @Rayya.2591 said:

> we need mounts on wvw for more skill lag

> lul



AGAIN.... skill lag appears when zergs fighting the moment zergs start killing eachother people are dismounted...... so it would not realy ad more skill lag............ because the MOUNTS AREN'T THERE during combat.....


that 3-4 people that running behind with mounts and doing nothing for whatever reason while the zerg fights wont gonna break the game thats for sure......

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There's no need to add mounts when you can add the same effects without them.


Out of combat, people have a +33% movement speed. In combat, that buff is removed. Classes with +25% passives and swiftness application will still be faster on foot (minus movement abilities) and therefore the advantage is still there for speccing for the buffs. The only valid argument for having mounts is that it would look cooler, but as people have mentioned, adding mounts will tax the servers. We don't need mounts. We just need out of combat speed boofs.

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> @"Arricson Krei.9560" said:

> There's no need to add mounts when you can add the same effects without them.


> Out of combat, people have a +33% movement speed. In combat, that buff is removed. Classes with +25% passives and swiftness application will still be faster on foot (minus movement abilities) and therefore the advantage is still there for speccing for the buffs. The only valid argument for having mounts is that it would look cooler, but as people have mentioned, adding mounts will tax the servers. We don't need mounts. We just need out of combat speed boofs.


that small movement speed during combat is almost nonexistend having better traits and utilities instead of movement speeds is way more advantage.....


also combat mobility is all in dodges and teleports and dashes and jumps etc dat 25% walk speed wont realy do much for you during combat......... especialy when you could take traits and utilities that outright gives you new def CDs or other passive mechanics...

**ALSO having mounts WOULD NOT remove this option that you think is good so...**

as i said mounts means a bit better build diversity and freedom....

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> @Zoltreez.6435 said:

> **-Dissable all abilities on mounts.

> -make it insantly dissmount you the moment you get in any kind of combat

> -Swiftness runing speed max

> -make it usable everywhere ( its just a cool looking perm swiftness buff after all )**


So, there will be no difference at all with the current situation, but the fact that you want to see mounts into wvw.

Not that good proposal.


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> @Shirlias.8104 said:

> > @Zoltreez.6435 said:

> > **-Dissable all abilities on mounts.

> > -make it insantly dissmount you the moment you get in any kind of combat

> > -Swiftness runing speed max

> > -make it usable everywhere ( its just a cool looking perm swiftness buff after all )**


> So, there will be no difference at all with the current situation, but the fact that you want to see mounts into wvw.

> Not that good proposal.



read the PROS i wrote.... **read the whole thing before commenting people....**

thats just the list of how would i implement them...

after that i list what WOULD change after it.....


stop trying to Troll the topic it aint working.......

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> @Zoltreez.6435 said:

> Pros:

> + helping out the classes that have SERIOUS mobility issues.

> + Classes that are known for mobility example Thiefs would still be mobility kings or are you telling me you can get away from a thief by spamming swiftness boons ? lol

> + More freedom with Traits and utility skills and even weapon skill more freedom on builds ( not forced into speed traits and Swiftness utilities )

> + Devs might turn after these changes the movement speed traits and swiftness utilities into something way better and usefull for even more build diversity.


I like the fact that you have the option to slot mobility on your build or not. By removing any downside of not taking mobility, you are dumbing down the game. At the moment you have 2 choices : having a better mobility at the cost of combat ability or be slow but better at fight. That is a trade-off which makes build diversity (since you have 2 options) and allow people to express their personal preferences. If you put the "cool perma swiftness out of combat", this trade-off won't exist anymore and you will be in fact decreasing the build diversity since the "slow but better at fight" option will be straight out better than the "a bit faster but weaker" one.


So sorry but your pros aren't pros for me.

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> @ich.7086 said:

> > @Zoltreez.6435 said:

> > Pros:

> > + helping out the classes that have SERIOUS mobility issues.

> > + Classes that are known for mobility example Thiefs would still be mobility kings or are you telling me you can get away from a thief by spamming swiftness boons ? lol

> > + More freedom with Traits and utility skills and even weapon skill more freedom on builds ( not forced into speed traits and Swiftness utilities )

> > + Devs might turn after these changes the movement speed traits and swiftness utilities into something way better and usefull for even more build diversity.


> I like the fact that you have the option to slot mobility on your build or not. By removing any downside of not taking mobility, you are dumbing down the game. At the moment you have 2 choices : having a better mobility at the cost of combat ability or be slow but better at fight. That is a trade-off which makes build diversity (since you have 2 options) and allow people to express their personal preferences. If you put the "cool perma swiftness out of combat", this trade-off won't exist anymore and you will be in fact decreasing the build diversity since the "slow but better at fight" option will be straight out better than the "a bit faster but weaker" one.


> So sorry but your pros aren't pros for me.




**having mounts wont remove your builds or stop you to build that way people allready building and what your saying here**......

it absolutly NOT removes anything from people just ADDS.


it ONLY opens up for even more builds for people that prefer not to take all these movement traits and swiftness stuff..........

right now there isnt realy an option your prety much FORCED into these utilities and traits in WvW... except classes that can literaly fart mobility lol


with the changes and mounts you STILL can play like that but you are NOT forced into it....

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Lags in WvW are here since the beginning, it's getting worst every expansion cause a lot of conditions and ways to get boons come.

Mounts are funs, and it would be super cool to have them in WvW, but it needs to be balanced, glider is not broken since you're not using it to cross the map in a second. But with mounts... it could be the case.

I'm sad because I love my sand puppy.


I wish we had a new WvW map, much bigger than the desert ones (it could be too small for mounts) with less verticality (the good old borderlands are the best) and the mounts with no offensive skills (It's wvw, not a mounts v mounts mode.)

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> @Zoltreez.6435 said:

> soooo many people here don't have imagination.....


> most of the points and cries against it are INVALID..... ALL of these can be worked around with tweaks and disabling stuff...


> the ONLY REAL VALID point is the Lag..... <<<< if devs can get arround that so it stays the same not makes the lag worse then there is 0 absolutly 0 reason to not get mounts in WvW.


> **-Dissable all abilities on mounts.

> -make it insantly dissmount you the moment you get in any kind of combat

> -Swiftness runing speed max

> -make it usable everywhere ( its just a cool looking perm swiftness buff after all )**


> there all of your peoples issues are fixed


> Pros:

> + helping out the classes that have SERIOUS mobility issues.

> + Classes that are known for mobility example Thiefs would still be mobility kings or are you telling me you can get away from a thief by spamming swiftness boons ? lol

> + More freedom with Traits and utility skills and even weapon skill more freedom on builds ( not forced into speed traits and Swiftness utilities )

> + Devs might turn after these changes the movement speed traits and swiftness utilities into something way better and usefull for even more build diversity.


> Cons:

> - if they can work around the increased lag then NOTHING.


> seriously someone tell me ONE real valid point against it ( outside of lag we don't know if anet can fix that or not yet so we dont know if its a real issue bassicaly )


> seriously sometimes i just think Players just outright don't want others to have fun stuff in a GAME because they not like that one specific stuff so they don't want ANYONE else to have fun with it.




Nope. Has nothing to do with imagination and everything to do with what can be exploited.


All new additions should be mandatorily tested for every possible exploit. (Dupe golem trick comes to mind.)


Wvw is best without gimmicks .


I know pve players get bored with the lack of mechanics or features, but your actual skill should be the beta.


Wvw is fragile. Anything new needs to be introduced after EXTENSIVE testing.



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> @Hana.8143 said:

> Lags in WvW are here since the beginning, it's getting worst every expansion cause a lot of conditions and ways to get boons come.

> Mounts are funs, and it would be super cool to have them in WvW, but it needs to be balanced, glider is not broken since you're not using it to cross the map in a second. But with mounts... it could be the case.

> I'm sad because I love my sand puppy.


> I wish we had a new WvW map, much bigger than the desert ones (it could be too small for mounts) with less verticality (the good old borderlands are the best) and the mounts with no offensive skills (It's wvw, not a mounts v mounts mode.)


Read what i wrote....


it WOULD NOT BE THE CASE.... groups allready running arround with almost perma swiftness

so mounts on swiftness level speed barely would increase or reduce or change our travel times at all....


so this is not an issue....


Lag mostly happens in zerg fights where you get dissmounted anyway

During traveling the visual clutter that all the people creating with their mobility and swiftness abilities etc would be just replaced with Mounts... so there isn't much of a visual clutter increase....

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> @Zoltreez.6435 said:

> > @Blodeuyn.2751 said:

> > > @Zoltreez.6435 said:

> > > > @Blodeuyn.2751 said:

> > > > > @VaaCrow.3076 said:

> > > > > Look OP, everyone is entitled to an opinion, this is yours, stop trying to put words in people mouths, some people just do not want mounts in wvw, you need to accept that.

> > > >I just personally don't see any positive outcomes to implementing them in wvw.

> > >

> > > read the pros i wrote.

> >

> > I did, and I still don't prefer them in wvw. I'm just not that excited. Again, my opinion.


> thats an opinion thats fine no everyone likes mounts...


> but trying to make the community think and even the devs thats its a Super bad idea with arguments and reasons that are not true and have no standing just to take away an OPTION from players an option that is fun for allot of people that would also bring POSITIVE changes overall JUST because they oh mah god i HATE it so your not allowed to have it either is BS......


Like I said, I won't cry if wvw gets mounts.


Also, I don't think your pros are as pro as you make them out to be:



_1. helping out the classes that have SERIOUS mobility issues._

A: This might be true for getting from point a to b, but unintended consequences need to be mapped out. No way you can know this beforehand.

_2. Classes that are known for mobility example Thiefs would still be mobility kings or are you telling me you can get away from a thief by spamming swiftness boons ? lol_

A: OK, I understand your point that nothing will be "taken away" from current mobility builds. Just because mounts wouldn't affect x or y doesn't mean they should be in wvw.

_3. More freedom with Traits and utility skills and even weapon skill more freedom on builds ( not forced into speed traits and Swiftness utilities )_

A: For me, there is not one single thing I would change as a Tempest if mounts were in wvw. Same for my Firebrand and Warrior. Again, you need to map out the unintended consequences. SHOULD builds have more freedom? How does that affect balance?

_4. Devs might turn after these changes the movement speed traits and swiftness utilities into something way better and usefull for even more build diversity._

A: This is just a speculation, not a factual pro.


> > @Strages.2950 said:

> > Most people dont want mounts in WvW. The visual clutter alone is a good enough reason. Why is it so hard for OP to understand that?

> We had an unofficial survey abouts mounts a few days ago. The last time I checked the thread the number of pro and con votes were 50:50.


> That's not what I would call "most people don't want...".


> Do you remember the Desert Borderlands introduction? "Most people" hated Desert Borderlands... until ANet checked this statement via survey where 75% voted FOR the map.


50/50 isn't "most people want" either. It is even.


That DBL survey was NOT a choice. It was either keep the DBL or NEVER get new wvw maps. That's not a choice.


> read the PROS i wrote.... **read the whole thing before commenting people....**

> thats just the list of how would i implement them...

> after that i list what WOULD change after it.....


> stop trying to Troll the topic it aint working.......



Having an opinion is not trolling. It is called having a discussion, and sometimes people won't agree with you.


> **having mounts wont remove your builds or stop you to build that way people allready building and what your saying here**......

> it absolutly NOT removes anything from people just ADDS.


> it ONLY opens up for even more builds for people that prefer not to take all these movement traits and swiftness stuff..........

> right now there isnt realy an option your prety much FORCED into these utilities and traits in WvW... except classes that can literaly fart mobility lol


> with the changes and mounts you STILL can play like that but you are NOT forced into it....


Again, you need to take in to consideration the consequences of changing builds. For example, do we need more condi? Nope.

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> @Zoltreez.6435 said:

> > @Hana.8143 said:

> > Lags in WvW are here since the beginning, it's getting worst every expansion cause a lot of conditions and ways to get boons come.

> > Mounts are funs, and it would be super cool to have them in WvW, but it needs to be balanced, glider is not broken since you're not using it to cross the map in a second. But with mounts... it could be the case.

> > I'm sad because I love my sand puppy.

> >

> > I wish we had a new WvW map, much bigger than the desert ones (it could be too small for mounts) with less verticality (the good old borderlands are the best) and the mounts with no offensive skills (It's wvw, not a mounts v mounts mode.)


> Read what i wrote....


> it WOULD NOT BE THE CASE.... groups allready running arround with almost perma swiftness

> so mounts on swiftness level speed barely would increase or reduce or change our travel times at all....


> so this is not an issue....


Sorry man, you haven't played wvw enough to realize this would cause major lag.


Other guy is right.

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> @Zoltreez.6435 said:

> > @Hana.8143 said:

> > Lags in WvW are here since the beginning, it's getting worst every expansion cause a lot of conditions and ways to get boons come.

> > Mounts are funs, and it would be super cool to have them in WvW, but it needs to be balanced, glider is not broken since you're not using it to cross the map in a second. But with mounts... it could be the case.

> > I'm sad because I love my sand puppy.

> >

> > I wish we had a new WvW map, much bigger than the desert ones (it could be too small for mounts) with less verticality (the good old borderlands are the best) and the mounts with no offensive skills (It's wvw, not a mounts v mounts mode.)


> Read what i wrote....


> it WOULD NOT BE THE CASE.... groups allready running arround with almost perma swiftness

> so mounts on swiftness level speed barely would increase or reduce or change our travel times at all....


> so this is not an issue....


> Lag mostly happens in zerg fights where you get dissmounted anyway

> During traveling the visual clutter that all the people creating with their mobility and swiftness abilities etc would be just replaced with Mounts... so there isn't much of a visual clutter increase....


I don't understand the point of your thread. Every one of your posts so far is "I'm right, you're wrong", so you're clearly not going to convince anyone (you're not even really trying). Beyond that, nobody here decides if or when mounts get added to wvw, and the devs will have a pretty full dance card for a long while to balance PoF content.


I think we all get it... you want mounts and you think it's a good idea. Other people disagree with you. QED

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> @Zoltreez.6435 said:

> > @Hana.8143 said:

> > Lags in WvW are here since the beginning, it's getting worst every expansion cause a lot of conditions and ways to get boons come.

> > Mounts are funs, and it would be super cool to have them in WvW, but it needs to be balanced, glider is not broken since you're not using it to cross the map in a second. But with mounts... it could be the case.

> > I'm sad because I love my sand puppy.

> >

> > I wish we had a new WvW map, much bigger than the desert ones (it could be too small for mounts) with less verticality (the good old borderlands are the best) and the mounts with no offensive skills (It's wvw, not a mounts v mounts mode.)


> Read what i wrote....


> it WOULD NOT BE THE CASE.... groups allready running arround with almost perma swiftness

> so mounts on swiftness level speed barely would increase or reduce or change our travel times at all....


> so this is not an issue....


> Lag mostly happens in zerg fights where you get dissmounted anyway

> During traveling the visual clutter that all the people creating with their mobility and swiftness abilities etc would be just replaced with Mounts... so there isn't much of a visual clutter increase....


So if mounts on swiftness level speed will barely increase or reduce or change our travel times at all why have them in wvw? Also, have you seen a pack of mounts? Comparing the visual clutter of mounts to that of swiftness abilities is just laughable.

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> @SugarCayne.3098 said:

> > @Zoltreez.6435 said:

> > > @Hana.8143 said:

> > > Lags in WvW are here since the beginning, it's getting worst every expansion cause a lot of conditions and ways to get boons come.

> > > Mounts are funs, and it would be super cool to have them in WvW, but it needs to be balanced, glider is not broken since you're not using it to cross the map in a second. But with mounts... it could be the case.

> > > I'm sad because I love my sand puppy.

> > >

> > > I wish we had a new WvW map, much bigger than the desert ones (it could be too small for mounts) with less verticality (the good old borderlands are the best) and the mounts with no offensive skills (It's wvw, not a mounts v mounts mode.)

> >

> > Read what i wrote....

> >

> > it WOULD NOT BE THE CASE.... groups allready running arround with almost perma swiftness

> > so mounts on swiftness level speed barely would increase or reduce or change our travel times at all....

> >

> > so this is not an issue....


> Sorry man, you haven't played wvw enough to realize this would cause major lag.


> Other guy is right.


lags happens from all the ability spam happening in group fights not from traveling jesus....

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> @Zoltreez.6435 said:

> > @SugarCayne.3098 said:

> > > @Zoltreez.6435 said:

> > > > @Hana.8143 said:

> > > > Lags in WvW are here since the beginning, it's getting worst every expansion cause a lot of conditions and ways to get boons come.

> > > > Mounts are funs, and it would be super cool to have them in WvW, but it needs to be balanced, glider is not broken since you're not using it to cross the map in a second. But with mounts... it could be the case.

> > > > I'm sad because I love my sand puppy.

> > > >

> > > > I wish we had a new WvW map, much bigger than the desert ones (it could be too small for mounts) with less verticality (the good old borderlands are the best) and the mounts with no offensive skills (It's wvw, not a mounts v mounts mode.)

> > >

> > > Read what i wrote....

> > >

> > > it WOULD NOT BE THE CASE.... groups allready running arround with almost perma swiftness

> > > so mounts on swiftness level speed barely would increase or reduce or change our travel times at all....

> > >

> > > so this is not an issue....

> >

> > Sorry man, you haven't played wvw enough to realize this would cause major lag.

> >

> > Other guy is right.


> lags happens from all the ability spam happening in group fights not from traveling jesus....


We have a travelling Jesus in wvw? Why wasn't I informed??? :D

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> @Zoltreez.6435 said:

> > @SugarCayne.3098 said:

> > > @Zoltreez.6435 said:

> > > > @Hana.8143 said:

> > > > Lags in WvW are here since the beginning, it's getting worst every expansion cause a lot of conditions and ways to get boons come.

> > > > Mounts are funs, and it would be super cool to have them in WvW, but it needs to be balanced, glider is not broken since you're not using it to cross the map in a second. But with mounts... it could be the case.

> > > > I'm sad because I love my sand puppy.

> > > >

> > > > I wish we had a new WvW map, much bigger than the desert ones (it could be too small for mounts) with less verticality (the good old borderlands are the best) and the mounts with no offensive skills (It's wvw, not a mounts v mounts mode.)

> > >

> > > Read what i wrote....

> > >

> > > it WOULD NOT BE THE CASE.... groups allready running arround with almost perma swiftness

> > > so mounts on swiftness level speed barely would increase or reduce or change our travel times at all....

> > >

> > > so this is not an issue....

> >

> > Sorry man, you haven't played wvw enough to realize this would cause major lag.

> >

> > Other guy is right.


> lags happens from all the ability spam happening in group fights not from traveling jesus....


Ok you clearly haven't played wvw enough. Lag happens when graphics are introduced at duplicate levels that most computers can't handle.

I get that you want it, most longterm wvwers do not.


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> @Blodeuyn.2751 said:

> > @Zoltreez.6435 said:

> > > @Blodeuyn.2751 said:

> > > > @Zoltreez.6435 said:

> > > > > @Blodeuyn.2751 said:

> > > > > > @VaaCrow.3076 said:

> > > > > > Look OP, everyone is entitled to an opinion, this is yours, stop trying to put words in people mouths, some people just do not want mounts in wvw, you need to accept that.

> > > > >I just personally don't see any positive outcomes to implementing them in wvw.

> > > >

> > > > read the pros i wrote.

> > >

> > > I did, and I still don't prefer them in wvw. I'm just not that excited. Again, my opinion.

> >

> > thats an opinion thats fine no everyone likes mounts...

> >

> > but trying to make the community think and even the devs thats its a Super bad idea with arguments and reasons that are not true and have no standing just to take away an OPTION from players an option that is fun for allot of people that would also bring POSITIVE changes overall JUST because they oh mah god i HATE it so your not allowed to have it either is BS......


> Like I said, I won't cry if wvw gets mounts.


> Also, I don't think your pros are as pro as you make them out to be:


> Pros:

> _1. helping out the classes that have SERIOUS mobility issues._

> A: This might be true for getting from point a to b, but unintended consequences need to be mapped out. No way you can know this beforehand.

> _2. Classes that are known for mobility example Thiefs would still be mobility kings or are you telling me you can get away from a thief by spamming swiftness boons ? lol_

> A: OK, I understand your point that nothing will be "taken away" from current mobility builds. Just because mounts wouldn't affect x or y doesn't mean they should be in wvw.

> _3. More freedom with Traits and utility skills and even weapon skill more freedom on builds ( not forced into speed traits and Swiftness utilities )_

> A: For me, there is not one single thing I would change as a Tempest if mounts were in wvw. Same for my Firebrand and Warrior. Again, you need to map out the unintended consequences. SHOULD builds have more freedom? How does that affect balance?

> _4. Devs might turn after these changes the movement speed traits and swiftness utilities into something way better and usefull for even more build diversity._

> A: This is just a speculation, not a factual pro.


> > > @Strages.2950 said:

> > > Most people dont want mounts in WvW. The visual clutter alone is a good enough reason. Why is it so hard for OP to understand that?

> > We had an unofficial survey abouts mounts a few days ago. The last time I checked the thread the number of pro and con votes were 50:50.

> >

> > That's not what I would call "most people don't want...".

> >

> > Do you remember the Desert Borderlands introduction? "Most people" hated Desert Borderlands... until ANet checked this statement via survey where 75% voted FOR the map.


> 50/50 isn't "most people want" either. It is even.


> That DBL survey was NOT a choice. It was either keep the DBL or NEVER get new wvw maps. That's not a choice.


> > read the PROS i wrote.... **read the whole thing before commenting people....**

> > thats just the list of how would i implement them...

> > after that i list what WOULD change after it.....

> >

> > stop trying to Troll the topic it aint working.......



> Having an opinion is not trolling. It is called having a discussion, and sometimes people won't agree with you.


> > **having mounts wont remove your builds or stop you to build that way people allready building and what your saying here**......

> > it absolutly NOT removes anything from people just ADDS.

> >

> > it ONLY opens up for even more builds for people that prefer not to take all these movement traits and swiftness stuff..........

> > right now there isnt realy an option your prety much FORCED into these utilities and traits in WvW... except classes that can literaly fart mobility lol

> >

> > with the changes and mounts you STILL can play like that but you are NOT forced into it....


> Again, you need to take in to consideration the consequences of changing builds. For example, do we need more condi? Nope.


Your whole argument is about more option and build diversity eguals bad idea and balance issues ????


WHAT ?????????????!!!!!!! just because YOU would not change anything on your classes that are one of the mobile ones to begin with lol

does not mean that allot of people would also not change it...


and on the condition part etc .... thats balancing issues and number issues not Build diversity issues....

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> @SugarCayne.3098 said:

> > @Zoltreez.6435 said:

> > > @SugarCayne.3098 said:

> > > > @Zoltreez.6435 said:

> > > > > @Hana.8143 said:

> > > > > Lags in WvW are here since the beginning, it's getting worst every expansion cause a lot of conditions and ways to get boons come.

> > > > > Mounts are funs, and it would be super cool to have them in WvW, but it needs to be balanced, glider is not broken since you're not using it to cross the map in a second. But with mounts... it could be the case.

> > > > > I'm sad because I love my sand puppy.

> > > > >

> > > > > I wish we had a new WvW map, much bigger than the desert ones (it could be too small for mounts) with less verticality (the good old borderlands are the best) and the mounts with no offensive skills (It's wvw, not a mounts v mounts mode.)

> > > >

> > > > Read what i wrote....

> > > >

> > > > it WOULD NOT BE THE CASE.... groups allready running arround with almost perma swiftness

> > > > so mounts on swiftness level speed barely would increase or reduce or change our travel times at all....

> > > >

> > > > so this is not an issue....

> > >

> > > Sorry man, you haven't played wvw enough to realize this would cause major lag.

> > >

> > > Other guy is right.

> >

> > lags happens from all the ability spam happening in group fights not from traveling jesus....


> Ok you clearly haven't played wvw enough. Lag happens when graphics are introduced at duplicate levels that most computers can't handle.

> I get that you want it, most longterm wvwers do not.



Server/internet lag wont happen from mounts traveling thats a given that happens when zergs crash with all those abilities and millions of stuff going around that overloads the servers + also fps lag


Fps lag the only thing that could happen while traveling with mounts servers and ability lag wont happen from that...

**but then get better PC dont punish people by not implementing gameplay stuff JUST because your PC cant handle it...its like the guy next door have only a windows 98 PC and he wants to play GW 2 so we nerf down everything to Supermario level.............**

OR Options graphic menu and set it a bit lower if you realy must play with a PC that cant handle it.... THATS the reason Options in all the games out there...


the lag your talking about seems like FPS lag...

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> @Zoltreez.6435 said:

> > @Blodeuyn.2751 said:

> > > @Zoltreez.6435 said:

> > > > @Blodeuyn.2751 said:

> > > > > @Zoltreez.6435 said:

> > > > > > @Blodeuyn.2751 said:

> > > > > > > @VaaCrow.3076 said:

> > > > > > > Look OP, everyone is entitled to an opinion, this is yours, stop trying to put words in people mouths, some people just do not want mounts in wvw, you need to accept that.

> > > > > >I just personally don't see any positive outcomes to implementing them in wvw.

> > > > >

> > > > > read the pros i wrote.

> > > >

> > > > I did, and I still don't prefer them in wvw. I'm just not that excited. Again, my opinion.

> > >

> > > thats an opinion thats fine no everyone likes mounts...

> > >

> > > but trying to make the community think and even the devs thats its a Super bad idea with arguments and reasons that are not true and have no standing just to take away an OPTION from players an option that is fun for allot of people that would also bring POSITIVE changes overall JUST because they oh mah god i HATE it so your not allowed to have it either is BS......

> >

> > Like I said, I won't cry if wvw gets mounts.

> >

> > Also, I don't think your pros are as pro as you make them out to be:

> >

> > Pros:

> > _1. helping out the classes that have SERIOUS mobility issues._

> > A: This might be true for getting from point a to b, but unintended consequences need to be mapped out. No way you can know this beforehand.

> > _2. Classes that are known for mobility example Thiefs would still be mobility kings or are you telling me you can get away from a thief by spamming swiftness boons ? lol_

> > A: OK, I understand your point that nothing will be "taken away" from current mobility builds. Just because mounts wouldn't affect x or y doesn't mean they should be in wvw.

> > _3. More freedom with Traits and utility skills and even weapon skill more freedom on builds ( not forced into speed traits and Swiftness utilities )_

> > A: For me, there is not one single thing I would change as a Tempest if mounts were in wvw. Same for my Firebrand and Warrior. Again, you need to map out the unintended consequences. SHOULD builds have more freedom? How does that affect balance?

> > _4. Devs might turn after these changes the movement speed traits and swiftness utilities into something way better and usefull for even more build diversity._

> > A: This is just a speculation, not a factual pro.

> >

> > > > @Strages.2950 said:

> > > > Most people dont want mounts in WvW. The visual clutter alone is a good enough reason. Why is it so hard for OP to understand that?

> > > We had an unofficial survey abouts mounts a few days ago. The last time I checked the thread the number of pro and con votes were 50:50.

> > >

> > > That's not what I would call "most people don't want...".

> > >

> > > Do you remember the Desert Borderlands introduction? "Most people" hated Desert Borderlands... until ANet checked this statement via survey where 75% voted FOR the map.

> >

> > 50/50 isn't "most people want" either. It is even.

> >

> > That DBL survey was NOT a choice. It was either keep the DBL or NEVER get new wvw maps. That's not a choice.

> >

> > > read the PROS i wrote.... **read the whole thing before commenting people....**

> > > thats just the list of how would i implement them...

> > > after that i list what WOULD change after it.....

> > >

> > > stop trying to Troll the topic it aint working.......

> >

> >

> > Having an opinion is not trolling. It is called having a discussion, and sometimes people won't agree with you.

> >

> > > **having mounts wont remove your builds or stop you to build that way people allready building and what your saying here**......

> > > it absolutly NOT removes anything from people just ADDS.

> > >

> > > it ONLY opens up for even more builds for people that prefer not to take all these movement traits and swiftness stuff..........

> > > right now there isnt realy an option your prety much FORCED into these utilities and traits in WvW... except classes that can literaly fart mobility lol

> > >

> > > with the changes and mounts you STILL can play like that but you are NOT forced into it....

> >

> > Again, you need to take in to consideration the consequences of changing builds. For example, do we need more condi? Nope.


> Your whole argument is about more option and build diversity eguals bad idea and balance issues ????


> WHAT ?????????????!!!!!!! just because YOU would not change anything on your classes that are one of the mobile ones to begin with lol

> does not mean that allot of people would also not change it...


> and on the condition part etc .... thats balancing issues and number issues not Build diversity issues....


Yes people may change their builds. They may not. There's more to it than that if you'd carefully consider our counterpoints.


My comments still stand. Your pros are not as pro as you make them out to be. You want mounts and will try to justify your opinion any way possible. I get it, I really do.


Build diversity is very much a balance issue. If you cannot foresee how build diversity can affect balance, well, that's your problem.


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> @Blodeuyn.2751 said:

> > @Zoltreez.6435 said:

> > > @Blodeuyn.2751 said:

> > > > @Zoltreez.6435 said:

> > > > > @Blodeuyn.2751 said:

> > > > > > @Zoltreez.6435 said:

> > > > > > > @Blodeuyn.2751 said:

> > > > > > > > @VaaCrow.3076 said:

> > > > > > > > Look OP, everyone is entitled to an opinion, this is yours, stop trying to put words in people mouths, some people just do not want mounts in wvw, you need to accept that.

> > > > > > >I just personally don't see any positive outcomes to implementing them in wvw.

> > > > > >

> > > > > > read the pros i wrote.

> > > > >

> > > > > I did, and I still don't prefer them in wvw. I'm just not that excited. Again, my opinion.

> > > >

> > > > thats an opinion thats fine no everyone likes mounts...

> > > >

> > > > but trying to make the community think and even the devs thats its a Super bad idea with arguments and reasons that are not true and have no standing just to take away an OPTION from players an option that is fun for allot of people that would also bring POSITIVE changes overall JUST because they oh mah god i HATE it so your not allowed to have it either is BS......

> > >

> > > Like I said, I won't cry if wvw gets mounts.

> > >

> > > Also, I don't think your pros are as pro as you make them out to be:

> > >

> > > Pros:

> > > _1. helping out the classes that have SERIOUS mobility issues._

> > > A: This might be true for getting from point a to b, but unintended consequences need to be mapped out. No way you can know this beforehand.

> > > _2. Classes that are known for mobility example Thiefs would still be mobility kings or are you telling me you can get away from a thief by spamming swiftness boons ? lol_

> > > A: OK, I understand your point that nothing will be "taken away" from current mobility builds. Just because mounts wouldn't affect x or y doesn't mean they should be in wvw.

> > > _3. More freedom with Traits and utility skills and even weapon skill more freedom on builds ( not forced into speed traits and Swiftness utilities )_

> > > A: For me, there is not one single thing I would change as a Tempest if mounts were in wvw. Same for my Firebrand and Warrior. Again, you need to map out the unintended consequences. SHOULD builds have more freedom? How does that affect balance?

> > > _4. Devs might turn after these changes the movement speed traits and swiftness utilities into something way better and usefull for even more build diversity._

> > > A: This is just a speculation, not a factual pro.

> > >

> > > > > @Strages.2950 said:

> > > > > Most people dont want mounts in WvW. The visual clutter alone is a good enough reason. Why is it so hard for OP to understand that?

> > > > We had an unofficial survey abouts mounts a few days ago. The last time I checked the thread the number of pro and con votes were 50:50.

> > > >

> > > > That's not what I would call "most people don't want...".

> > > >

> > > > Do you remember the Desert Borderlands introduction? "Most people" hated Desert Borderlands... until ANet checked this statement via survey where 75% voted FOR the map.

> > >

> > > 50/50 isn't "most people want" either. It is even.

> > >

> > > That DBL survey was NOT a choice. It was either keep the DBL or NEVER get new wvw maps. That's not a choice.

> > >

> > > > read the PROS i wrote.... **read the whole thing before commenting people....**

> > > > thats just the list of how would i implement them...

> > > > after that i list what WOULD change after it.....

> > > >

> > > > stop trying to Troll the topic it aint working.......

> > >

> > >

> > > Having an opinion is not trolling. It is called having a discussion, and sometimes people won't agree with you.

> > >

> > > > **having mounts wont remove your builds or stop you to build that way people allready building and what your saying here**......

> > > > it absolutly NOT removes anything from people just ADDS.

> > > >

> > > > it ONLY opens up for even more builds for people that prefer not to take all these movement traits and swiftness stuff..........

> > > > right now there isnt realy an option your prety much FORCED into these utilities and traits in WvW... except classes that can literaly fart mobility lol

> > > >

> > > > with the changes and mounts you STILL can play like that but you are NOT forced into it....

> > >

> > > Again, you need to take in to consideration the consequences of changing builds. For example, do we need more condi? Nope.

> >

> > Your whole argument is about more option and build diversity eguals bad idea and balance issues ????

> >

> > WHAT ?????????????!!!!!!! just because YOU would not change anything on your classes that are one of the mobile ones to begin with lol

> > does not mean that allot of people would also not change it...

> >

> > and on the condition part etc .... thats balancing issues and number issues not Build diversity issues....


> Yes people may change their builds. They may not. There's more to it than that if you'd carefully consider our counterpoints.


> My comments still stand. Your pros are not as pro as you make them out to be. You want mounts and will try to justify your opinion any way possible. I get it, I really do.


> Build diversity is very much a balance issue. If you cannot foresee how build diversity can affect balance, well, that's your problem.


Those that not change did not get effected those that change got More options now and happy Win-Win


Build diversity does effect Balance but changing 1-2 traits and utility skills from swiftness and movement speed to something else by the player during WvW wont break the game...

some people allready DOING it ... did it break something ? yeah i tought so... if it would be THAT big of a prob and broken strong your making out to be then everyone would have long switched of from their Utility and movement speed stuff to these SO called broken Ability and trait combo stuff your saying but thats not the case because thats NOT TRUE...


**this issue your trying to build your argument on DOES NOT EXIST**

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> @Zoltreez.6435 said:

> > @Shirlias.8104 said:

> > > @Zoltreez.6435 said:

> > > **-Dissable all abilities on mounts.

> > > -make it insantly dissmount you the moment you get in any kind of combat

> > > -Swiftness runing speed max

> > > -make it usable everywhere ( its just a cool looking perm swiftness buff after all )**

> >

> > So, there will be no difference at all with the current situation, but the fact that you want to see mounts into wvw.

> > Not that good proposal.

> >


> read the PROS i wrote.... **read the whole thing before commenting people....**

> thats just the list of how would i implement them...

> after that i list what WOULD change after it.....


> stop trying to Troll the topic it aint working.......


There are no pros dude.


The pros you wrote down are simply a try to push on "bringing the mounts into wvw".

And don't say other ppl are trolls why you are the real one.


But let us quote your "pros"



1. helping out the classes that have SERIOUS mobility issues.

2. Classes that are known for mobility example Thiefs would still be mobility kings or are you telling me you can get away from a thief by spamming swiftness boons ? lol

3. More freedom with Traits and utility skills and even weapon skill more freedom on builds ( not forced into speed traits and Swiftness utilities )

4. Devs might turn after these changes the movement speed traits and swiftness utilities into something way better and usefull for even more build diversity.



1. swiftness related, and related to ppl who does not want to play wvw in group ( and probably bad roamers )

2. And then? it's like you said "cmon dudes, they will only give swiftness... classes with rogue will always outrun you". So what's the point in bringin mounts if there's already a swiftness spam?

3. You are not forced. You trade movement for dmg or something else. It's something called "make the build you like". I'd like to take different traits with my thief, but i prefer to bring a balanced build instead. but everybody can chose its own build.

4. With all the problems which afflict wvw devs would work on swiftness traits and bring mounts just cause reasons? really?


They should work on balance and lag fixes instead.

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> @Shirlias.8104 said:

> > @Zoltreez.6435 said:

> > > @Shirlias.8104 said:

> > > > @Zoltreez.6435 said:

> > > > **-Dissable all abilities on mounts.

> > > > -make it insantly dissmount you the moment you get in any kind of combat

> > > > -Swiftness runing speed max

> > > > -make it usable everywhere ( its just a cool looking perm swiftness buff after all )**

> > >

> > > So, there will be no difference at all with the current situation, but the fact that you want to see mounts into wvw.

> > > Not that good proposal.

> > >

> >

> > read the PROS i wrote.... **read the whole thing before commenting people....**

> > thats just the list of how would i implement them...

> > after that i list what WOULD change after it.....

> >

> > stop trying to Troll the topic it aint working.......


> There are no pros dude.


> The pros you wrote down are simply a try to push on "bringing the mounts into wvw".

> And don't say other ppl are trolls why you are the real one.


your calling me a troll when betwin the 2 of us im the one with a valid argument here...


that you trying to shut down with a typical troll post that only contains a drawn out 'NAH you wrong' reply with 0 valid argument againts mine.

your not even trying here......


also lets stay on Topic with the Mounts.....

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> Those that not change did not get effected those that change got More options now and happy Win-Win


> Build diversity does effect Balance but changing 1-2 traits and utility skills from swiftness and movement speed to something else by the player during WvW wont break the game...

> some people allready DOING it ... did it break something ? yeah i tought so... if it would be THAT big of a prob and broken strong your making out to be then everyone would have long switched of from their Utility and movement speed stuff to these SO called broken Ability and trait combo stuff your saying but thats not the case because thats NOT TRUE...


> **this issue your trying to build your argument on DOES NOT EXIST**


That makes no sense. So now you say build diversity DOES affect balance? Do you even read what you write?


_"some people allready DOING it ... did it break something ? yeah i tought so... if it would be THAT big of a prob and broken strong your making out to be then everyone would have long switched of from their Utility and movement speed stuff to these SO called broken Ability and trait combo stuff your saying but thats not the case because thats NOT TRUE..."_


You don't get it, so I am moving on. Best of luck with your future arguments.

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