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WvW needs gear stat grind (hear me out) ya i know


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SO this must be awkward given my last posts, but if people dont want a balanced stat system in wvw maybe they should just go all in and make ranks give you more stats or such, If wvw is supposed to be unbalnced and gear dependent i think it would be best if they go all in (member how good it felt when you grinded out the vs guard stats for extra powr and vit)


1) most mmos that have popular battlegrounds have unbalanced stats, player probably stick around because they get more powerful the more they play thus creating a really cool "ancient vampire" like power feedback loop

2) how cool would it be if you had your core old school dudes able to fight off much bigger numbers because you put in the time

3) currently teh system discourages new players (they have to grind for optimal stats) and doese not really reward old players

4) this would make coming across a dimond player and such like oh snap its gunna get real

5) this may encourge crazy broken over the limit builds that wouldnt be able to exist in a normal climate

6) it would make wvw hilariously fun

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> @"Queen Anastasia.7103" said:

> These threads of yours are very entertaining.


> Please make a public poll for the next one!


look wvw kinda sucks now, i just wish anet would go one way or another, either go super balanced and make it skill based only or make it full gear power fanatsy. this midling crap obviously is doing nobody any favors

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In favrit game black dessert online very immersible game as well u fish 2 make money and lots of exp too u can do this AFK to respect your time


WvW Anet can take lesson from perl abyss bdo and you afk in wvw to lvl up and get stats bigly compared to noobs for sens of pride and accomplish like wat u get from kill a bunnch of gard at camp

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> @"Warkind.6745" said:

> In favrit game black dessert online very immersible game as well u fish 2 make money and lots of exp too u can do this AFK to respect your time


> WvW Anet can take lesson from perl abyss bdo and you afk in wvw to lvl up and get stats bigly compared to noobs for sens of pride and accomplish like wat u get from kill a bunnch of gard at camp


sorry my dude ima gunna ask you to clean up that idk what your point is?

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They (OP) want the gear grind that permeates Korean MMOs along with chance to fail enchanting weapons or something.


The whole reason many people play GW2 is the "fashion wars" rather than gear grind. I was against ascended armor when it came out and this idea of people with _way_ more time getting ahead of others in a competitive game mode is detrimental to their playerbase


Before there was defense against guards stacks that gave a stat advantage in WvW , that was removed. I highly doubt they would reintroduce a stat advantage.

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Apparently someone didn't like my joke post.

Well here's a real answer.


There is already a great imbalance with damage and skills and stats and there's no class roles for stat restrictions like other games, and gear stats are open for every class you play. We don't need to encourage even more crazy broken builds, I've already seen near invincible elementalist, druids, firebrands, ghost thieves, broken one shot skills including a deadeye that can still hit for 17k death's judgement on someone having 3k armor. We don't need no lifers to also gain the ability to grind out more stats than everyone so that every skill on their bar becomes one shot skills while being able to walk around like gods barely taking a dent in their hitpoints. Also grinding out guard stacks never felt good, it felt really annoying having to run around looking for guards to kill.


This would make wvw hilarious bad and chase even more people away, and leave it to the no life gods with no one but themselves to yawn at each other.


Is this on topic enough?

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1) It's a forum you should you know discuss, this post is alot better than usual x is broke. You don't have to agree with it but you should you dicuss or ignore. (If you ignore the post will be burried under the usual wvw complaints)


2) people don't seem to want wvw to be balanced. When I brought up a amulet system people kept complaining about that no they grinded for those stats. What I'm saying wvw should be either or, balanced or extremely unbalanced. The current system pushes newer players away (they need to grind (would literally take at the very least a week for a new player hell even pve players would need to grind a second set which depending on bank level would at the very least take hours if not a day or too, and dosnt really reward veterans except for the few skins that where put in this past year.)



Alot of those builds save for ghost thief are that way because the stats are so extreme in wvw the numbers kind of brake the game now. Those builds are extremely less effective in PvP because there is a stat reduction thus reigning in stats. Also alot of core traits/skills have been power crept.


Anyways tell me how can they balance wvw when they can't control the stats, runes, sigils?

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> @"Infusion.7149" said:

> They (OP) want the gear grind that permeates Korean MMOs along with chance to fail enchanting weapons or something.


> The whole reason many people play GW2 is the "fashion wars" rather than gear grind. I was against ascended armor when it came out and this idea of people with _way_ more time getting ahead of others in a competitive game mode is detrimental to their playerbase


> Before there was defense against guards stacks that gave a stat advantage in WvW , that was removed. I highly doubt they would reintroduce a stat advantage.


I doubt they would introduce it either but it's fun for me to think on. Especially sense people seem to be so against the amulet system since the common complaint is no I grinded for legendary armour. What I'm saying is they should either a) reign in the stats for a truly balanced wvw or b) go all in on the grind and give players a power fantasy.


Wvw is already hurting (t1 even feels like t4 nowadays) so I'd be up for them trying something new for 6 years it's been dying and everyone is always against change lol remember the gliding debacle?

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> @"derd.6413" said:

> the game mode is poorly balanced so let's break it completely so it can live on as a meme.


> memes have the lifespan of about 4 hours these days, so let's not


Okay so why are people so against an amulet system? It would go far in helping balance the game mode. Fights are of way better quality in PvP and theres way more builds it just sucks cause it's focused around point rotation and you have to wait to que and play with randoms

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> @"Eleazar.9478" said:

> Alot of those builds save for ghost thief are that way because the stats are so extreme in wvw the numbers kind of brake the game now. Those builds are extremely less effective in PvP because there is a stat reduction thus reigning in stats.


Stats are a very minor reason as to why balance is non-existent in WvW.


The classes/combat were designed and balanced around 5v5 conquest (and nowadays also raids), when you put them into WvW many things either become pretty useless or become very OP simply because they were not designed for the situations you find in WvW.


For example it isn't stats that have made engy, ranger, etc weak in large scale for 6 years it is things like having lots of projectiles on skills, a core mechanic like a pet, things like flamethrower/nades that trigger retal to silly levels in a zerg, etc that work fine for what they were designed for (PvP), but are very weak in WvW large scale.


Same thing with roaming, high mobility and stealth are broken OP in roaming because it lets players too easily disengage and breaks the rule of risk vs reward. Where as for what the game was designed around - PvP conquest they are balanced by the game mode as if you 'run away" there you get punished for it by losing the capture point.


So unless after 6 years Anet are suddenly going to start designing and balancing classes / mechanics for WvW rather then virtually ignoring it in those regards, then nothing is going to change, you could have amulets in WvW and balance would still be complete garbage, because stats aren't the big problem.


And then even if Anet wanted to, really they couldn't, you can't design/balance this game for 3 game modes (then for different things like zerging vs roaming within it), the only way you can do that is with a very strict trait/skill/weapon system that basically forces completely separate builds for different game modes, somehow I doubt Anet are going to revamp their entire system for that.



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> @"Eleazar.9478" said:

> > @"derd.6413" said:

> > the game mode is poorly balanced so let's break it completely so it can live on as a meme.

> >

> > memes have the lifespan of about 4 hours these days, so let's not


> Okay so why are people so against an amulet system? It would go far in helping balance the game mode. Fights are of way better quality in PvP and theres way more builds it just sucks cause it's focused around point rotation and you have to wait to que and play with randoms


because you'd be taking away the "reward" ppl have/had been working for which will just anger them and cause them to leave. and secondly: an amulet system wouldn't change the balance in wvw that much. (the more builds isn't because of the amulet system but just the game mode and general balance)

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> @"derd.6413" said:

> > @"Eleazar.9478" said:

> > > @"derd.6413" said:

> > > the game mode is poorly balanced so let's break it completely so it can live on as a meme.

> > >

> > > memes have the lifespan of about 4 hours these days, so let's not

> >

> > Okay so why are people so against an amulet system? It would go far in helping balance the game mode. Fights are of way better quality in PvP and theres way more builds it just sucks cause it's focused around point rotation and you have to wait to que and play with randoms


> because you'd be taking away the "reward" ppl have/had been working for which will just anger them and cause them to leave. and secondly: an amulet system wouldn't change the balance in wvw that much. (the more builds isn't because of the amulet system but just the game mode and general balance)


1) the game mode is so dead anyways


2) Well why are PvP fights so much better and why does PvP have wayyy more builds than wvw l. Stats would change alot it would reign in the extreme builds and create downsides to choosing certain things. Wvw could even have it's own stat sets too!

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> @"Eleazar.9478" said:

> > @"derd.6413" said:

> > > @"Eleazar.9478" said:

> > > > @"derd.6413" said:

> > > > the game mode is poorly balanced so let's break it completely so it can live on as a meme.

> > > >

> > > > memes have the lifespan of about 4 hours these days, so let's not

> > >

> > > Okay so why are people so against an amulet system? It would go far in helping balance the game mode. Fights are of way better quality in PvP and theres way more builds it just sucks cause it's focused around point rotation and you have to wait to que and play with randoms

> >

> > because you'd be taking away the "reward" ppl have/had been working for which will just anger them and cause them to leave. and secondly: an amulet system wouldn't change the balance in wvw that much. (the more builds isn't because of the amulet system but just the game mode and general balance)


> 1) the game mode is so dead anyways


> 2) Well why are PvP fights so much better and why does PvP have wayyy more builds than wvw l. Stats would change alot it would reign in the extreme builds and create downsides to choosing certain things. Wvw could even have it's own stat sets too!


1) don't give me that meme response


2) because wvw requires different balance then spvp and anet doesn't seem to have caught on to this yet. plus the powercreap that's been building up in game.

an amulet system in wvw wouldn't address any of the actual balance issues in wvw but what it might accomplish is have ppl ragequit wvw because the armor they've been working for became moot and tells them that anet doesn't know what the actual differences are between wvw and spvp since they're trying to turn wvw more into spvp. (aka WvW needs to become less like sPvP, not more but at the same time that doesn't mean you need to kill the mode outright)

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> @"zinkz.7045" said:

> > @"Eleazar.9478" said:

> > Alot of those builds save for ghost thief are that way because the stats are so extreme in wvw the numbers kind of brake the game now. Those builds are extremely less effective in PvP because there is a stat reduction thus reigning in stats.


> Not really, the stats are a very minor reason as to why balance is non-existent in WvW.


> The classes/combat were designed and balanced around 5v5 conquest (and nowadays also raids), when you put them into WvW many things either become pretty useless or become very OP simply because they were not designed for the situations you find in WvW.


> For example it isn't stats that have made engy, ranger, etc weak in large scale for 6 years it is things like having lots of projectiles on skills, a core mechanic like a pet, things like flamethrower/nades that trigger retal to silly levels in a zerg, etc that work fine for what they were designed for (PvP), but are very weak in WvW large scale.


> Same thing with roaming, high mobility and stealth are broken OP in roaming because it lets players too easily disengage and breaks the rule of risk vs reward. Where as for what the game was designed around - PvP conquest they are balanced by the game mode as if you 'run away" there you get punished for it by losing the capture point.


> So unless after 6 years Anet are suddenly going to start designing and balancing classes / mechanics for WvW rather then virtually ignoring it in those regards, then nothing is going to change, you could have amulets in WvW and balance would still be complete garbage, because stats aren't the big problem.


> And then even if Anet wanted to, really they couldn't, you can't design/balance for 3 game modes (then for different things like zerging vs roaming within it), the only way you can do that is with a very strict trait/skill/weapon system that basically forces completely separate builds for different game modes, somehow I doubt Anet are going to revamp their entire system for that.




Stats have totally made wvw,for roaming you go super tanky generally or 1shot for example try going into PvP with a one shot build the second you face compentant players it's over why cause your kit hits waay less. There's a reason why everyone and their mother runs boon runes stats matter. Another example you can hit just as hard if not harder in wvw as a hybrid stat as a pvper running full dps. The health of classes don't change so thus right there it creates an imbalance.


zergs are just minstrel zerker trailblazers you can only do alot of comps because of extreme stats. And it's insane the damage you can do in wvw vs PvP try it run your build and just try on a golem or Ina match it's crazy


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> @"Eleazar.9478" said:

> > @"Queen Anastasia.7103" said:

> > These threads of yours are very entertaining.

> >

> > Please make a public poll for the next one!


> look wvw kinda sucks now, i just wish anet would go one way or another, either go super balanced and make it skill based only or make it full gear power fanatsy. this midling kitten obviously is doing nobody any favors


Speak for yourself please. There are a lot of people that like the way WvW is and don't want changes like you mention.

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> @"derd.6413" said:

> > @"Eleazar.9478" said:

> > > @"derd.6413" said:

> > > > @"Eleazar.9478" said:

> > > > > @"derd.6413" said:

> > > > > the game mode is poorly balanced so let's break it completely so it can live on as a meme.

> > > > >

> > > > > memes have the lifespan of about 4 hours these days, so let's not

> > > >

> > > > Okay so why are people so against an amulet system? It would go far in helping balance the game mode. Fights are of way better quality in PvP and theres way more builds it just sucks cause it's focused around point rotation and you have to wait to que and play with randoms

> > >

> > > because you'd be taking away the "reward" ppl have/had been working for which will just anger them and cause them to leave. and secondly: an amulet system wouldn't change the balance in wvw that much. (the more builds isn't because of the amulet system but just the game mode and general balance)

> >

> > 1) the game mode is so dead anyways

> >

> > 2) Well why are PvP fights so much better and why does PvP have wayyy more builds than wvw l. Stats would change alot it would reign in the extreme builds and create downsides to choosing certain things. Wvw could even have it's own stat sets too!


> 1) don't give me that meme response


> 2) because wvw requires different balance then spvp and anet doesn't seem to have caught on to this yet. plus the powercreap that's been building up in game.

> an amulet system in wvw wouldn't address any of the actual balance issues in wvw but what it might accomplish is have ppl ragequit wvw because the armor they've been working for became moot and tells them that anet doesn't know what the actual differences are between wvw and spvp since they're trying to turn wvw more into spvp.


1) dude when there's not anything new to get wvw is literally a ghost town, it's rare even on t1 to see map ques. Hell I've run around ebg and not see any group out of a small zerg. Gone are tags and entire server communities. Hopefully next week the mount will bring a population boost the game mode needs it


2) there's definitely merit to that (I grinded all of my shit out through PvP and wvw) but the fights really feel bad when I compare it to spvp tanky builds are wayy too tanky dps builds can more than 1 shot you. The fights in wvw for a long time kept me engaged but now I get bored and just go back to PvP. Team fights duels everything just feels so much better I just am tired of point rotation (sense it means there's gonna come a point in the game when I'm just waiting (capping) and not activly fighting) and my elo always puts me against plat players even in unranked so it's always full sweat I miss being able to go full meta try hard havoc and then go chill roaming.

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> @"Eleazar.9478" said:

> > @"derd.6413" said:

> > > @"Eleazar.9478" said:

> > > > @"derd.6413" said:

> > > > > @"Eleazar.9478" said:

> > > > > > @"derd.6413" said:

> > > > > > the game mode is poorly balanced so let's break it completely so it can live on as a meme.

> > > > > >

> > > > > > memes have the lifespan of about 4 hours these days, so let's not

> > > > >

> > > > > Okay so why are people so against an amulet system? It would go far in helping balance the game mode. Fights are of way better quality in PvP and theres way more builds it just sucks cause it's focused around point rotation and you have to wait to que and play with randoms

> > > >

> > > > because you'd be taking away the "reward" ppl have/had been working for which will just anger them and cause them to leave. and secondly: an amulet system wouldn't change the balance in wvw that much. (the more builds isn't because of the amulet system but just the game mode and general balance)

> > >

> > > 1) the game mode is so dead anyways

> > >

> > > 2) Well why are PvP fights so much better and why does PvP have wayyy more builds than wvw l. Stats would change alot it would reign in the extreme builds and create downsides to choosing certain things. Wvw could even have it's own stat sets too!

> >

> > 1) don't give me that meme response

> >

> > 2) because wvw requires different balance then spvp and anet doesn't seem to have caught on to this yet. plus the powercreap that's been building up in game.

> > an amulet system in wvw wouldn't address any of the actual balance issues in wvw but what it might accomplish is have ppl ragequit wvw because the armor they've been working for became moot and tells them that anet doesn't know what the actual differences are between wvw and spvp since they're trying to turn wvw more into spvp.


> 1) dude when there's not anything new to get wvw is literally a ghost town, it's rare even on t1 to see map ques. Hell I've run around ebg and not see any group out of a small zerg. Gone are tags and entire server communities. Hopefully next week the mount will bring a population boost the game mode needs it


> 2) there's definitely merit to that (I grinded all of my kitten out through PvP and wvw) but the fights really feel bad when I compare it to spvp tanky builds are wayy too tanky dps builds can more than 1 shot you. The fights in wvw for a long time kept me engaged but now I get bored and just go back to PvP. Team fights duels everything just feels so much better I just am tired of point rotation (sense it means there's gonna come a point in the game when I'm just waiting (capping) and not activly fighting) and my elo always puts me against plat players even in unranked so it's always full sweat I miss being able to go full meta try hard havoc and then go chill roaming.


and none of that is because wvw uses gear instead of amulets but because anet balances WvW around sPvP instead of around WvW

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> @"oOStaticOo.9467" said:

> > @"Eleazar.9478" said:

> > > @"Queen Anastasia.7103" said:

> > > These threads of yours are very entertaining.

> > >

> > > Please make a public poll for the next one!

> >

> > look wvw kinda sucks now, i just wish anet would go one way or another, either go super balanced and make it skill based only or make it full gear power fanatsy. this midling kitten obviously is doing nobody any favors


> Speak for yourself please. There are a lot of people that like the way WvW is and don't want changes like you mention.


Can't make everyone happy and some people just don't understand. The majority of those who responded in the OP's threads are against an ammy system and have provided different valid evidence as to why, however it's being shrugged off due to "not understanding"


I personally am against ammy system in WvW and it appears they are speaking more for themselves than the WvW community.

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> @"oOStaticOo.9467" said:

> > @"Eleazar.9478" said:

> > > @"Queen Anastasia.7103" said:

> > > These threads of yours are very entertaining.

> > >

> > > Please make a public poll for the next one!

> >

> > look wvw kinda sucks now, i just wish anet would go one way or another, either go super balanced and make it skill based only or make it full gear power fanatsy. this midling kitten obviously is doing nobody any favors


> Speak for yourself please. There are a lot of people that like the way WvW is and don't want changes like you mention.


I am it's a forum and my post so imo as the cool kids say. And I'm trying to think of ways for the game mode to draw new players and maybe bring back old ones. Honestly I don't have alot of love for the current players, any change is met with toxic fireballs usually it's okay this or GTFO, there's no more pick teams, or havoc, or fight guilds. I'm really hoping next week brings in more players cause the game mode is objectivly suffering

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> @"Eleazar.9478" said:

> SO this must be awkward given my last posts, but if people dont want a balanced stat system in wvw maybe they should just go all in and make ranks give you more stats or such, If wvw is supposed to be unbalnced and gear dependent i think it would be best if they go all in (member how good it felt when you grinded out the vs guard stats for extra powr and vit)


> 1) most mmos that have popular battlegrounds have unbalanced stats, player probably stick around because they get more powerful the more they play thus creating a really cool "ancient vampire" like power feedback loop

> 2) how cool would it be if you had your core old school dudes able to fight off much bigger numbers because you put in the time

> 3) currently teh system discourages new players (they have to grind for optimal stats) and doese not really reward old players

> 4) this would make coming across a dimond player and such like oh snap its gunna get real

> 5) this may encourge crazy broken over the limit builds that wouldnt be able to exist in a normal climate

> 6) it would make wvw hilariously fun


1. Comparing it to WoW: It was never fun for me to kill green geared people in BGs while wearing full Arena gear. If someone was more geared than me, i didn't think it was "cool" that he could 2 shot me, it just made me feel bad for being undergeared and holding my team back

2. Not cool at all, if i couldn't kill someone in a 10v1 just because he has "better stats", and not "better skill", i would just go ahead and quit the game because i can't catch up.

3. This new system would discourage new players even more, because they have to grind ranks for optimal stats. How do they do that? By fighting those with higher stats and getting one-shot? Bad idea. Veterans are already rewarded by having more skill than new players.

4. It wouldn't be "oh snap", it would be "why even bother, just going to waypoint away"

5. Crazy broken builds are only fun for the person using them, they destroy gameplay balance

6. No, it would scare away new players with "lesser stats/builds", and create a situation where the only people playing are those with "op-builds".


In my honest opinion this is a bad idea.


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> @"Raknar.4735" said:

> > @"Eleazar.9478" said:

> > SO this must be awkward given my last posts, but if people dont want a balanced stat system in wvw maybe they should just go all in and make ranks give you more stats or such, If wvw is supposed to be unbalnced and gear dependent i think it would be best if they go all in (member how good it felt when you grinded out the vs guard stats for extra powr and vit)

> >

> > 1) most mmos that have popular battlegrounds have unbalanced stats, player probably stick around because they get more powerful the more they play thus creating a really cool "ancient vampire" like power feedback loop

> > 2) how cool would it be if you had your core old school dudes able to fight off much bigger numbers because you put in the time

> > 3) currently teh system discourages new players (they have to grind for optimal stats) and doese not really reward old players

> > 4) this would make coming across a dimond player and such like oh snap its gunna get real

> > 5) this may encourge crazy broken over the limit builds that wouldnt be able to exist in a normal climate

> > 6) it would make wvw hilariously fun


> 1. Comparing it to WoW: It was never fun for me to kill green geared people in BGs while wearing full Arena gear. If someone was more geared than me, i didn't think it was "cool" that he could 2 shot me, it just made me feel bad for being undergeared and holding my team back

> 2. Not cool at all, if i couldn't kill someone in a 10v1 just because he has "better stats", and not "better skill", i would just go ahead and quit the game because i can't catch up.

> 3. This new system would discourage new players even more, because they have to grind ranks for optimal stats. How do they do that? By fighting those with higher stats and getting one-shot? Bad idea. Veterans are already rewarded by having more skill than new players.

> 4. It wouldn't be "oh snap", it would be "why even bother, just going to waypoint away"

> 5. Crazy broken builds are only fun for the person using them, they destroy gameplay balance

> 6. No, it would scare away new players with "lesser stats/builds", and create a situation where the only people playing are those with "op-builds".


> In my honest opinion this is an overall bad idea.


For the most part I actually agree with hence my other post how ever those other games seem to have thriving populations in their battle grounds while ours is really struggling (hoping this week brings in new blood)

However I think it would be a good idea if wvw went either extremely balanced with stats reigned in or extremely unbalanced with power gear fantasy the current system just I think imo is not working it's a barrier to entry for newer players (have to grind for at least hours if not days) and wvw ranks really don't mean much outside you use siege a little bit better, not a whole lot of incentive to keep playing

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> @"Eleazar.9478" said:

> > @"Raknar.4735" said:

> > > @"Eleazar.9478" said:

> > > SO this must be awkward given my last posts, but if people dont want a balanced stat system in wvw maybe they should just go all in and make ranks give you more stats or such, If wvw is supposed to be unbalnced and gear dependent i think it would be best if they go all in (member how good it felt when you grinded out the vs guard stats for extra powr and vit)

> > >

> > > 1) most mmos that have popular battlegrounds have unbalanced stats, player probably stick around because they get more powerful the more they play thus creating a really cool "ancient vampire" like power feedback loop

> > > 2) how cool would it be if you had your core old school dudes able to fight off much bigger numbers because you put in the time

> > > 3) currently teh system discourages new players (they have to grind for optimal stats) and doese not really reward old players

> > > 4) this would make coming across a dimond player and such like oh snap its gunna get real

> > > 5) this may encourge crazy broken over the limit builds that wouldnt be able to exist in a normal climate

> > > 6) it would make wvw hilariously fun

> >

> > 1. Comparing it to WoW: It was never fun for me to kill green geared people in BGs while wearing full Arena gear. If someone was more geared than me, i didn't think it was "cool" that he could 2 shot me, it just made me feel bad for being undergeared and holding my team back

> > 2. Not cool at all, if i couldn't kill someone in a 10v1 just because he has "better stats", and not "better skill", i would just go ahead and quit the game because i can't catch up.

> > 3. This new system would discourage new players even more, because they have to grind ranks for optimal stats. How do they do that? By fighting those with higher stats and getting one-shot? Bad idea. Veterans are already rewarded by having more skill than new players.

> > 4. It wouldn't be "oh snap", it would be "why even bother, just going to waypoint away"

> > 5. Crazy broken builds are only fun for the person using them, they destroy gameplay balance

> > 6. No, it would scare away new players with "lesser stats/builds", and create a situation where the only people playing are those with "op-builds".

> >

> > In my honest opinion this is an overall bad idea.

> >

> For the most part I actually agree with hence my other post how ever those other games seem to have thriving populations in their battle grounds while ours is really struggling (hoping this week brings in new blood)

> However I think it would be a good idea if wvw went either extremely balanced with stats reigned in or extremely unbalanced with power gear fantasy the current system just I think imo is not working it's a barrier to entry for newer players (have to grind for at least hours if not days) and wvw ranks really don't mean much outside you use siege a little bit better, not a whole lot of incentive to keep playing


Reigned in stats via amulets would kill build variety. I can only speak for Revs here, but there are way more WvW builds with "personality" by mixing stats than SPvP builds. (Examples: Obelix Ventari Roamer, Helly/Hobo's Hybrid Rev, Justine's Glasscannon Backbreaker Rev)


I don't think the main problem of WvW balance are the stats, it mostly has to do with class balance and overloaded kits.

Some classes are better for Zerging (Rev, Guardian, Necro), others are better for roaming (Thief, Mesmer, Ranger). Of course i would prefer it if every class would be "atleast good" for both gameplay styles, but amulets wouldn't change that. It has to do with what each class has to offer.


I'm not sure if the amulet system would actually "lower" the barrier of entry, since it is already pretty low (Atleast for public zergs).


The incentive to keep playing WvW should be that it is a fun gamemode, not ranking up or getting better stats. (Though Rewards could be better!)

About the ranks not offering much: I can't really say how useful they are, since i'm not a full-time WvW player, so my opinion on them would not help.

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> @"Eleazar.9478" said:

> > @"zinkz.7045" said:

> > > @"Eleazar.9478" said:

> > > Alot of those builds save for ghost thief are that way because the stats are so extreme in wvw the numbers kind of brake the game now. Those builds are extremely less effective in PvP because there is a stat reduction thus reigning in stats.

> >

> > Not really, the stats are a very minor reason as to why balance is non-existent in WvW.

> >

> > The classes/combat were designed and balanced around 5v5 conquest (and nowadays also raids), when you put them into WvW many things either become pretty useless or become very OP simply because they were not designed for the situations you find in WvW.

> >

> > For example it isn't stats that have made engy, ranger, etc weak in large scale for 6 years it is things like having lots of projectiles on skills, a core mechanic like a pet, things like flamethrower/nades that trigger retal to silly levels in a zerg, etc that work fine for what they were designed for (PvP), but are very weak in WvW large scale.

> >

> > Same thing with roaming, high mobility and stealth are broken OP in roaming because it lets players too easily disengage and breaks the rule of risk vs reward. Where as for what the game was designed around - PvP conquest they are balanced by the game mode as if you 'run away" there you get punished for it by losing the capture point.

> >

> > So unless after 6 years Anet are suddenly going to start designing and balancing classes / mechanics for WvW rather then virtually ignoring it in those regards, then nothing is going to change, you could have amulets in WvW and balance would still be complete garbage, because stats aren't the big problem.

> >

> > And then even if Anet wanted to, really they couldn't, you can't design/balance for 3 game modes (then for different things like zerging vs roaming within it), the only way you can do that is with a very strict trait/skill/weapon system that basically forces completely separate builds for different game modes, somehow I doubt Anet are going to revamp their entire system for that.

> >

> >


> Stats have totally made wvw,for roaming you go super tanky generally or 1shot for example try going into PvP with a one shot build the second you face compentant players it's over why cause your kit hits waay less. There's a reason why everyone and their mother runs boon runes stats matter. Another example you can hit just as hard if not harder in wvw as a hybrid stat as a pvper running full dps. The health of classes don't change so thus right there it creates an imbalance.


> zergs are just minstrel zerker trailblazers you can only do alot of comps because of extreme stats. And it's insane the damage you can do in wvw vs PvP try it run your build and just try on a golem or Ina match it's crazy



You missed the point.


If you added amulets tomorrow mirage for example would still be OP for roaming and zergs would still be full of scourges / revs / firebrands, because the garbage balance in WvW is mainly down to class skills / traits / mechanics and essentially that they are designed around PvP / PvE raids whilst WvW is barely considered, not stats.

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