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Are Scourges a joke Anet?

Harry Foud.1935

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So you made a class with way too much support and dmg combined, huge aoe, incredible zoning and mobility. Why? This is not balanced at all. You cant melee them cause u get so much of conditions is pointless to try to cleanse them. And u cant range them cause they just portal to you and dmg with their huge locked aoe. GJ Anet. Keep it up. Next time make a class that throws a cage on you have The Rock hitting you in it.

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> @"Harry Foud.1935" said:

> So you made a class with way too much support and dmg combined, huge aoe, incredible zoning and mobility.


I'm amazed that you never encountered tempests, revenants, mesmers, druids... etc.


> And u cant range them cause they just portal to you and dmg with their huge locked aoe. GJ Anet. Keep it up.


Wow... I know that this is a first for players to see a necromancer with a movement skill but I didn't think that it would have such an impact. Thiefs can do that since day one, don't you perhaps have any counter to thiefs?


Now let's take a step back and look objectively at the scourge. A scourge is strong against characters that depend a lot on boons and character that use condi builds. It does have limited mobility, few way to survive and is extremly weak against CC. The support is laughable outside of WvW zergs.


Bait the teleport and dodge, CC him and pew pew him to death. The counter to scourge is as hard as doing this.


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> @"Harry Foud.1935" said:

> too much support ... and mobility.




> @Ryouzanpaku.1273 said:

> L2P issue - ranged is pretty much hard counter for Scourge (well played ranged to be specific :)


Actually, with Manifest and Sand Savant you get 1200 range on Shades. Also, there's even more range on staff, so most of the time you can out-range ranged classes as Scourge. Or just line of sight.

So yeah... "l2p - ranged is hard counter". Irony.


Btw, even though OP obviously doesn't know what he's talking about, he's right about one thing: Scourge's damage and condi pressure is stupid overpowered, and everyone who tries to defend it is either ignorant or in denial.


Remember how people complained about Dhuumfire when it was first implemented in 2013? Remember how people complained about the HoT power creep? Remember the old Deathly Chills when you would routinely see 20-30k chill damage in your death log?

Take all of that combined and compare it to Scourge: it's like a fart vs a hurricane.

Scourge is currently the single biggest offender in how PvP deteriorated into a no-skill aoe spam fest.

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> @flow.6043 said:

> Actually, with Manifest and Sand Savant you get 1200 range on Shades. Also, there's even more range on staff, so most of the time you can out-range ranged classes as Scourge. Or just line of sight.


But you are talking about long range tagging in WvW I suppose? I think I still have to see someone being killed by staff marks....

L2P still applies - do not stay in the kitten, play on the range and be on the move all the time and Scourge dps drops to extremely low numbers.

I see quite a big difference between classes who can unload their full arsenal TARGETED to enemy and class who puts kitten on floor and enemy has to stay in it to die.



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> @"Unknown Entity.3209" said:

> > @"Harry Foud.1935" said:

> > ...u cant range them cause they just portal to you and dmg with their huge locked aoe....


> Huh?


he is upset that every 35 seconds necro can use an extremely long animation teleport that is more telling than the creepy guy on the bus with a whopping 900m range as if other classes dont have 1200m instant stun break teleports. that have more generous pathing.

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> @Ryouzanpaku.1273 said:

> But you are talking about long range tagging in WvW I suppose?


Any PvP environment really.


> @Ryouzanpaku.1273 said:

> I think I still have to see someone being killed by staff marks....


Apparently you've so far only seen terrible necro players.


> @Ryouzanpaku.1273 said:

> L2P still applies - do not stay in the kitten, play on the range and be on the move all the time and Scourge dps drops to extremely low numbers.


That's not true at all.

Sand Savant gives you 3 charges with 10 sec cd each. So you don't have to wait for people to run into those at all because you can basically recast them every couple of seconds. There's no range hard counter. There's no way to kite or avoiding any of it with mobility. And the damage is absurd. It's the equivalent of a Reaper that is perma-Soul-Spiraling through an ice field, but with 1200 range!

The biggest offender here is obviously the bugged Dhuumfire, but even if it didn't proc on all F-skills the damage would be too high.

I guess we'll have to wait and see what they change in future patches. But for now it's neither fun to play as or against Scourge.



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> @flow.6043 said:

> Sand Savant gives you 3 charges with 10 sec cd each.


In the PoF beta I don't have tested the trait and I was thinking to it as a ammo mechanic-less shade but some days ago I've tried it and its a bit crazy, like a 3-illusions-spawn trait.


Maybe the ammo on shades have to be removed in **PvP only** when Sand Savant is selected as the trait lower greatly the skill required to play the class. To compensate master traits should gain increased value from shade's summoning.

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I have to say Scourge is easy-mode in WvW -- it's like you can't play wrong:


* Sand Savant F1

* Button mash F1 + F2 + F3 + F4

* Drop your staff marks

* Switch to X/torch and throw out torch burns

* Utility or Barrier Heal

* Repeat...


I was small team roaming as support Tempest and was working my ass off to stay alive. Much of that support role comes from boon application which was immediately stripped. Armor of Earth for stability?, nope corrupted. Protection from auras?, nope stripped.


Switched over to my scourge and bag fest! I have to admit that condi-Scourge in WvW is a lot of fun... but it certainly isn't hard to master. That's not a criticism. I think all GW2 professions should play with a similar ease.


Figting against a condi/boon-corruption Scourge It is definitely hard at close range. I imagine the Spellbreaker might do well, especially with the condi-reflect on F2. Hard hitting range classes probably do well too.


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> @Fipmip.7219 said:

> The imbalance lies in that it's harder to outplay a scourge than the scourge just having to faceroll the keyboard to outplay you.


That's true of basically everything in the game.


If countering something was as easy as playing something, nobody would ever die.

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> @Vitali.5039 said:

> Maybe the ammo on shades have to be removed in **PvP only** when Sand Savant is selected as the trait lower greatly the skill required to play the class.


I'd rather just remove the cooldown reduction.


Also, "a greater shade counts as three shades for related traits" means too easy synergy with Sand Soul and Blood as Sand.

Instead I would tie the efficiency of those minor traits to the ammunition system.

So +75 concentration/expertise and 5% damage reduction per ammo spent.

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Scourge in pvp is massively broken at the moment lol - will most likely see some nerfs ... in wvw its not as bad because you have a much more open terrain to work with and the f skills aside from 1 are on such a short radius. Hopefully if they do nerf it will be only a pvp split , but it definitely needs some toning down in PvP specifically. It's ridiculous.

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Mobility? Yeah i dont think so

Support? Only if they are in nomads

DPS? Ill give ya that one as their damage is really well, however with little defenses, little mobility (portal isn't used that often and its only 900 units and not that great...hell flesh wurm is better for that) they need good DPS or else they would be useless.


Adapt your build/playstyle or L2P. Every time I get rekt by a couple on another build, I re-evaluate my build and how I approach it (you know...like an actual gamer is supposed to do)

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