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Ok so I would like new players to be reminded that pvp is a group effort.

-PVP is not won by aimlessly chasing the enemy around the map.

-Each map has "POINTS" you win the points by standing on them, so chasing the enemy about while they hold the point is basically useless. Put your effort into fighting "ON POINT"

"but i die too quick, so need to attack from far - - - stat to be less glass cannon!!! - use google.

-Most maps have a extra mechanics, like the bell on the docks or the npc/ bosses - DROP WHAT YOU ARE DOING, and win these!! these are worth loads of points, a lot more than killing the enemy you are aimlessly chasing around the map!

- If your team is struggling - then concentrate on home(the nearest) then centre - dont stretch your party over the map - you can if you hold the points... but lets use some common sense.

- I write this as my time is valuable, and im sure its not fun to keep loosing to the above issue, the above issue are not skill realated but common sense ... lets use it !!

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> @finkle.9513 said:> -Each map has "POINTS" you win the points by standing on them, so chasing the enemy about while they hold the point is basically useless. Put your effort into fighting "ON POINT"

I love how everyone who follows this advice does it so literally.

"FIGHT ON POINT!11!" /jumps into necro's plaguelands.


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Well as one of the worst condi mitigation classes, i seem to have no issues on Rev fighting on point, if you know there is a weakness, why not spec to be better at dealing with condi

The end of the day, you have no other option than "trying" to win the point...if you avoid the point all the way though the match due to a necro, then you are simply going to loose. So why not do somthing about your build/ work with your team to overcome issues?

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If you think that you have to fight on point the entire match, you're just as mistaken as the players who avoid it. It is very comp dependent. Maybe you're a tankier comp without much pressure, so it will take you a long time to recap a node if you lose it. Then it might be a good idea to fight on point most of the match. But maybe the other team is a full DPS comp with no supports. Then you can give up the node to sustain, since they can't hold it anyway. Or maybe your comp is full on DPS, in which case kills are more important than caps, so you do chase across the map if the target is low. It lets you snowball. I didn't originally respond to this post because your "tips" are so general to be useless. It's all situational. However, you seem to think that fighting on point is always the best move. That is incorrect.

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> @finkle.9513 said:

> Well as one of the worst condi mitigation classes, i seem to have no issues on Rev fighting on point, if you know there is a weakness, why not spec to be better at dealing with condi

> The end of the day, you have no other option than "trying" to win the point...if you avoid the point all the way though the match due to a necro, then you are simply going to loose. So why not do somthing about your build/ work with your team to overcome issues?


Because not all classes are actually that good at condi-removal. Thief is pretty shit at it. Sure... you have ways to actively remove your conditions, and passively. But they rarely remove the ones that will actually kill you (plenty of stun breaks, Condi removal is either random - or doesn't prioritize well enough) Unless you're packing a sigil of generosity I suppose.

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> @OlrunTheBlade.1486 said:

> If you think that you have to fight on point the entire match, you're just as mistaken as the players who avoid it. It is very comp dependent. Maybe you're a tankier comp without much pressure, so it will take you a long time to recap a node if you lose it. Then it might be a good idea to fight on point most of the match. But maybe the other team is a full DPS comp with no supports. Then you can give up the node to sustain, since they can't hold it anyway. Or maybe your comp is full on DPS, in which case kills are more important than caps, so you do chase across the map if the target is low. It lets you snowball. I didn't originally respond to this post because your "tips" are so general to be useless. It's all situational. However, you seem to think that fighting on point is always the best move. That is incorrect.


Ok so in a random party, you do not know how each other is speced, so i assume you much start off with trying to cap points.

- I never discussed "holding points" i simply said you need to win the points, this is the objective.

-Not many games are won off player kills alone, yes it might be the difference in close games, that are mainly about winning points.

- By all means chase the enemy around the map, after you have won the point, or have a hold of the game.

- Maybe the issue is that new players see "pvp" and maybe rightly so think that by killing people = winning the match. Its not the case as points + npc far out weights players killed, the focus is not on pvp but on points and npc. This maybe wrong, but its a fact in gw2 pvp, so to win more often then you should spec for these objectives.

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Agree completely with Olrun.


Fight for points. This includes fighting FOR the capture point, FOR kills (don't chase full health but don't let a quick kill get away either), and FOR map mechanics. Don't 100% no matter what fight ON the point if you are not built for it. There are a lot of classes that are built to be point holders and they typically want to spend time on the point because they are built tanky but usually lack burst damage to compensate. Burst builds do no damage if you are dead. And a good way to die is to be a burst build and jump in the middle of aoes and cleave damage on point.


Sometimes the point is large enough to avoid them and stay on point (Foefire) and sometimes its not. The first thing a lot of players will do in a group fight is throw a bunch of aoes on the point. You going in there is just asking to die.


End of the day, when fighting over a point the goal is to win the fight itself, not see who can contest the point the longest. Standing on point is going to do very little if your team dies on the point and then it gets capped by the enemy. Now, sometimes contesting is important (bell). But I've seen people get caught while traveling from one point to another and instead of stopping and fighting they struggle and limp and gimp all the way to the point they were aiming for. Then they fight. Then they die. Now, if I can stealth and zip away I will do so instead of fight over nothing. But if I can't then I am going to do my best to get my team 5 points instead of giving up 5 points. I've seen guys so adamant about standing on point that they literally let me murder them from range, go up and stomp them, then cap their point. Congrats, you stayed on the point, nobody and yell at you for not doing so.


I think this is an interesting issue with spvp. I see a LOT of people think they know what they are talking about when it comes to conquest tactics or team fight tactics and then start flaming their teammates when they are actually completely wrong. This leads to a lot of bad decisions by players trying to avoid getting yelled at or thinking that person is correct.

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@"finkle.9513" My comment doesn't only apply to holding points. It just describes relative priorities when deciding between kills and capturing points. It is frequently a better decision to secure a kill than to gain cap or decap progress on a node. As I said, in general, the node is your focus, so I didn't argue with your initial points because they were too general to debate. However, if you're adamant that people should always cap the node first, then you're wrong. It's much more situational than that.

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If I was to play with these instructions I would probably loose 90% of my games. You cannot generalize "rules" for players in a match.

For example, me playing my thief, if I followed your "instructions" I would be dead everytime.


Also the worst thing you could say was "to drop everything and go for secondary objectives", even tho in maps like Capricorn and Skyhammer it is better to win those (even that depends on situation you are currently in) in maps like Foefire/Forest you should not go for bosses (especially in Forest) unless you have to or you wiped enemy tema in fight.


PvP aswhole does not have "points" you can follow in terms of "what to do next", as match is progressing, your priorities are changing

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> @Blackari.2051 said:

> If I was to play with these instructions I would probably loose 90% of my games. You cannot generalize "rules" for players in a match.

> For example, me playing my thief, if I followed your "instructions" I would be dead everytime.


> Also the worst thing you could say was "to drop everything and go for secondary objectives", even tho in maps like Capricorn and Skyhammer it is better to win those (even that depends on situation you are currently in) in maps like Foefire/Forest you should not go for bosses (especially in Forest) unless you have to or you wiped enemy tema in fight.


> PvP aswhole does not have "points" you can follow in terms of "what to do next", as match is progressing, your priorities are changing


Theif is some what a exception, how ever theif still needs to cap points....would you suggest that theif should avoid points and fight off point and ignore skyhammer bell etc?

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You know, the thing about fighting off points is that if you are fighting off point, your enemy is also fighting off point, so you aren't really losing anything. Actually, fighting off points is quite beneficial in many cases. Say a necro is assaulting your point, if you wait for the necro to step on to your point, he can just drop plague lands, executioner's scythe, and soul spiral on the middle of the point and you either have to get off the point and allow him to decap or you just die. On the other hand if you attack the necro before he makes it to the point, then if he drops all of that aoe you can avoid it while not being decapped since he is also not on the point. if he insists on running to the point before dropping all of the aoe you get a few extra seconds to whack at him relatively safely before he really starts fighting back. The same can be applied when fighting any build that puts a ton of pressure out against targets confined to small areas.

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