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Genetic variation among the Olmakhan


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I noticed an interesting detail, running around Sandswept Isles on one of my charr. All of the Olmakhan are average height or shorter. There seem to be no truly "tall" Olmakhan. My charr, who has the shortest height option, seemed to be normal-sized among the Olmakhan. In the Black Citadel, her tiny size is much more obvious.

The Olmakhan seem to bear some genetic differences from the Legions charr. Not only do they seem to be smaller, their body types are a bit different. There are some males with extremely thin necks, unlike anything in the Legions, and some females with very burly builds compared to Legions charr. This may be more a reflection of lifestyle differences--charr without soldier-muscles who are either very thin or rather chubby. Lastly, of course, there are the horn differences--Olmakhan have unique horn shapes and overall larger horns than Legion charr.

I think it's really interesting that the differences are there. Arenanet could have just used old charr skins and builds, dressed in Olmakhan garb--but they didn't. I'd really love to hear a word from the writers and designers of Olmakhan about these differences.

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The thin frames and small figures might also hint towards malnourishment. This is the downside to living in perfect harmony with nature: Mother nature also taketh away. Having crops and minor animal pens but no large scale ranching operations and being dependent on good hunting and fishing, which will vary by season, not all Olmakhan may be able to get the required intake of calories and nutrition.

The legions, having industrial production of meat and likely also cooling facilities for storage, are less dependent upon hunting. In fact, to legion charr hunting may be seen as a recreational activity. Should the Iron Legion face a temporary food shortage, they can just trade with Blood, Ash, Ebonhawke, Lion's Arch, some norn homesteads and even Kryta, the Grove, or Rata Sum. Being connected to a wider trade network has its advantages. Now the Olmakhan trade too, but in the time we meet them, their trading dried up due to Rata Primus blocking the way.


And finally, the Olmakhan are likely more encouraging when it comes to adorned horns and decoration in general. Also, I'll gladly admit, whoever designed the new horns has done amazing work. People have been asking for charr customization options and the team really delivered.

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The charr being an intelligent race, I'd say it's plausible that they can direct how their horns grow. The Legions charr probably use tools to grind, shave and shape their horns to be more efficient(just saying, having horns would make doorways a hassle), where the Olmakhan probably let their horns grow more naturally.

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