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> @"Zenith.7301" said:

> > @"Ryou.2398" said:

> > > @"Zenith.7301" said:

> > > The power reaper and herald PvE "buff" are laughable. The power reaper didn't even gain a significant buff, and for some reason you think power reapers use any of those shouts whose marginal damage you buffed by 40% (40% of nothing is still nothing).

> > >

> > > The power herald ones are even more pathetic. You nerfed the consistency of power herald in the 10% damage modifier only to gain a 2.5% damage buff under ideal raid settings (and a nerf everywhere else) plus a slight compensation to shackling wave to mitigate the nerf it suffered.

> > >

> > > Power herald and reaper didn't need <5% damage buffs, these specs are behind by as much as 5-6k DPS from the competition; that is, more than 20-30% behind the other top power specs.

> > >

> > > The Tempest "buffs" are also marginal and won't see them in a support spot over a druid when it gained a handful of low duration boons on some gimmick shout skills that barely have benefit in PvE.

> > >

> > > The patch notes don't fail to disappoint. All you did was nerf druid, chrono, and guardian. Meanwhile daredevils remain as busted as they are for how braindead they are to play in PvE, and somehow it's the mirage's dodge duration that is the problem when you have a thief spec with 3 dodges and massive endurance recharge doing top level DPS by just autoattacking things with the occasional dodge.

> >

> > I am baffled after all this time and the state of reverent with these changes, maybe im missing something or this is just getting ridiculous now.


> It's just their balance team instead of coming up with obvious numerical solutions and tuning decides to offer gimmicks to not have to do split skill balancing across the board.


Hmmm gimmicks, well if these are considered gimmicky then most of those playstyles are no fun and clunky in my experience.

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> @"Iozeph.5617" said:

> > @"ROMANG.1903" said:

> > Again a bit unsatisfied by the elementalist changes... The shouts buffs are really nice but I'd like to see more things changed. A Tempest class mechanic that actually feels like a mechanic instead of a mere AOE cooldown, for example. But most importantly this update does nothing to fix the inherent problems people have been pointing out for years now. I see others classes receive reworks on their gyros or spirits... When do we get our summoned weapons rework? :/

> >

> > As a whole, I also hope to see one day new core elite skills added. The elementalist could use a signet elite and an arcane elite, the thief could get a trap elite... And so on. We are in dire need of more elite skills options, those we have right now make me feel very restricted in how I can use them.


> Gyros suck, they're still going to suck when they're turned into wells after the changes because the rest of what's framing them is a hot mess. Core Engineer is still rubbish. Kits have been left in a sorry, non-competitive state(mortar kit included), and any Scrapper using hammer in competitive modes is still going to be kited because they have no weapon swap. Counting on kits to make up for the inability to keep someone in melee range with anemic hammer damage besides if you do get some hits in won't cut it unless you're getting cheap shots in because you're being being carried by a group of friends. You're wondering about summoned weapons? Engineers are wondering why turrets(save perhaps healing turret), and a majority of their gadgets - things which apart from the lackluster kits also used to partially define them, have been a complete waste of bar slots for years.


> But we're not supposed to mention that. We're supposed to shut up and be pathetically grateful we were given the abortion known as the Holosmith- the almost but not quite ultimate faceroll elite.


But tell us how you really feel.

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> @"Daishi.6027" said:

> I'm not displeased with the .25 reduction on mirage cloak but the vigor and jaunt changes from the past should be reconsidered.


> If this was where we were going to go those prior changes don't feel right, despite many peoples complaints mirage's evasion up time is not superior any class that has access to a lot of evades on weapon skills, or can gain evasion readily like DD.


Considering Mirages still can stomp, ress and freely attack while dodging, as well as dodge while Immobilized etc., you would hope the uptime is much lower compared to a DD.

You also still have access Distortion.

Don't worry, it will still be broken.

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Ok, thanks for buffing support Tempest (though it hadn't been at a particular bad spot prior to that anyway), and thanks a lot for your plans to buff it more in the future - but what about the core Ele? What about the Weaver's issues? What about dps Tempest builds (currently only one is viable and relies on camping air, so much for a "versatile caster")? What about most of weapons being far, far worse option for e-specs than the "intended" ones (sword and warhorn)?


Does the 15 pages long thread give you a hint about something?


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> @"MoriMoriMori.5349" said:

> Ok, thanks for buffing support Tempest (though it hadn't been at a particular bad spot prior to that anyway), and thanks a lot for your plans to buff it more in the future - but what about the core Ele? What about the Weaver's issues? What about dps Tempest builds (currently only one is viable and relies on camping air, so much for a "versatile caster")? What about most of weapons being far, far worse option for e-specs than the "intended" ones (sword and warhorn)?


> Does the 15 pages long thread give you a hint about something?

> https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/51752/concerns-about-elementalist#latest


Yup, was about to say it. Can core ele traits and weapons have any love?

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The initial SoI change has absolutely killed support chronomancer in WvW, and in almost every patch it has received nothing but nerfs over and over.

As for now, in WvW, the main use of a chronomancer is only its utilities, i.e. focus pulls, veil and grav well.


I'm sorry, not trying to be rude, but in what sense is that "This still leaves it a little on the strong side"?


Will you be thinking about removing this skill (and traits which associated) entirely at some point?

Or perhaps, if its not too late to suggest, to balance classes seperately in different game modes?


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> @"saerni.2584" said:

> > @"Profanity.6829" said:

> > I thought these were supposed to go live today? I know they just woke up in USA, but I truly hope we're still on for today... :)


> Around 9am PST, 12pm EST. Less than two hours give or take a few minutes.



Can't... hold on.... any.... longer...


Need... to try... scrapper buffs... nowww...


But thx :)


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> @"nanomidgy.9180" said:

> The initial SoI change has absolutely killed support chronomancer in WvW, and in almost every patch it has received nothing but nerfs over and over.

> As for now, in WvW, the main use of a chronomancer is only its utilities, i.e. focus pulls, veil and grav well.


> I'm sorry, not trying to be rude, but in what sense is that "This still leaves it a little on the strong side"?

They probably meant "it's still used".


> Will you be thinking about removing this skill (and traits which associated) entirely at some point?

Why, when you can get it a Smiter's Boon treatment.

> Or perhaps, if its not too late to suggest, to balance classes seperately in different game modes?

It's as ridiculous in PvE actually.


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> @"Caine.8204" said:

> > @"NeroBoron.7285" said:


> > **Mesmer**

> > Expected a change/nerf to Evasive Mirror here, in my opinion it gives more survivalbility then that 1/4second longer dodge. Not sure on the SoI changes.

> > Most nerfs were expected there since mirage is to strong in roaming. But for group / zerg setups mesmer isn't that great. I hope we see changes there in the future.


> Evasive Mirror only blocks projectiles, which heavily limits it already. It has to be a successful evasion, which limits it again. Then, it only lasts 2s. They can do a maximum of 2 of these every 15 seconds with permanent vigor, so it has a maximum uptime of 13.33%. Lowering the mirage image duration reduces their overall "iframes" from 59% to 51.7%, taking into account Axe 3 (.75/8s), Jaunt (1s/30s), the shadowstep utility (.75s/20s) distortion (4s/42.5s), dodges now (1.5s/15s) heal skill mirage image (.75s/25s), staff 2 blink (.5s/8s), and blink (2s/30s).


Successful evasion is not really a limit, a unsuccessful Dodge is a waste anyway.

And is really strong against projectile based classes. And not often the evasion occurs not with the beginning of the Dodge. Assuming the middle of the dodge with lasted 1sec back then it would occured at 0,5 sec and there for extend the immunity against projectiles by 1,5 sec to 2,5 sec.


Yes with only vigor you can Dodge twice every 15 seconds. Which already gives 5second of projectile immunity when correctly used so you get already a 33% uptime. Considering energy sigil what is basically another free Dodge every 9 seconds so you are already over 58%

and there is still stuff like the rune of the adventurer which gives another free dodge on heal. With the mirage heal gives basically two free dodges this way.


Also evasive mirror procs on evasion not on Dodge means if you success evade with axe 3 it also gives a mirror. So another 2,5 second projectile immunity on 10seconds. And if e are already at 83%.


The mirror heal would provide a 2 sec reflect or skilled 4 seconds on 15 sec with another free dodge on adventurer.


Wouldn't say that the math here is realistic and covers everything. My point is only that a player with main damage from projectiles is completely thrown up.

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I was trying to figure out what's wrong with these changes then i actually had an epiphany and a big realization and if you take a moment to think on what i say you'll see it's actually correct lol >

arena net never buffs any relevant classes. The only classes that get buffs are already good ones (thief/rev) or elementalist (completely useless) and the buffs ele get are some random stuff that has nothing to do with pvp or with what the class needs so it doesn't actually become playable. Every single other class has received nothing but nerfs (in general) to a point where it's absolute garbage to play and its unfun and then they rework something and the reworked version is too strong and the cycle continues. Low elo players cry > stuff gets nerfed > meta changes > more cry > more nerfs > reach a point where concepts/classes are completely butchered > Rework and then you hope that your rework is good or prepare to play an underpowered class for a long time.


Gyros got reworked now scrapper is broken and its gonna get nerfed in the next few patches until it becomes irrelevant and then something else will be reworked. The only way the meta changes is upon a rework of something or exceeding amount of nerfs. Mirage got a ton of undeserved nerfs (ironically, the staff build which was the problem , is still just fine cause staff wasn't touched but staff is boring as hell to play and sure it's still op and i can run in circle and heal for 500k but it's not fun and it needs a team to work and that's why its not fun to play by yourself).

This has been happening for as long as i remember the game


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Please for weaver if you could give us the amount of creativity placed in most other class traits. Since we're a selfish class we should have easier access to building up selfish boons like might and biasly protection. I'd suggest taking advantage of weaver lore of being a master of weaving elements and add to a trait gaining might from pyromancer puissance as long as one attunement is fire. I know there is boon hate from necro but with skill and placement it shouldn't be too hard to build up might again.


With might we'd be great hybrids that you may have aspired us to be. Also if you could add condition to every fire sword skill and vulnerability to every lightning sword skill even weakness on the final lighting chain that would be nice. We'd still have trouble surviving till third lightning chain but still it would be nice.


Apart form everything else suggested, this may be bias but I would like to be supported by our lore the same way Mesmer is by having a trait that let's us benefit from two attunement when it come to boons like might even if not attune to fire in any.


Another bias would for elemental superiority having a lower cool down so we have easier access to weakness from ten to two or three secs, this would make dual skills more viable.


Back to the the main point, as selfish class it would be nice to be able to do significant damage without staff fire 5. Other classes can grant several boons to other player without sacrificing significant damage or DPS loss, whereas without a player with training golem reflex, we can't effectively kill our opponents . There are very good players who know how to turn this class to gold but for the average again easier access to boons may help improve this class for them.


Also if you raise burning precision burning chance to 66% on critical hit that would be wonderful, I'd want 100% but that may be bias.


Another bias would be for increase superspeed for twist of fates


As for unravel if you could make the boons last longer like 5 seconds to 15 seconds, since other classes can sport perma crits.


I know some may say we're a aoe class but we have such long cast times which can knock backed by ranger or feared by neccro and warrior, or launch by holosmith and scrapper and of course gaurdian when saving primordial stance for other enounters. Back to unravel, if you could make it make attack unblockable for 5 seconds at least, it would be nice.


Also a huge bias but if fire two could have instant recharge rate as long as opponents are burned. It wouldn't do much but much appreciated


For stone resonance if it could purge two condition it would see more use and not be just a pretty picture.


Now the main point as annoyingly said so many times is for there to be easier might buildup for weavers with sword, since staff weaver with might might be a little too much with fire staff eventhough I'd love to have might with staff(Please con't downvote, Staff users).


And annoyingly again please more access for boons and trait advantage from two attunements, but for reasons i will not explain, it should kept to boons since we don't want boring gameplay from immortal weaver who can't kill you but you can't kill them.


Sorry for being bias for sword weaver.


For scepters and staff weaver and even tempest GL


Might please please

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