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Legendary weapon effects/sounds on mesmer phantoms

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Hi everyone o/.


Have beeing thinking about that since long ago and i decided to post it because it hadnt any answer and did recently build HOPE for my mesmer. There is another old topic for this that didnt get any response in years (https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/20844/suggestion-give-mesmer-phantasms-leg-weapons-sound-effects-projectiles) , so im creating this one instead.


I know it could be a problem the fact of giving all phantom ur legy weapon form, but im asking if it could be possible to add such effects like projectiles sounds (specially for off hand).


Mesmer´s 4 pistol skill makes a duelist phantom, and sounds like this with HOPE (or without it equiped):




And this is how it sounds in a thief using his 3 with x2 HOPE equiped:




The animations are practically the same, and is the same for Quip or any special gun shots aswell. So im suggesting.... Can we get that bit of love on mesmer and bring its duelist phantoms that Thief´s 3 x2 gun sounds atleast? Shouldnt be hard because is already on the code and would be just a sound replacement but... could it be?


This could be aplied or modified for others legys, alternate sound weapons on mesmer phantoms in the future, or the begining of a greater thing :) . Would be so nice and sooo apreciated.


Ty for reading my suggestion, and wanna listen ur thoughts about it aswell.


Laters <3 o/.




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