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So... it's about time this question was asked...

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> @"Artemis Thuras.8795" said:

> better multithreading would be nice, but a lot of work. I'd like to think anet will get around to it eventually.

> In the short term.. your rig seems like it's not handling max graphics too well.



The funny thing about this is, my rig isn't actually being pushed past 30% of system usage. It's enough that I can actually, and tried it, to run battlefield one on it at max settings with GW2 open up in Lion's arch on another monitor. From what I can see the game doesn't actually have a background mode (or at least by default) and will happily run at full performance when it's in the background.


As for Battlefield one? Still running at a smooth 60FPS in heavy action (with the usual explosion spam). Did this with Planet Side 2 on Hossen under a siege as well.

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> @"Leo Schrodingers Cat.2497" said:

> > @"Artemis Thuras.8795" said:

> > better multithreading would be nice, but a lot of work. I'd like to think anet will get around to it eventually.

> > In the short term.. your rig seems like it's not handling max graphics too well.

> >


> The funny thing about this is, my rig isn't actually being pushed past 30% of system usage. It's enough that I can actually, and tried it, to run battlefield one on it at max settings with GW2 open up in Lion's arch on another monitor. From what I can see the game doesn't actually have a background mode (or at least by default) and will happily run at full performance when it's in the background.


> As for Battlefield one? Still running at a smooth 60FPS in heavy action (with the usual explosion spam). Did this with Planet Side 2 on Hossen under a siege as well.


Yea, my GPU doesn't go over 70% power most of the time and yet still getting bottlenecked at 25-30 fps in many areas.

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> @"Leo Schrodingers Cat.2497" said:

> Will Guild Wars 2's client ever be updated to be multicore friendly?


Only A-Net will know this. But I do not have much hope. The game engine is outdated and it would took a lot of work (aka money) to use a better game engine and in the past A-Net has not indicated, that they want to change or upate the game engine in the near future.


> @"Leo Schrodingers Cat.2497" said:

> It still uses a single core. And a loooot of AMD computers that will run other games very well, still pretty much has 20fps in Lion's Arch, or in WvW.


Multi-core CPUs or high-end graphics cards are (nearly) useless because they are not utilized by the gw2 game-engine, but having a CPU with a very high single-core performance helps a lot with FPS in this game.



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> @Zok.4956 said:

> Multi-core CPUs or high-end graphics cards are (nearly) useless because they are not utilized by the gw2 game-engine, but having a CPU with a very high single-core performance helps a lot with FPS in this game.




I know, that's why I'm asking. Though it's curious as this game was released in 2012, where the gaming industry was just starting to jump on the bandwagon of multi-processing. And most of the major and heavily followed talks being released in... 08 I think?


I'm guessing the game's development started earlier than that period. Or some of the systems would just be a down right bastard to adjust.

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When I built a new comp back in June, the MB came with 60 days of Norton. Having never used Norton before, I was surprised when it started to tell when programs are using a lot of the CPU. Since I've had it, the message only comes up with relation to GW2, and only when I am selling a bunch of different mats on the TP. I've also done both large PvE events and WvW with 3x zerg fights on the new system. Has anyone else noted this peculiarity of GW2 single core usage?

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> @"Leo Schrodingers Cat.2497" said:

> > @Zok.4956 said:

> > Multi-core CPUs or high-end graphics cards are (nearly) useless because they are not utilized by the gw2 game-engine, but having a CPU with a very high single-core performance helps a lot with FPS in this game.

> >

> >


> I know, that's why I'm asking. Though it's curious as this game was released in 2012, where the gaming industry was just starting to jump on the bandwagon of multi-processing. And most of the major and heavily followed talks being released in... 08 I think?


> I'm guessing the game's development started earlier than that period. Or some of the systems would just be a down right kitten to adjust.


The game started development in 2007, iirc. Took about 5 years to develop, from when it was announced to release. The engine itself is a modified version of the original GW client. I know that they have said in the past that as long as they continue to provide support for Windows XP, there would not be a DX update, I can only imagine that the same might apply to multi-core threading.


I would like to hope that it is on their radar for the future, but they won't tell us until it's "ready". This current expac, it makes sense that they didn't touch it. After HoT, they had to deliver on content this time around, they couldn't afford to redo systems.

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Unless I am mistaken (I apologize for not digging through old board for a quote), the developers have been working on trying to make GW2 more multi-core friendly. However the way the original code was written makes it slow, so I am not sure how much of progress we'll really see on it. So its the case of "they are aware of it, but have limited capability of doing much about it".

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> @Yasi.9065 said:

> Isnt DirectX also a rather "limiting" factor in the use of multi-core processors? So if the game itself uses multiple cores to perfection, but all your 3D stuff gets well... "stuffed" by directX into a single core... doesnt that negate the multi-core changes to the game?


I think you're right. DirectX 9 is really only for single cores. I think 11 is where multicore support was better integrated.

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> @Zania.8461 said:

> Unless I am mistaken (I apologize for not digging through old board for a quote), the developers have been working on trying to make GW2 more multi-core friendly. However the way the original code was written makes it slow, so I am not sure how much of progress we'll really see on it. So its the case of "they are aware of it, but have limited capability of doing much about it".


It was two years ago when A-Net Dev "ANetJohan" wrote about this on reddit:



>"GW2 does a lot of processing, and much of it is done on the main thread. That is also where its bottleneck tends to be: The main thread. There are conscious efforts in moving things off the main thread and onto other threads (every now and then a patch goes out that does just this), but due to how multi-threading works it's a non-trivial thing that take a lot of effort to do" - ANetJohan


So the developer wrote more or less: We tried "a little" but it is complicated to make this old code better.

My opinion: It can not be the task/decision of one developer and in the end A-Net needs to put more ressources (developers, money) into this **if** they really want to optimize this.



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