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Support builds post patch?

Daniel Handler.4816

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Raid builds will probably take some extra diviner gear but might be less affected due to mimic signet providing double SoI (unless reverting to double wells, which would be more annoying to play).


Fractal builds were already running mostly diviner and double wells, so here it simply becomes an issue of better execution and if it remains possible to perma boon support. Pre-stacking will likely become less effective but also more important.

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For fractals indeed nothing changed, at all. Maybe u can skip tw in favor of grav or moa but id rather keep it and make extensive use of metal bars/shovels.

As for raids, the old WoA,mimic,Soi is bad.After extensive testing we could upkeep permanent boons but just barely and that was with the tightest rotation possible, meaning in most cases u will drop alacrity frequently while quickness gets overcapped ridiculously which is just wasted boons...Maybe running this build with well of recall instead of action can be good but havent tested that yet.

Double well + SoI atm covers permanent boons but its spammy as hell. U basically give small stacks all the time instead of spamming 10man soi's and capping boons for 20-25sec. So especially on fights like qadim or matthias its really annoying to keep up boons.

It also overcaps quickness easily so tw can be totally useless if chronos are running around 50% bd meaning u can go double grav well in heavy cc fights.


Maybe running the WoR/mimic/Soi instead of action is good (havent tested this yet) but overall soi gives very little now and mimic cd just doesnt fit well in the rotation. It also is very spammy with the cd changes which is overall bad meaning many stacks of low duration boons vs less stacks of longer duration.... If anet decide to make quickness stack limit to 9 again then maybe we can get back on track.




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