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Please stop nerfing warriors


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> @"Leo Schrodingers Cat.2497" said:

> > @"Nova.7261" said:

> > The main issue with warriors is their inability to clear conditions quickly. A large number of unique debuffs will stay on a warrior if they are blinded or if their adrenaline skill hits a block.

> >

> > I don't see how removing a warriors battle standard healing helps with this?


> I don't think Ive seen a warrior ever have problems with condi.


> I mean... If you die faster than a thief, you're doing something wrong.


I dunno I feel Condi mirage still> warrior. Compared to say. Scrapper or boonbeast which are much better to play vs a Condi mesmer. U have shake it off and assuming you are playing some form of thether that's really your only clear, . If u don't land anything to press the mesmer. It will get Condi on you one way or another. Over them if u can't kill it fast enough u will die from Condi.


Either that or I am just not good vs this match up. Just my experience.

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Is anyone concerned of how warrior weapons deal with time ?

My personal major problem is GS.

Skill 1 , slow and clunky but good dmg , kinda ok.

Skill 2 i dont reember when i last time hit play with it. Pve perspective, no one uses GS. Just bad.

Skill 3 Great skill, good dmg plus movement skill and evade. Love it .

Skill 4 I dont get existence of this skill. Good animation with legi weapon.

Skill 5 90% time , miss. Good dmg. Mobility.

In general my opinion is , gs is hardly useful , except and movement weapon.


Then there is mace, what is use for mace, except cc ? Dagger , auto attack dmg is kinda , sad. Shield , well blocks but so many skilsl are unblockable now days so , kinda meh. Sword, well i guess its good pve weapon. Other than that i dunno. Hammer , oh dear god. Used in wvw, feels like watching matrix , except enemies are in normal speed mode. Lag hates hammer skills.


I dunno maybe after like 7k hours on war , im trash and i have no skill to play it , but even if that is true, i still feel like someone should look at war weapons and do something.

How to fix this , well, give warrior (charr only) ability to use [sohothin](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Sohothin "Sohothin") with its given skills.

Ye i joke but , i kinda hope for some changes , toward better (pls dont nerf us more ).


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> @"kiranslee.4829" said:

> Is anyone concerned of how warrior weapons deal with time ?

> My personal major problem is GS.

> Skill 1 , slow and clunky but good dmg , kinda ok.

> Skill 2 i dont reember when i last time hit play with it. Pve perspective, no one uses GS. Just bad.

> Skill 3 Great skill, good dmg plus movement skill and evade. Love it .

> Skill 4 I dont get existence of this skill. Good animation with legi weapon.

> Skill 5 90% time , miss. Good dmg. Mobility.

> In general my opinion is , gs is hardly useful , except and movement weapon.


> Then there is mace, what is use for mace, except cc ? Dagger , auto attack dmg is kinda , sad. Shield , well blocks but so many skilsl are unblockable now days so , kinda meh. Sword, well i guess its good pve weapon. Other than that i dunno. Hammer , oh dear god. Used in wvw, feels like watching matrix , except enemies are in normal speed mode. Lag hates hammer skills.


> I dunno maybe after like 7k hours on war , im trash and i have no skill to play it , but even if that is true, i still feel like someone should look at war weapons and do something.

> How to fix this , well, give warrior (charr only) ability to use [sohothin](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Sohothin "Sohothin") with its given skills.

> Ye i joke but , i kinda hope for some changes , toward better (pls dont nerf us more ).

> :(


Gs is my fav warrior weapon.... been playing warrior for the past 2 months and I love it..Whirling attack is strong hits for big numbers and it’s an evade. It also allows mobility. 5 gets you out of harm And is a mobility skill.


4 is good to slow them down so you can skill 5 or 3.


2 is massive dps. You typically either do shield bash or bulls charge then hundred blades. Insta gibs a lot of squishy targets, if you are in pvp.


For pve You can destroy armies of stuff with just gs. Watch lord hizen on YouTube, he clears out entire maps with just gs.




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> @"kiranslee.4829" said:

> Is anyone concerned of how warrior weapons deal with time ?

> My personal major problem is GS.

> Skill 1 , slow and clunky but good dmg , kinda ok.

> Skill 2 i dont reember when i last time hit play with it. Pve perspective, no one uses GS. Just bad.

> Skill 3 Great skill, good dmg plus movement skill and evade. Love it .

> Skill 4 I dont get existence of this skill. Good animation with legi weapon.

> Skill 5 90% time , miss. Good dmg. Mobility.

> In general my opinion is , gs is hardly useful , except and movement weapon.

*lists how amazing GS, tells that its trash*

L M A O .

Its literally the best weapon warrior has .

Been destroying ppl with nearly 6k autos with quickness, makes me wonder why it was buffed.

Hundred blades need no introduction ,destroying ppl as cleave/ after stun ( pro hint,not every skill meant to be spammed off cd, this one of them)

Gs3 is freaking mobility-heavy damage-evade packed in 1 skill on pretty low cd.

GS4 is doing doing fair amount of damage,dodge bait,cripple.

Gs5 is retarded sometimes so gotta use it carefully (btw it hit throuh walls from a mile and if its crit usually its range from 4 to 8k if we talk about STR spellbreakers)


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> @"TorQ.7041" said:

> I dunno I feel Condi mirage still> warrior. Compared to say. Scrapper or boonbeast which are much better to play vs a Condi mesmer. U have shake it off and assuming you are playing some form of thether that's really your only clear, . If u don't land anything to press the mesmer. It will get Condi on you one way or another. Over them if u can't kill it fast enough u will die from Condi.

> Either that or I am just not good vs this match up. Just my experience.

The key of victory is in NOT fighting on open field where he can endlessly phase retreat and blink at maximum range to run away and IH your a$$ with staff clones. Look at me when I kite away to stairs w/o hp and how its turns out when I dont have to chase after him on the entire legacy point .

>! https://www.twitch.tv/toxiclary/clip/HilariousSmoothChoughDuDudu?filter=clips&range=7d&sort=time

Bad/mediocre mirage/mesmer players are free to kill no matter where they are tho


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> @"Odik.4587" said:

> > @"TorQ.7041" said:

> > I dunno I feel Condi mirage still> warrior. Compared to say. Scrapper or boonbeast which are much better to play vs a Condi mesmer. U have shake it off and assuming you are playing some form of thether that's really your only clear, . If u don't land anything to press the mesmer. It will get Condi on you one way or another. Over them if u can't kill it fast enough u will die from Condi.

> > Either that or I am just not good vs this match up. Just my experience.

> The key of victory is in NOT fighting on open field where he can endlessly phase retreat and blink at maximum range to run away and IH your a$$ with staff clones. Look at me when I kite away to stairs w/o hp and how its turns out when I dont have to chase after him on the entire legacy point .

> >! https://www.twitch.tv/toxiclary/clip/HilariousSmoothChoughDuDudu?filter=clips&range=7d&sort=time

> Bad/mediocre mirage/mesmer players are free to kill no matter where they are tho



I mean, I didn’t say it was impossible, I can also record a vid of me killing a mess in plat lol. It’s just not a favored match up.


If I see mirage in other team I am just going to switch to prot holo or scrapper, where I can basically sit on node. Perfer not to make my life harder. N switch back to warrior when I see ranger, holo or scrap.


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> @"kiranslee.4829" said:

> Is anyone concerned of how warrior weapons deal with time ?

> My personal major problem is GS.

> Skill 1 , slow and clunky but good dmg , kinda ok.

> Skill 2 i dont reember when i last time hit play with it. Pve perspective, no one uses GS. Just bad.

> Skill 3 Great skill, good dmg plus movement skill and evade. Love it .

> Skill 4 I dont get existence of this skill. Good animation with legi weapon.

> Skill 5 90% time , miss. Good dmg. Mobility.

> In general my opinion is , gs is hardly useful , except and movement weapon.


Yes I won't mind giving more power to Warriors, but please see below for what you can work with currently.


>! GS is like the bread and butter Warrior weapon, it's really hard to make a Power build without GS in it because it has damage and mobility and avoidance all in one, especially since the Strength traitline has Forceful Greatsword in it.

>! F1 on GS is great, it's 360 degrees at 150 unit range, 0.5s castspeed, activates all the traits that activates on F1 Burst hit like the regen from Defense, the endurance gain from Strength, the Tether for Spellbreakers...

>! Skill 1 is slow but hits hard, then it hits really hard once your Magebane Tether is attached.

>! Skill 2 you use after avoiding boss hits with big aftercast, but you don't always wait for it to finish, you want to cancel it early into an F1 then a dodge or Whirlwind if the boss is attacking again. In sPvP you use it after CC or just when people are crippled and have no dodges left, and of course for fantastic downed cleave.

>! Skill 3 has everything.

>! Skill 4 you can use to clear blinds from range so all your other slow and telegraphed skills can hit, and the damage isn't too bad in PvP - if you get a dodge from that, even more value.

>! Skill 5 is bait, if you see a big hit incoming or player ready to interrupt you, just swap weapons to cancel and dodge or make another attack etc. and if it hits... more value to you.

>! GS is ridiculously loaded as a weapon, hard-hitting, smooth usage, low cycling time.

>! The only bad thing is it exhibits the cons of the Warrior, slow and telegraphed. Just try to use your F1 and #3 more.


>! Mace you can put on Shield Master trait so the block can reflect. Back in the Core days you have a GS/Mace Shield build which essentially just uses its stuns to keep people in place while they eat a full Arcing Slice -> Hundred Blades.


>! Dagger MH is mostly a PvP weapon, you can get minor healing out of Might Makes Right from the auto, you have F1 boonrip with trait synergy, and the #2 slow which is ok mobility, along with #3 which combined with the daze/stun grant immobilise trait lets you relive the Mace -> Arcing Slice glory days.


>! Shield is still ok, the stun baits dodges and if not, that's a free GS F1 -> follow up damage combo right there. For the block... try to dodge if you know unblockable is coming, rest of the time blocking is still fine. Use your block time to kite and jump puzzle, or swap/stow and give them a "surprise" stun with your Dagger or Full Counter or Bull's Charge. You can bait people to use unblockables with your block, like you see Rev coming in with Phase Traversal... Dagger #3 that kitten when you see weapon animation (of course good Revs use that as reverse bait etc).

>! Yes definitely going to feel bad when you have Soulbeast with unblockable buff, but you know it's 4 seconds and they know that and they want to make use of it... so you can predict and dodge.


>! Sword, have you heard of Tramadex and his Tramawar/Tetherbreaker? Lets you kite around a point, F1 Flurry attaches Tether on first hit so you can stow quickly. You hit-and-run with Sword and you can pull people with Tether easily because of the #2.


>! Hammer actually was great in Core in a WvW GS/Hammer control build, you needed to play very aggressively to survive. It's not decreased in power but it's just been sadly powercreeped.


Been playing Warrior for the last few weeks and it's great for training your basics if you don't use the passive defense traits. I would say Warrior is quite alright in sPvP and Open World PvE, it's just that you have to work for every skill since it's all melee and separated and you need to dodge dangerous things up close.


Won't mind a power-up, nor nerfs, it's just a test of your adaptability. If a big patch comes to make Warrior play better for you, maybe that's what we should hope for.



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> @"Odik.4587" said:

> > @"kiranslee.4829" said:

> > I dare you to show me vide of capable soulbeast, mirage, holo, guard(any spec), rev, losing in fair 1v1 to warrior. Please.

> I'm afraid its impossible because each time warrior wins you would call them ''too bad'' :joy:


I play soulbeast now. Feel free to make that vid with me :).

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> @"kiranslee.4829" said:

> > @"Odik.4587" said:

> > > @"kiranslee.4829" said:

> > > I dare you to show me vide of capable soulbeast, mirage, holo, guard(any spec), rev, losing in fair 1v1 to warrior. Please.

> > I'm afraid its impossible because each time warrior wins you would call them ''too bad'' :joy:


> I play soulbeast now. Feel free to make that vid with me :).

If you are on EU why not :naughty:

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> @"Odik.4587" said:

> > @"kiranslee.4829" said:

> > > @"Odik.4587" said:

> > > > @"kiranslee.4829" said:

> > > > I dare you to show me vide of capable soulbeast, mirage, holo, guard(any spec), rev, losing in fair 1v1 to warrior. Please.

> > > I'm afraid its impossible because each time warrior wins you would call them ''too bad'' :joy:

> >

> > I play soulbeast now. Feel free to make that vid with me :).

> If you are on EU why not :naughty:

Ofc EU is there any place better than EU (servers not actual EU ;) )


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