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Is it my responsibility to play unranked?


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I've been in matches were people scream at me and my team and saying things like demanding I drink bleach to demanding I stop queuing. I want to win like anyone else and I try 100% every match. I've climbed all the way to platinum and I try to be kind and cooperative. Is it my responsibility to only play unranked if i'm bad?

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PvP GW2 community is as most communities nowadays very toxic. To be fair the huge obvious issues with the PvP right now are really not helping with the situation and I'm myself getting very salty when I get utterly denied over and over by a spellbreaker who then PM me and tells me that he never played warriors in his life and had genuinely no idea what he was doing.

But to come back to the topic yeah it's a big problem in PvP I get insulted most of the time because I'm not going on close everytimes simply because I'm a Mesmer. It feels really bad.

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Nah, if you got there in ranked then play ranked. Its reasonable to expect players testing new builds or classes to play unranked. But anyone should feel fine playing ranked with the classes they have that they are practiced with.


That being said, don't assume being in plat means you know everything and are a master pvper. There could very well be tactics or strategies you are missing or unaware of, things like map awareness that you could improve on, things like that.


But also understand that some people are just toxic. Second you get someone being toxic, just block them. Some people just have sad little lives and all they have to make themselves feel better about themselves is their "skill" in a video game. Those people become enraged when confronted with the possibility that they might not actually be as good as they think they are there either so they lash out and try to place blame on anyone but themselves.

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Lol the problem with that suggestion, Bossun, is that there is a 100 person limit on the block list (last I checked), and there really are more than that many salty kittens in pvp. (I know ppl swear there arent even that many pvpers, but there really are)


OP, if you successfully solo-queued to platinum, just ignore them. I've gotten the same crap on more than one occasion, though I'm sure the difference between you and I is that I like kittening with them back. Everything from "stop queueing" to "get a real build" to "learn english you third world trash" (apparently I have a larger vocabulary than the average gw2 player given the number of words I use that people just don't know). Its irritating, but all you can do is take a deep breath, and remember that karma will take care of them in the end.

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