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Thank you Rubi Bayer and Mike Z. <3

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Thank you for the great video previewing the new mount "[Guild Wars 2 Warclaw Preview (Meow)](

)" and especially addressing the topic about the layoffs. I felt, the community felt, your pain talking about the topic. Up until now we didn't saw how devastated you truly were until we saw this video. We truly appreciate the courage you had to come live in front of the community, being so vulnerable to the camera. There were so many unspoken words, but still you said so much with your emotions.


Rubi Bayer, you are just a sweetheart! You tried to stay positive during the video, showing the community that everything is going to be fine, but under the curtain you must feel broken. I'm sure you cried for many days judging by your voice and I would like to thank you for staying strong and participating in providing the community as much information as you can. I also thank you for being active in the forums, Gaile Grey must be proud. Stay strong, girl ! The community is right behind your back. Also shedding a tear was never a wrong thing, let off some steam when is needed. We love you ! <3


Mike Z. , you are my role model! Mike O. did the best decision making you the new Game Director ! I see a huge progress in GW2 and the transparency to the community, especially these days. I know the position as a Game Director comes with great responsibilities to many people, hard decisions must be made on a daily basis and you must be a strong persona for the job, but I saw right trough you. I saw a caring father who lost a family member. We all know that your speech at the beginning of the video is something that must be said again but what amazes me is your emotions behind the mask of the leader. You seem frighten of sorts, not for the future of the game, for your team. You feel the guilt, you feel like you betrayed everyone, you think that being better and stronger will fix it, but please don't close yourself. You must know that you did nothing wrong, that's just life, that's just the business machine that is killing everything good coming out of it, can't live with it, can't live without it. We all are here for you and no matter where your decision as a Director takes ArenaNet and the game, I'm sure it will be the right path. You are the most down to earth human I've seen in years and seeing you zoning out in WvW is not cool buried in thoughts , please stop doing it and fight for your team.... it's your ship, Captain!


The rest of the ArenaNet's team, I love you all ! Thanks for fighting in the shadows. I appreciate it for your decision to stay at the company, without you the game will be dead in no time. Thanks for sticking in and work hard for making the same great content as you did before and even making it greater every new release. Thank you for staying strong in this dark days and even working harder than before, being more transparent than before and being more honest than before. The community will be always with you no matter the future delays and disappointments.

<3 <3 <3

From one of the few positive people in this forum (the rest are playing).



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