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Already tired of mounts

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Could you clarify a little? Are you without mounts yourself? Is this happening in low-level, core-Tyria maps? There could be a legitimate error in how much damage the mount is doing upon entry to battle. If people can mount up, dive-bomb a group of low-level mobs and "one for win", that would be very disheartening to anyone playing a lower level character in the area.


I can tell this is frustrating, and I hope your experience gets better soon.

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People on mounts have an obvious advantage over unmounted players in core maps specifically.


Mounted players are faster on the spot and if they are max lvl or close to that they obliterate any mobs in no time flat. First a divebomb and then normal AOE skills.


Getting at an event after a call fast enough is starting to become a challenge all in itself.


Dailies were already fast paced (for some more than for others) but since mounts happened you have to be even quicker.


Mounts really have no business in Core Tyria.



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Recently the daily was Queensdale event completer and I was attempting to do a couple of escort events where centaurs would attack a bull. There were 2 players who were mounted on raptors and when the centaur groups would spawn they would ride to the group and use tail sweep. Since I and most of the other players at the event were unmounted we were no able to get to the mobs before the high speed raptors had them dead -- 2 tail sweeps wipe out 10 centaurs with no trouble. However, when the problem was mentioned/described in map chat the two players both dismounted and followed the bull on to its destination without a problem. Our community is generally very nice when given the opportunity.

I would hate to see mounts disallowed in Core Tyria, but toning down the engagement skills is probably in order.

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> @sephiroth.4217 said:

> I may be one those players you hate, since mounts I've been working on map completion for the first time in years.


Totally agree, when you have 14 characters and need to do map completion for the umpteenth time...mounts sure do take the edge off.

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I like the idea of having the mounts in Core Tyria for things like map completion and general running around. I can't argue with that. @"Aye.8392" makes a great point about toning down the engagement skills. I'd go as far as eliminating the damage from the engagement/dismount skills in low-level areas. If not eliminated, drastically reduced. I'm not sure if it's scaling like player characters do, but applying an additional factor to up the damage reduction might ease this problem.


Edit: I can't think of an easy way to offset how quickly they reach an event relative to those without mounts. Other than asking people to share the map experience and available events, there isn't much that can be done.

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If anything, Mounts is what gets players back into this game, to explore old content.

I really couldn't be bothered going for map completion when I started 5 months ago, but with HoT done and PoF semi-done I can now finally start in the old world, and I don't think I would've done that without mounts honestly.


Whats with all these complaints about mounts anyway? It's like complaining about flying mounts in WoW in the old content.. It adds more than it takes away simple as.

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> @Ceonaight.3087 said:

> I am a career low level map player without mount. I enjoy the game at that level , I play my characters to 80, kill them off and start over. I like the low stress action and really do find the mounts interfering in the low level maps to be irritating.


This game belongs to the community as a whole, not just low level players such as yourself who level to 80 and start new and staying out of expansions which include mounts. The game is progressing and moving forward in many different directions so either progress with it, or accept that you are going to have to deal content you dont like. If you cant beat em join em?

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> @Fractured.3928 said:

> Haven't run into this personally, but I can definitely see this as an issue. No fine watching players do all the work for you.


i use mounts in core for one thing and that is map completion, but i dont attack with them ever and when im on my Mesmer i port struggling players to their destinations, i saw a kid try to get a vista the hard way and was like 'dude wait 10 sec let me get my mes'

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Mount damage in lower level areas is definitely too high. I think it's a numerical issue though.


ANet is good at making interaction between more and less experienced players feel good. Remember that mount abilities are supposed to be about support. Lower level players/mountless players should feel happy that someone dismounts close to them because they gain HP, shield, get enemies all nice and bunched up, etc. For this to work however, damage needs to be much lower, so the support effects take precedence.


There isn't much you can do about speed though, but that's not too different a problem to long range vs short range. In some point defense events, long range characters will often wipe the field before melee characters can approach, and mounts do have a similar problem, but not necessarily too terrible if the damage is toned down.

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I have seen it with the mounts in the core maps. The attack is severely overpowered for the low level maps. As for how fast they get there well maybe cut the speed in half on the core maps? The other thing that is annoying is the ones that just run past mobs cause they don't want to fight just drag them and then you have low level players getting attacked by mobs that over power them and then the player dies, seen it happen multiple times already.

I have mounts and I still don't use them much at all in any maps. I kill everything and harvesting everything and if I keep mounting and dismounting and it gets annoying for me so I just don't use them. I have already done map completion on 2 chars in core and I am in the process of doing it on the rest of my chars before doing map completion on HoT and then moving onto map completion in PoF and all will be done on foot and not on mounts as much as possible as like I said I just like to kill and harvest everything I see.

Why kill everything and harvest everything? Because that's how I have found the 2 precursors that have dropped for me AND that's also how I make gold for what I want in the TP. To me it makes no sense to just run past mobs when I have had precursors fall from trash mobs.

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Removing the damage skills from mounts in lower levels will do little to nothing by itself.


Why not give players that are new or have no mounts for whatever reason an oportunity to earn a mount or mountskill at lvl 10 or so.


A bare bone version of the Jackal would put them on par with everyone else on the map qua speed.


Problem solved!?

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> @Skuzz.6580 said:

> If anything, Mounts is what gets players back into this game, to explore old content.

> I really couldn't be bothered going for map completion when I started 5 months ago, but with HoT done and PoF semi-done I can now finally start in the old world, and I don't think I would've done that without mounts honestly.


> Whats with all these complaints about mounts anyway? It's like complaining about flying mounts in WoW in the old content.. It adds more than it takes away simple as.


From my understanding, it seems that players with mounts complete events before players without mounts even have a chance to join in, thus it makes the process of leveling up much, much more difficult because the areas that give the most xp and rewards become literally unplayable for those who don't have mounts (especially because engage skills deal a ton of damage to 10 enemies. So basically, players with mounts prevent players without mounts from *joining in events*.


This is a massive issue that needs to be tackled, reducing the damage done in core tyria zones and the numer of enemies hit by half or two thirds should fix at least the initial issues with mounts. Keep the high damage and high number of targets for level 80 zones in both core tyria and both expansion areas, but reduce the numbers of both damage and number of targets hit on lower level maps to make it fair for people who don't have mounts.

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I have Heart of Thorns and Path of Fire and all the mounts and I AGREE with what is said here. They don't belong in Core and Heart of Thorns. Because of mounts there are new, invisible walls blocking things and I ESPECIALLY hate that new players, or players without them, can not keep up or tag mobs.


Have you done an HP run in Heart of Thorns lately? Tell me how anyone without a mount can keep up and deal with bunny hops for stories when there are no updrafts around. And no, not everyone gets a portal. The sheer advantage we have to get to everything first is broken.


I never wanted them in the game and now they built an entire expansion around them. Ok, so I have to accept and enjoy that, but WHY would they break a Core and Heart of Thorns game that were working perfectly fine without them?!?

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I think the OP has a point. But it's not restricted to mounts. When events are one of the dailies, the maps are so populated, that getting a hit in if you're playing melee is very difficult, there are so many fast-fire ranged folks there. I think that if the events scaled better, especially when they are dailies, it would help significantly. I have all 5 mounts maxed out, and it was still difficult to get hits in on last night's event dailies (the mounts don't turn that fast, and by the time I had it pointed in the right direction, everything I was headed toward was already gone). But I think the event scaling has to be based on the participants in the actual event, not the map, as a whole. I think this might be possible since they're already detecting "no longer participating in..." stuff. Events scaling up/down comes up constantly in discussions, so maybe there will be an opportunity to take a more in-depth look at this (please).

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