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FPS Problem

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Hey everyone, been playing the game since it launched. Never had/noticed the fps issues, probably didnt noticed but I can swear that in the past I had 60 fps on ultra settings almost stable in most cases (of curse not with a large group).


I have i7 4770

32 Ram

GTX 780


Playing on 1080p, 60hz monitor.


My hardware is fine? Or should I consider upgrading?


Also I noticed that the game only uses 50% maximum power from the cpu and gpu both, its should be like that?

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maybe not necessarily upgrade, just tweak some settings you really won't notice / need.


**Start by setting:**

* Player Model Limit to **lowest**

* Player Model Quality to **low**

* Shadows to **medium**

* Particle LOD set to **enable**

* Rendering to **native**


**Why these settings?**

You won't need to have all player characters displayed, say in a squad. When you have 50 players around you you even so don't get to see how each one of them looks. It just gets crowded, thus setting this setting to lowest greatly improves performance.


Having Model Quality set to low still allows you to see detailed characters of others and for the most part, your own toon is the one you care about the most. Others won't be impacted much by this setting.


Shadows add on detail but for the most part they are invisible. Entering rooms you don't see most of them, but they are still rendered, thus eat precious FPS.


Particle Effect LOD is the most important of settings for FPS as it limits the detail of spell effects, greatly improving FPS.


Rendering on Supersample renders anything above your resolution, which drastically impacts performance. You don't even need that. Subsample, on the other hand, makes the game look terrible. Go native! ;)

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> @"Mikexsa.6482" said:

> FPS Problem [...]


Have you

* cleared your GW2 Game Cache,

* used Disk Cleanup to clear remains of former Windows Updates,

* used Windows' System Protection to clear old System Restore Points you don't need,

* and then defragmented your HDD's system drive © in a while (if you use a HDD and not a SSD that is)?


If not, I would recommend you do so. ;) Also, see that you have no programs running in the background that you don't need (because they clog your system performance) or that update automatically whenever they want - set them to update manually and do the updates manually yourself when you are not in the middle of a game.


P.S. As Inoki mentioned, ultra settings are not recommendable in GW2, especially on maps with high population (i.e., during big meta events or in WvW), regardless of your system.

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GW2 is more CPU heavy than GPU.


> But also I noticed that the game only uses 50% maximum power from the cpu and gpu both, its supposed to be like that?

I don't think any game should consume all available resources. The computer would most likely experience a BSOD.


I'm on an Acer Predator Helios 300 (a beast laptop) with an i7 8750H 6 cores, GTX 1060 6 GB VRAM and 24 GB DDR4 RAM (+ Intel Optane 16 GB) and I found my settings to enable me to run perfectly smooth in massive blob fights in WvW. Everything else apart from what I mentioned in my earlier post is set to highest values at 1920 * 1080.

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