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Going To Ember Bay (200 gems)

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The New generation of gamers are lacking common sense is the issue here. What is sold with the product is clearly stated. It is up to individual to make an informed decision of what they are buying. How many people read the terms of service? Not many at all apparently. Extras such as cosmetics, boosters, and LSE are all add-on content to the main platform. Marketing practices such as this have been happening sense the early 2000.[ as far back as i'm aware] Every single game in today's market has these add-on content that is marketed to attract buyers. The pc era is coming to an end with AAA company's falling apart making games that aren't even qualified to be played on the dream-cast. Be glad you actually get content for only $2.50 instead of having to pay 10-99$ for cosmetic garbage on one of these newer games![mobile games are horrendous for doing this]


I've played countless games over the years from single player games to First person shoots to MMORPG's its all the same. If you think otherwise you are ether new to the gaming grid or havn't played a game sense the 90's, Or are _**fishing for troll laughs which in this case you are**_.

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> @"ProtoGunner.4953" said:

> > @"robertthebard.8150" said:

> > > @"ProtoGunner.4953" said:

> > > > @"Obtena.7952" said:

> > > > > @"ProtoGunner.4953" said:

> > > > > > @"zionophir.6845" said:

> > > > > > So after all the wvwvwing and pvping, i decided to do some pve and i wanted to go to Ember Bay. But the easiest i know to go there is completing a Living Story Episode.

> > > > > >

> > > > > > ![](https://i.imgur.com/u7AwW7a.jpg "")

> > > > > >

> > > > > > and it costs 200 gems to unlock.

> > > > > >

> > > > > > On my main account, all the LS stories of HoT and PoF are unlocked. the account that i used to get the Screenshot also has HoT and PoF but i bought the expansions late so i have to buy the LS 's with Gems. Why is this So?

> > > > > >

> > > > > > So how to go to Ember Bay? and why the LS's are prized with gems? i already have the expansions.

> > > > >

> > > > > Welcome to the kitten monetisation of GW2.

> > > >

> > > > Oh yeah .. how evil!!!! PAYING for things. Imagine how awesome it would be to not pay for anything (and live in caves, huddled around a fire and beat your dinner with a wooden club too!!)

> > > >

> > > > Let's get off the sensationalism here. Do you WANT to pay a monthly fee for this game ... or see this game cease to exist altogether? If you do, keep thinking that way.

> > >

> > > It's free if you log in, but if you don't it's not. It is uncommon. In most other MMOs you get such stuff anyways. People don't understand it. Yes, it's free to play and you can change gems to gold etc. But still, it is a very bad move and it's very mind boggling for most players. Imagine a new player buying all the expansions and then the game asks for 2000 or whatever gems for all the mini episodes. That's just plain stupid decision and leaves a bad aftertaste. And we talk not about some additional side-missions etc. It _is_ the main story actually.

> > >

> > > Oh and btw. I was never a victim of this, since I logged in everytime they released a new LS.

> >

> > It shouldn't be all that mind boggling to anyone that doesn't expect to get everything ever released for free because they bought X. What is included is clearly laid out when you make the purchase, so the only way someone would be expecting extra stuff would be feeling like they are entitled to it. The map in question here comes from a certain LS release, not from the expansion. That has been laid out, and explained. The OP is complaining because they feel like they should be able to access content, a map, in this case, that they haven't purchased on the account in question. I, for example, didn't make the release dates for LS2 or 3. I had to purchase both if I wanted to gain access to both the stories tied to them, and the associated maps. I wasn't confused by this concept, it made perfect sense to me: If I had been playing at the time of their release, I could have gotten them for free. I wasn't, and so I have to pay full market price for them, unless I caught them during a sale.

> >

> > Rewards are not entitlements. Getting the LS for free was a reward for being logged in during the release windows of each part. If I create another account tomorrow, I won't be entitled to anything but whatever comes with what I purchase for that account. The same as what has happened with this account, which didn't meet the criteria for getting LS 2 and 3 for free. This is an uncommon move, but one that should be applauded, not condemned. It rewards active players with free stuff. In other games, this would be applauded as the best move ever, but here, it seems like it's a criminal thing, at least according to the OP. The complaint is, after all, that they don't have access to content that they haven't purchased, on the account in question.


> C'mon, be honest with yourself. You just try to help Anet here. At least that's what I feel. No, it makes no sense and I don't get why almost every heavy forum poster is always helping them. I have - contrary to many others - only a few complaints about this game. I almost never complain, but this is beyond my understanding. I also had never to pay since I always log in during these releases although I mostly quit playing. I also spent a ton of real money, I like to pay and contribute to this company, not that you think I am shy of paying.


I am. I missed the window of opportunity to be rewarded for playing the game, and so, I had to buy the LSs. I wasn't confused, or put off. I wasn't here for the freebies, and so I didn't get 'em. I did, however, manage to get all of LS 4 for free. I'm not the least bit confused about how that worked out either: There are conditions for getting it for free, and they're not complicated conditions; be logged in when they're actively running that part of that season, and presto, you get it for free. I have no reason to protect, or white knight for Anet I also have no reason to jump on the "but we're entitled to this because we bought that" bandwagon, which is, at the end of the day, exactly what this thread is.


Key phrases that give it away? "But I bought HoT late". It doesn't matter when you buy HoT, the map in question was never included in the expansion. The only way this thread has any real meaning would be if it had, at one point, been included in the expansion, and then, I'd be all over "that's shady". Since it never was, the timeframe in which the purchase of HoT is made is irrelevant. The fact that they gave them away at all should be applauded, not condemned. They certainly aren't required to, and it certainly takes a bite out of their income. Not being here for, or having an alt account made and logged in for the timeframe to get it free is the "fault", for lack of a better word, of the player, not ANet, or anyone else. DDO gives most of it's new content away, if you're a VIP, meaning you're paying to play every month. If you're not, you have to buy it, there's no grace period for getting it for free unless you have a sub, and if you let that drop, you have to buy the content, or you can't run it. This is far superior to DDO's method, wouldn't you agree?

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> @"Kaltyn of Torbins Deep.2946" said:

> > @"Obtena.7952" said:

> > > @"Kaltyn of Torbins Deep.2946" said:

> > > My advice? First, stop doing things to get banned. Second, login to your alt accounts more often. I hit both of my accounts every day. At the same time even.

> >

> > Seriously ... isn't the whole point of owning a second account to log into it every day for the free loots? Why own a second account if you aren't doing that?

> >


> Yeah, that's one of the points of an alt. My alt was a gift and I now have several characters on it that I like to play, too, but the original idea was to use it to make gold to help with the guild hall upgrades - I've basically solo'd our guild hall from level 20 to 53 (the only thing really holding me up is PvP reward potions now, and 9 more shovels).


> I do wonder about the original poster though, from reading some of his comments, it looks to me like he made multiple accounts because he expected to get at least a temporary ban on his main at some point. You don't go into a game expecting a ban unless you go in with the intent of breaking the rules. Maybe I am mistaken, but that's the way I'm interpreting a couple of his comments in this thread.


i got suspended for retorting to trolls, with heavier trolling. i usually get suspended and i don't know why they don't suspend them.


so yeah, thus the other accounts. and when i log in those accounts, those trolls are still there, still doing some noob, weak and amateur trolling.

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> @"MoriMoriMori.5349" said:

> What others seems to miss is that topic starter has mentioned that he already have those LS episodes unlocked on his main account. And now is forced to buy them again at his 2nd account. Now, this doesn't really make much sense, even with all considerations given. Why should he pay twice?


Because it's not the same account. It's his own business if he maintains multiple accounts. Anet doesn't know who's using them. There's absolutely no reason for them to offer free unlocks on one account because they were purchased on another.

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