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Is there any correlation between the class you choose & your character?


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I main Warrior and Guardian, usually prefer playing a character's build that can be pretty defensive and that can be effective on its own. I don't seek competition, neither to be number 1 in some things, I just do my things and that's it. One could say that I'm pretty defensive psychologically in real life too. I however also like to help someone if I see they are in needs (like if I see someone in the game that is almost dying, or literally die, I help/res him), which could explain my guardian / herald profession preference.


Sometimes, I play thief, which could also explains my little aggressive nature which sometimes shows off. Hmmm....

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Nope, I only main a profession when the gameplay and thematic of this profession suit my taste, there is nothing related to my personnality at all. I've often seen people with totally different personnality in and out of the game, so I don't think that personnality have anything to do with what profession on chose.

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This is a very difficult question and I think I need to draw upon the power of those who succeeded before me.


> I've had a *hypothesis* ~~theory~~ about this for awhile. I use [bartle's Taxonomy of player types](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bartle_taxonomy_of_player_types "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bartle_taxonomy_of_player_types") for mine though. It's *one of many solutions available to me* ~~the best solution I have~~ to answer a few *life-or-death* ~~key~~ questions: Why is the *Ranger* ~~Engineer~~ forum so chill? Why is the *Mesmer* ~~thief~~ forum so hostile? Why are *Warriors* ~~necromancers~~ and *Necromancers* ~~rangers~~ so *easy to pick up but have an impressive skill ceiling all the same and have their own group of top players* ~~n00bish~~?


> Basically it works like this: the reason why the *Mesmer* ~~thief~~ forum is so hostile comes from two sides. First, the kind of players who will play *Mesmers* ~~thieves~~ are interested in acting and not interacting, and are interested on acting on players and not the world. The *Mesmer* ~~Thief~~ profession is great for this, hiding away and then ambushing another person with no chance to counter-attack. A particular note of this playstyle is the absence of parity in play; a lack of desire in an engaging duel or a fair fight. The concern is over beating people, not fighting people. The second half of this is frustration: this kind of playstyle isn't fun for everyone, so Anet continually nerfs it over and over again. This means that all of the players who want to ambush others lack the tools to have any real impact, thus afflicting the sensation of helplessness upon them.


> In contrast, the *Ranger* ~~Engineer~~ forum is so chill because of the opposite reasons. *Rangers* ~~Engineers~~ are given a wide toolbox, which gives them the ability to solve nearly every PVE problem they'll encounter. This also makes them tricky and strangely effective in PVP. The *Ranger* ~~engineer~~ almost never feels helpless. But, since the class requires players to understand all of these skills to make use of them, it attracts people who are interested in interacting with players and the world.


> *Bartle's Taxonomy of player types* ~~Psychology~~ is a *tool that even the author warns against use for games outside of the early MUDs, because of its incompleteness, but some treat it as a* complicated soft-science, so a lot of this kind of stuff is just speculation. But, I have found it to be a useful explanation for certain things.


I think it's a spectrum with an ever expanding set of sliders from 1 to 100.

You will have people who choose classes because of what they think the classes represent for them - e.g. Holy Warrior archetypes with themes of selflessness, sacrifice, dependability, cleansing etc. which some identify with or yearn for.

You will have people who love winning more than anything and they will hop on FOTM classes and learn all the "cheap" tricks and class doesn't matter. I would put the trolling players here too because they do want to win, just in an aspect different from winning the match or the fight.

You will have people who care about mechanical aspects - some want it easy, some like to play the piano.

You will have people who care about stylistic aspects of classes or even just certain sound effects of a skill.


People make decisions on whether to play a class based on multiple factors they consider simultaneously and weigh differently.

You can make broad sweeping generalizations but they wouldn't apply to everyone.

The most common ways to talk about classes though is through the theme (though GW2 doesn't have that much class lore), and in GW2 because it is so action-combat-heavy, the playstyle matters a bit more.

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@"Ralkuth.1456" Did you @ the wrong person? You're quoting me (roughly), and Eremite is the one who made the thread. Turk is the guy who just went "NO NO NO YOU'RE EVIL!" However I digress.


Earlier today I remembered something... tangentially related. Mattpatt did a a couple of videos on why the different teams in Pokemon Go have different numbers of players. His [first](

"https://youtube.com/watch?v=EttwOFRS8t8") goes over the design of the advertisements and color theory. His [second](
"https://youtube.com/watch?v=wwCZF4bGQGI") goes over the results of a massive survey he did of his fans.


The results are interesting, considering that the different teams in Pokemon Go are divided up only by their color and slogan. There aren't any outside themes, or mechanical differences like there are in GW2. It makes me wonder how many times somebody picked a class because of theme or performance, but then left it because they didn't like the mechanics.


I myself have rerolled a few of my characters. My mesmer used to be my thief. My engineer was first an engineer, then a thief, then an engineer again. My current thief started out as a ranger, but then became an engineer, then became a thief, then became a ranger again for a very short time before becoming my thief again. My elementalist used to be my mesmer. My Guardian and Revenant... are the only ones that haven't done the profession shuffle with because they're cool where they are. I'm not sure what inspires these changes, but it is like there's something that I find unsettling about the combination of theme and mechanics, and it bothers me so much that I just can't deal. My first class was engineer, but then I decided to (sort-of) main thief, and then I decided to main mesmer, and then after being indecisive for awhile I decided I would main engineer again, and now I'm camping on revenant the most.


If you got lost in all that, just know that my toons shuffle around a lot because they don't quite feel right where they're sitting.

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@"Blood Red Arachnid.2493"

I do understand where you’re coming from, and I can understand you want a system which explains how it all fits. I had a problem like this too, trying to match my own fantasy with existing classes and playstyles. I actually delete my 80 toons regularly and change names very frequently until recently (support was great and humoured my restore requests) when I decided name and class and identity and playstyle will all be made one. I will make a character complete unto itself and able to defend its meaning when I question its existence.


All I can say is, over time I have learned to loosen the reigns a lot and see classes as they are. Our conflict over names and identity and class and playstyle is a bit like someone who loves an ability but found it got nerfed and unlikely to be changed in the short run. I used to, but won’t fret over that ability anymore and I step back to see how it all fits in the present. So I don’t focus on how a class should have been enjoyed, but I ask how I can enjoy the class at the moment.


If you feel undecided still, over all other classes but your Guard and Rev, I suggest you play them until you are clear on why you love them as they are.


For others I have an example: I played a lot of Engineer in the Core days using a P/P condition setup in sPvP. I never could quite get into Power Rilfe, nor Scrapper Hammer, because I just couldn’t suspend my disbelief enough to play these builds, but for different reasons. For Core Rifle I found the CC combo awkward to use; for Scrapper I wasn’t a fan of Elixir Gun. I could use other kits and the blast combos no problem but I didn’t like the flow of those builds. It wasn’t until Holosmith when everything clicked for me and I loved the smooth synergy.


Right now IRL I am struggling against my limits and I value personal mental toughness and strength. So, I agree with Warriors the most and I build a couple of characters of different races and stories behind them. I don’t take stories super seriously, but just enough to get in the mood.

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> @"Blood Red Arachnid.2493" said:

> I've had a theory about this for awhile. I use [bartle's Taxonomy of player types](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bartle_taxonomy_of_player_types "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bartle_taxonomy_of_player_types") for mine though. It's the best solution I have to answer a few key questions: Why is the Engineer forum so chill? Why is the thief forum so hostile? Why are necromancers and rangers so n00bish?


> Basically it works like this: the reason why the thief forum is so hostile comes from two sides. First, the kind of players who will play thieves are interested in acting and not interacting, and are interested on acting on players and not the world. The Thief profession is great for this, hiding away and then ambushing another person with no chance to counter-attack. A particular note of this playstyle is the absence of parity in play; a lack of desire in an engaging duel or a fair fight. The concern is over beating people, not fighting people. The second half of this is frustration: this kind of playstyle isn't fun for everyone, so Anet continually nerfs it over and over again. This means that all of the players who want to ambush others lack the tools to have any real impact, thus afflicting the sensation of helplessness upon them.


> In contrast, the Engineer forum is so chill because of the opposite reasons. Engineers are given a wide toolbox, which gives them the ability to solve nearly every PVE problem they'll encounter. This also makes them tricky and strangely effective in PVP. The engineer almost never feels helpless. But, since the class requires players to understand all of these skills to make use of them, it attracts people who are interested in interacting with players and the world.


> Psychology is a complicated soft-science, so a lot of this kind of stuff is just speculation. But, I have found it to be a useful explanation for certain things.


What kind of Quack are you trying to be? Do you even read these forums?

Or are you too stuck in your own mind you can only see what confirms your bias?

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> @"TwiceDead.1963" said:

> > @"Blood Red Arachnid.2493" said:

> > I've had a theory about this for awhile. I use [bartle's Taxonomy of player types](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bartle_taxonomy_of_player_types "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bartle_taxonomy_of_player_types") for mine though. It's the best solution I have to answer a few key questions: Why is the Engineer forum so chill? Why is the thief forum so hostile? Why are necromancers and rangers so n00bish?

> >

> > Basically it works like this: the reason why the thief forum is so hostile comes from two sides. First, the kind of players who will play thieves are interested in acting and not interacting, and are interested on acting on players and not the world. The Thief profession is great for this, hiding away and then ambushing another person with no chance to counter-attack. A particular note of this playstyle is the absence of parity in play; a lack of desire in an engaging duel or a fair fight. The concern is over beating people, not fighting people. The second half of this is frustration: this kind of playstyle isn't fun for everyone, so Anet continually nerfs it over and over again. This means that all of the players who want to ambush others lack the tools to have any real impact, thus afflicting the sensation of helplessness upon them.

> >

> > In contrast, the Engineer forum is so chill because of the opposite reasons. Engineers are given a wide toolbox, which gives them the ability to solve nearly every PVE problem they'll encounter. This also makes them tricky and strangely effective in PVP. The engineer almost never feels helpless. But, since the class requires players to understand all of these skills to make use of them, it attracts people who are interested in interacting with players and the world.

> >

> > Psychology is a complicated soft-science, so a lot of this kind of stuff is just speculation. But, I have found it to be a useful explanation for certain things.


> What kind of Quack are you trying to be? Do you even read these forums?

> Or are you too stuck in your own mind you can only see what confirms your bias?


You are aware that being an irate thief player in no way is evidence against my claim that thief players are irate?

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> @"Blood Red Arachnid.2493" said:

> > @"TwiceDead.1963" said:

> > > @"Blood Red Arachnid.2493" said:

> > > I've had a theory about this for awhile. I use [bartle's Taxonomy of player types](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bartle_taxonomy_of_player_types "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bartle_taxonomy_of_player_types") for mine though. It's the best solution I have to answer a few key questions: Why is the Engineer forum so chill? Why is the thief forum so hostile? Why are necromancers and rangers so n00bish?

> > >

> > > Basically it works like this: the reason why the thief forum is so hostile comes from two sides. First, the kind of players who will play thieves are interested in acting and not interacting, and are interested on acting on players and not the world. The Thief profession is great for this, hiding away and then ambushing another person with no chance to counter-attack. A particular note of this playstyle is the absence of parity in play; a lack of desire in an engaging duel or a fair fight. The concern is over beating people, not fighting people. The second half of this is frustration: this kind of playstyle isn't fun for everyone, so Anet continually nerfs it over and over again. This means that all of the players who want to ambush others lack the tools to have any real impact, thus afflicting the sensation of helplessness upon them.

> > >

> > > In contrast, the Engineer forum is so chill because of the opposite reasons. Engineers are given a wide toolbox, which gives them the ability to solve nearly every PVE problem they'll encounter. This also makes them tricky and strangely effective in PVP. The engineer almost never feels helpless. But, since the class requires players to understand all of these skills to make use of them, it attracts people who are interested in interacting with players and the world.

> > >

> > > Psychology is a complicated soft-science, so a lot of this kind of stuff is just speculation. But, I have found it to be a useful explanation for certain things.

> >

> > What kind of Quack are you trying to be? Do you even read these forums?

> > Or are you too stuck in your own mind you can only see what confirms your bias?


> You are aware that being an irate thief player in no way is evidence against my claim that thief players are irate?

Just stop.


All you did was call out one player group as a bunch of angry kiddos and the other is supposedly a bunch of cool kittens. Based on what? You've got nothing to back up your claim, and it's so easily disproven. All you have to do is simply click into the other sub-forums on occasion. You can replace either class in your write-up with any of the others and it'd still sound "Right". All you did was place two player groups into arbitrary categories based on nothing but vague horoscope crap and covering it up as "Psychology".

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I think depends on how much of your own identity you invest in the characters you play/main, and how much they are "just a character".


I think that your description of a "guardian" matches who I am as a person, regardless of what class I'm playing, though I do main guardian almost exclusively.

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> @"TwiceDead.1963" said:

> Just stop.


> All you did was call out one player group as a bunch of angry kiddos and the other is supposedly a bunch of cool kittens. Based on what? You've got nothing to back up your claim, and it's so easily disproven. All you have to do is simply click into the other sub-forums on occasion. You can replace either class in your write-up with any of the others and it'd still sound "Right". All you did was place two player groups into arbitrary categories based on nothing but vague horoscope kitten and covering it up as "Psychology".


I can recognize illegitimacy in thought from a mile away. Congratulations, you can throw around vague insults and cookie-cutter anti-thinking rhetoric. I'm not fooled. If you want proof of my claim, all you have to do is simply click into the other sub-forums on occasion.

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I mained mesmer( although I regularly play other classes.Love alts.) Mainly because mesmer was everything I loved conceptually..the lies...the deception...the confusion....the pretty though deadly. It is how I feel about life that everyone just believes his own version of it...and how fragile that perception can be. In wow I liked priest for the mind manipulation qualities be it for good or bad.

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> @"Blood Red Arachnid.2493" said:

> I've had a theory about this for awhile. I use [bartle's Taxonomy of player types](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bartle_taxonomy_of_player_types "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bartle_taxonomy_of_player_types") for mine though. It's the best solution I have to answer a few key questions: Why is the Engineer forum so chill? Why is the thief forum so hostile? Why are necromancers and rangers so n00bish?


> Basically it works like this: the reason why the thief forum is so hostile comes from two sides. First, the kind of players who will play thieves are interested in acting and not interacting, and are interested on acting on players and not the world. The Thief profession is great for this, hiding away and then ambushing another person with no chance to counter-attack. A particular note of this playstyle is the absence of parity in play; a lack of desire in an engaging duel or a fair fight. The concern is over beating people, not fighting people. The second half of this is frustration: this kind of playstyle isn't fun for everyone, so Anet continually nerfs it over and over again. This means that all of the players who want to ambush others lack the tools to have any real impact, thus afflicting the sensation of helplessness upon them.


> In contrast, the Engineer forum is so chill because of the opposite reasons. Engineers are given a wide toolbox, which gives them the ability to solve nearly every PVE problem they'll encounter. This also makes them tricky and strangely effective in PVP. The engineer almost never feels helpless. But, since the class requires players to understand all of these skills to make use of them, it attracts people who are interested in interacting with players and the world.


> Psychology is a complicated soft-science, so a lot of this kind of stuff is just speculation. But, I have found it to be a useful explanation for certain things.


Like others have pointed out this is more of a horoscope thing. I would say the reason thief forum is hostile is because that's all the kids who wanna be an edgy assassin XD im so cool stealth 1hit evade im a ninja XD and everything else doesn't have the same kinda teenage bs associated with it. Ranger forums are chill too.

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> @"bigo.9037" said:

> > @"Blood Red Arachnid.2493" said:

> > I've had a theory about this for awhile. I use [bartle's Taxonomy of player types](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bartle_taxonomy_of_player_types "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bartle_taxonomy_of_player_types") for mine though. It's the best solution I have to answer a few key questions: Why is the Engineer forum so chill? Why is the thief forum so hostile? Why are necromancers and rangers so n00bish?

> >

> > Basically it works like this: the reason why the thief forum is so hostile comes from two sides. First, the kind of players who will play thieves are interested in acting and not interacting, and are interested on acting on players and not the world. The Thief profession is great for this, hiding away and then ambushing another person with no chance to counter-attack. A particular note of this playstyle is the absence of parity in play; a lack of desire in an engaging duel or a fair fight. The concern is over beating people, not fighting people. The second half of this is frustration: this kind of playstyle isn't fun for everyone, so Anet continually nerfs it over and over again. This means that all of the players who want to ambush others lack the tools to have any real impact, thus afflicting the sensation of helplessness upon them.

> >

> > In contrast, the Engineer forum is so chill because of the opposite reasons. Engineers are given a wide toolbox, which gives them the ability to solve nearly every PVE problem they'll encounter. This also makes them tricky and strangely effective in PVP. The engineer almost never feels helpless. But, since the class requires players to understand all of these skills to make use of them, it attracts people who are interested in interacting with players and the world.

> >

> > Psychology is a complicated soft-science, so a lot of this kind of stuff is just speculation. But, I have found it to be a useful explanation for certain things.


> Like others have pointed out this is more of a horoscope thing. I would say the reason thief forum is hostile is because that's all the kids who wanna be an edgy assassin XD im so cool stealth 1hit evade im a ninja XD and everything else doesn't have the same kinda teenage bs associated with it. Ranger forums are chill too.


When Richard Bartle came up with his taxonomy, it wasn't written for just a single game. It was meant to explain multiple games across the MUD spectrum. The categories and terminology have to be general, due to all of the different ways that a MUD (or rather, an MMO) can be made. Because of this, the categories are player focused and goal driven, rather than delving into any specifics.


If you want the short, specific version, it is this: If you have multiplayer games, you're going to get killers, griefers, and gankers. It's gonna happen. As you know, they aren't the most pleasant people. The thief profession has a combination of tools uniquely suited to this. Therefore, the griefers and killers are going to main thief. However, since it sucks being ganked and ambushed, Anet keeps nerfing thief in general, which makes all of the other thief mains salty.

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> @"Blood Red Arachnid.2493" said:

> > @"bigo.9037" said:

> > > @"Blood Red Arachnid.2493" said:

> > > I've had a theory about this for awhile. I use [bartle's Taxonomy of player types](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bartle_taxonomy_of_player_types "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bartle_taxonomy_of_player_types") for mine though. It's the best solution I have to answer a few key questions: Why is the Engineer forum so chill? Why is the thief forum so hostile? Why are necromancers and rangers so n00bish?

> > >

> > > Basically it works like this: the reason why the thief forum is so hostile comes from two sides. First, the kind of players who will play thieves are interested in acting and not interacting, and are interested on acting on players and not the world. The Thief profession is great for this, hiding away and then ambushing another person with no chance to counter-attack. A particular note of this playstyle is the absence of parity in play; a lack of desire in an engaging duel or a fair fight. The concern is over beating people, not fighting people. The second half of this is frustration: this kind of playstyle isn't fun for everyone, so Anet continually nerfs it over and over again. This means that all of the players who want to ambush others lack the tools to have any real impact, thus afflicting the sensation of helplessness upon them.

> > >

> > > In contrast, the Engineer forum is so chill because of the opposite reasons. Engineers are given a wide toolbox, which gives them the ability to solve nearly every PVE problem they'll encounter. This also makes them tricky and strangely effective in PVP. The engineer almost never feels helpless. But, since the class requires players to understand all of these skills to make use of them, it attracts people who are interested in interacting with players and the world.

> > >

> > > Psychology is a complicated soft-science, so a lot of this kind of stuff is just speculation. But, I have found it to be a useful explanation for certain things.

> >

> > Like others have pointed out this is more of a horoscope thing. I would say the reason thief forum is hostile is because that's all the kids who wanna be an edgy assassin XD im so cool stealth 1hit evade im a ninja XD and everything else doesn't have the same kinda teenage bs associated with it. Ranger forums are chill too.


> When Richard Bartle came up with his taxonomy, it wasn't written for just a single game. It was meant to explain multiple games across the MUD spectrum. The categories and terminology have to be general, due to all of the different ways that a MUD (or rather, an MMO) can be made. Because of this, the categories are player focused and goal driven, rather than delving into any specifics.


> If you want the short, specific version, it is this: If you have multiplayer games, you're going to get killers, griefers, and gankers. It's gonna happen. As you know, they aren't the most pleasant people. The thief profession has a combination of tools uniquely suited to this. Therefore, the griefers and killers are going to main thief. However, since it sucks being ganked and ambushed, Anet keeps nerfing thief in general, which makes all of the other thief mains salty.


Can you explain what a griefer is lol. Also, idk man.. That would just explain the different roles in wvw anyway. Roamers.. gankers( roamers but only go for low hanging fruit ( going 2v1 against players ) ).. zerglings...



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> @"bigo.9037" said:

> > @"Blood Red Arachnid.2493" said:

> > > @"bigo.9037" said:

> > > > @"Blood Red Arachnid.2493" said:

> > > > I've had a theory about this for awhile. I use [bartle's Taxonomy of player types](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bartle_taxonomy_of_player_types "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bartle_taxonomy_of_player_types") for mine though. It's the best solution I have to answer a few key questions: Why is the Engineer forum so chill? Why is the thief forum so hostile? Why are necromancers and rangers so n00bish?

> > > >

> > > > Basically it works like this: the reason why the thief forum is so hostile comes from two sides. First, the kind of players who will play thieves are interested in acting and not interacting, and are interested on acting on players and not the world. The Thief profession is great for this, hiding away and then ambushing another person with no chance to counter-attack. A particular note of this playstyle is the absence of parity in play; a lack of desire in an engaging duel or a fair fight. The concern is over beating people, not fighting people. The second half of this is frustration: this kind of playstyle isn't fun for everyone, so Anet continually nerfs it over and over again. This means that all of the players who want to ambush others lack the tools to have any real impact, thus afflicting the sensation of helplessness upon them.

> > > >

> > > > In contrast, the Engineer forum is so chill because of the opposite reasons. Engineers are given a wide toolbox, which gives them the ability to solve nearly every PVE problem they'll encounter. This also makes them tricky and strangely effective in PVP. The engineer almost never feels helpless. But, since the class requires players to understand all of these skills to make use of them, it attracts people who are interested in interacting with players and the world.

> > > >

> > > > Psychology is a complicated soft-science, so a lot of this kind of stuff is just speculation. But, I have found it to be a useful explanation for certain things.

> > >

> > > Like others have pointed out this is more of a horoscope thing. I would say the reason thief forum is hostile is because that's all the kids who wanna be an edgy assassin XD im so cool stealth 1hit evade im a ninja XD and everything else doesn't have the same kinda teenage bs associated with it. Ranger forums are chill too.

> >

> > When Richard Bartle came up with his taxonomy, it wasn't written for just a single game. It was meant to explain multiple games across the MUD spectrum. The categories and terminology have to be general, due to all of the different ways that a MUD (or rather, an MMO) can be made. Because of this, the categories are player focused and goal driven, rather than delving into any specifics.

> >

> > If you want the short, specific version, it is this: If you have multiplayer games, you're going to get killers, griefers, and gankers. It's gonna happen. As you know, they aren't the most pleasant people. The thief profession has a combination of tools uniquely suited to this. Therefore, the griefers and killers are going to main thief. However, since it sucks being ganked and ambushed, Anet keeps nerfing thief in general, which makes all of the other thief mains salty.


> Can you explain what a griefer is lol. Also, idk man.. That would just explain the different roles in wvw anyway. Roamers.. gankers( roamers but only go for low hanging fruit ( going 2v1 against players ) ).. zerglings...




A griefer is a player who causes others grief any means possible. Maybe they're Player Killers who focus on needlessly killing other players, especially ones they out level and out skill and can't fight back. They're the type that might pull dangerous enemies like bosses or packs of enemies onto other players to deliberately get them killed. They might go into a minecraft server and destroy other player's hard made creations.



Bartle's Taxonomy is absolutely a real thing. It might not apply to all players equally and some players might enjoy all aspects of the game to some degree. This is real game design taken into account in all multiplayer games and you can absolutely include Guild Wars 2 in that.

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> @"mortrialus.3062" said:

> > @"bigo.9037" said:

> > > @"Blood Red Arachnid.2493" said:

> > > > @"bigo.9037" said:

> > > > > @"Blood Red Arachnid.2493" said:

> > > > > I've had a theory about this for awhile. I use [bartle's Taxonomy of player types](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bartle_taxonomy_of_player_types "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bartle_taxonomy_of_player_types") for mine though. It's the best solution I have to answer a few key questions: Why is the Engineer forum so chill? Why is the thief forum so hostile? Why are necromancers and rangers so n00bish?

> > > > >

> > > > > Basically it works like this: the reason why the thief forum is so hostile comes from two sides. First, the kind of players who will play thieves are interested in acting and not interacting, and are interested on acting on players and not the world. The Thief profession is great for this, hiding away and then ambushing another person with no chance to counter-attack. A particular note of this playstyle is the absence of parity in play; a lack of desire in an engaging duel or a fair fight. The concern is over beating people, not fighting people. The second half of this is frustration: this kind of playstyle isn't fun for everyone, so Anet continually nerfs it over and over again. This means that all of the players who want to ambush others lack the tools to have any real impact, thus afflicting the sensation of helplessness upon them.

> > > > >

> > > > > In contrast, the Engineer forum is so chill because of the opposite reasons. Engineers are given a wide toolbox, which gives them the ability to solve nearly every PVE problem they'll encounter. This also makes them tricky and strangely effective in PVP. The engineer almost never feels helpless. But, since the class requires players to understand all of these skills to make use of them, it attracts people who are interested in interacting with players and the world.

> > > > >

> > > > > Psychology is a complicated soft-science, so a lot of this kind of stuff is just speculation. But, I have found it to be a useful explanation for certain things.

> > > >

> > > > Like others have pointed out this is more of a horoscope thing. I would say the reason thief forum is hostile is because that's all the kids who wanna be an edgy assassin XD im so cool stealth 1hit evade im a ninja XD and everything else doesn't have the same kinda teenage bs associated with it. Ranger forums are chill too.

> > >

> > > When Richard Bartle came up with his taxonomy, it wasn't written for just a single game. It was meant to explain multiple games across the MUD spectrum. The categories and terminology have to be general, due to all of the different ways that a MUD (or rather, an MMO) can be made. Because of this, the categories are player focused and goal driven, rather than delving into any specifics.

> > >

> > > If you want the short, specific version, it is this: If you have multiplayer games, you're going to get killers, griefers, and gankers. It's gonna happen. As you know, they aren't the most pleasant people. The thief profession has a combination of tools uniquely suited to this. Therefore, the griefers and killers are going to main thief. However, since it sucks being ganked and ambushed, Anet keeps nerfing thief in general, which makes all of the other thief mains salty.

> >

> > Can you explain what a griefer is lol. Also, idk man.. That would just explain the different roles in wvw anyway. Roamers.. gankers( roamers but only go for low hanging fruit ( going 2v1 against players ) ).. zerglings...

> >

> >


> A griefer is a player who causes others grief any means possible. Maybe they're Player Killers who focus on needlessly killing other players, especially ones they out level and out skill and can't fight back. They're the type that might pull dangerous enemies like bosses or packs of enemies onto other players to deliberately get them killed. They might go into a minecraft server and destroy other player's hard made creations.




> Bartle's Taxonomy is absolutely a real thing. It might not apply to all players equally and some players might enjoy all aspects of the game to some degree. This is real game design taken into account in all multiplayer games and you can absolutely include Guild Wars 2 in that.


Ah yea okay. A few players come to mind when you mention griefer... Altho It's obviously more of a spectrum than black and white.

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> @"Turk.5460" said:

> > @"Blood Red Arachnid.2493" said:

> > > @"Turk.5460" said:

> > >

> > >Please.


> Your post is riddled with hypocrisy and misinformation. Sit down.


I find it ironic that you first call him out to start the whole thing and then raise the hostility while berating him for hypocrisy and hostility. Difference between the average PvE main and the average sPvP main probably doesn't exist either, that'd just be hocus pocus. We're all the same mmmkay, personality has absolutely no influence on your choices, despite the numerous people in this very thread talking about how their irl personality influences their in game choices. Also people who have no correlation between the two. So the interesting thing to do would be to do something like interview each sub forum with a standardized questionnaire and analyze that, or at least discuss something like that with the opposing view holder in an attempt to understand whatever sliver of truth they may be seeing. Instead, you get the boring shut down of anything that isn't a documented statistic spoon fed to you and try to shut someone up with accusations of horoscope level non correlation.

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At 5k+ hours, my charr necro is my main for all game modes. Originally I made a condi necro. When HoT came out, I used power builds and that was also when I started testing out the healcromancer build. What? A evil necromancer that wants to heal and prevent death? That's absurd! It was a niche build at the time and I got HEAVILY criticized for running it in any game mode and even in my guild. Being true to myself, I continued on to perfect the build and told those naysayers that I'll be getting the last laugh. When PoF came out, scourge became the necro's elite specialization and that's was the final piece needed to perfect the build. With two years of testing, I only needed a few tweaks to the original build to fit the support scourge. I now use the support scourge for all game modes. I get the most praise in PvE like "ty for rez" or "whoever kept teleporting my corpse to them for revives, you are a legend". Who would have thought that a evil class like the necro will be the one saving lives? lol

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