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Which Metas should new-ish players be doing?

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Ive been playing for a few months, have managed to farm up enough gold for 1 ascended set or armor and a couple weapons. I managed this by doing Istan (which i absolutely loved, may she RIP).


But now istan is no more, and I lust after having enough gold to buy some infusions, costumes, unbreakable gathering tools, some dyes and minipets.


Which meta now provide enough profit that they are worth doing? Or should I just be doing SW with 99% of my time if my only goal is to make some gold


I ask this because I've been told to do TD/AB/DS meta, but showing up early to partake in these Meta really cuts into any profit. If I need to show up 20min early before the map fills, thats 20min where Im not making any gold.


Can anyone give me a priority list of Metas to do in my spare time?

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Well other then TD/AB/DS which can all be done in under 2 hours (where you can get a total of 3 Amalgamated Gemstone worth 1gold 70~ silver each) I'd say the Ley Anomaly Event. Once a day you'll get one mystic coin (worth about 1 gold and 20-ish silver). The event takes about 8~ minutes. Another option is the The Oil Floes meta event and the Thunderhead Keep meta event in the new Thunderhead Peaks map. Once a day you get 1 piece of the Light of Deldrimor (one top half, one bottom half) which you can either sell as pieces or make the Light of Deldrimor Plate (current sell price from wiki is over 3 gold). No idea how many people run this event though, haven't been there since ages. Both of these metas shouldn't take longer then 10-15minutes if I remember correctly.


IMO you should relax a little. If you need to wait 20mins for a meta to start, just walk around, explore, gather some mats around you, get a hero point nearby, etc.. there is always something to do. You shouldn't feel punished for standing around and _not _making X gold per minute. There was a reason why istan was so populated and why it got nerfed, it was too easy to farm gold there.


One more thing, every 500 achivement points you geta box with 1 gold and every 5 k points you get 400 gems and 15-30 gold. So it's worth to do easy achivements in your free time.

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If your main goal at the moment is making gold the answer will always be SW, now that Istan got nerfed. And since most of the items you mentioned are from the cash store, you either pony up or grind your eyes out to make enough gold for them, that's how it works by design. The other metas you mentioned are on a timer unlike SW that's always player-driven so that downtime will always cut into your profits, as you noticed yourself.. Now with Istan gone it's pretty easy to find people running SW at all times. Make sure you open the bags on a character around lvl 50 as you get more bang for your mats this way.

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Thank you both for the comments, I do indeed have a lvl 50 I open the bags on since it seemed to greatly effect the gold/hour.


So my takeaway from both comments, is that I should just stick at SW if my only goal is making Gold to buy gems. But if I want to enjoy content I can go do the metas, and receive a reduced gold/hour?


I can live with that, although I do wish there were multiple metas that were as rewarding as RIBA so I could mix things up while still working toward my personal goals

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The reason Istan got nerfed isn't because you're 'making lot's of gold', but rather b/c you're stealing other people's gold through a cheap farm. SW is left intact b/c of the lil 80 boost and it's appeal to new players. This is reinforced by it remaining an ACTIVE MAP. I dare you to invite anyone in Istan to do a 'normal bounty (needed for several achievements) and see how legit the map is. Maybe after getting nerfed a couple times, it's not quite as 'toxic' as Pvp, but if you look at market histories, it's definitely not good for the game.

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if you are in need of gold, you should run the daily fractals and work your way up. If you do want to run the meta i would have a look at the achievments which grant ascended gear. you can work on some of those while waiting; ie have a look at the specialization collections. the same aplies for easy achievements in the area you are waiting.

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