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BLTC Proposals to Improve Revenue During LSS5


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> @"Westenev.5289" said:

> Facial unlocks seem cool and all, but I'm not sure I would pay for anything else here. The game already drops trans charges like crazy, and once I reached a certain point, I became happy with how my character looked.


> A personal wishlist of mine would be for Anet to stop developing mount and glider skins and focus on 800 gem armour designs that are simple and break the class fashion norm - but that's all it will be. A personal wish list, not a get rich quick scheme.


Anet actually already announced (years ago I believe) that they will no longer sell full armor sets on the gemstore, and they will save full armor sets for living world and expansions. It apparently takes them a while (months) to make an armor set. It seems like a similar amount of effort for them to make legendaries.

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> @"Just a flesh wound.3589" said:

> > @"Jetra.1238" said:

> > I would love an Infinity Transmute stone for convenience and drop $10-15 for it. I think that's fair enough, I tend to transmute to my favorite set or two. **One other thing they could add, and this might sound P2W, is insta 80 boosts**. Make your character max level without the free gear that goes with it. Leaves out spamming Tomes of Knowledge for those who want to pass everything for some new build they want to try out.


> The gemstore already has [instant Level 80 boosts](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Black_Lion_Instant_Level_80_Ticket)


I wish they would create an item/ticket item at the forge vendor you can trade 80 tomes for a one shot boost so I don't have to listen to all the sound spams at crafting stations!!!

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> @"Strands.5769" said:

> My BLTC wish list:

> Necro minion skins

> Ranger pet skins

> Engineer kit skins


Might as well sell a set of new skill animation skins/effects for all professions, and have them bundled by race theme or other types of themes.

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