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At least give us some QoL in PvP


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the way i see Anet do balance each season/expansion release is by give us an incurable cancer and we the community need to know how to work around it at least for a six months

and i dont think they ll change that approach to balance so At least give us some QoL in PvP


by enable team Q may be it 3,4 or 5 players team Q and not just douQ

but with some check boxes same as unranked PvP

i know some player will say that is unfair to soloQ player and that is right so we need some rules to protect them and here come the check boxes


First check box is to disable teamQ so all the 10 player are soloQ

Second check box is to disable switching characters before the game starts but you still can change your build

Third check box is to disable changing the elite before the game starts but you still can change the rest of your build

Fourth check box is to disable elite stacking

Fifth check box is to disable profession stacking



checking any of the above boxes will result in a huge Q time its a sacrifice to get a quality match

unchecking all the boxes will return to the normal MMr system

teamQ have no rules becasue i think having any type of rule will limit the fun of teamQ



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Or just don't rate us players at the actually ranked matches. There are still a lot of people, thinking ranked is to compete with others, but it has too less competitive aspects for that.


Rating how well you can abuse the ranking and react on a huge randomness about the teammates courses toxicity and unbalance the community, till the last one give it up.


@"DragonFury.6243" the checkboxes would not help, you already see how many people go solo in ranked even though the option to duo...


So split ranked + use the box system doesn't gain us new players or does the area more enjoyable. Even if you managed to get the class/ elite spec limited, you still can't limit bad builds or synergies at teams, it forces unbalanced matchups more then before...

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