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Shift+Enter, Squad broadcast chat

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I'm not sure if this is the appropriate place to post this, but...


For the past year or two (at least) I've been plagued by this infrequent bug that would prevent my chat box from working. The game acts as if Shift is held down (which is further suggested by the chat box working again after tapping both shift keys). Initially I presumed it was a Windows issue involving Sticky or Filter keys but that didn't appear to be the case. Plus I hadn't experienced it in any other program except Guild wars 2. I noted that it happened most frequently while typing, and shortly after experiencing it again today I had a breakthrough!


Pressing and holding Left shift, Right shift and Enter at the same time consistently caused this 'bug' to occur and upon realizing this I searched keybinds and found 'Squad Broadcast Message' is set to "Shift+Enter" by default (I say 'bug' because I presume its actually locking focus on the squad broadcast chat which for whatever reason doesn't exist for me - Perhaps due to not having a Commander Tag?). Curious, I unbound it and LShift+RShift+Enter no longer caused the chat box to freeze up. I re-enabled, and could immediately reproduce it. Strangely enough it also occurred when I tried LShift+RShift+/ and Shifts+L, neither of which caused any problems once the command was unbound.


So! I don't need help solving this (nor do I know if it's a problem that affects everyone), but thought I should post because I have seen posts in the past experiencing similar issues without resolution.



Shift keys stuck preventing chat from working.

Left Shift + Right shift + Enter simultaneously caused it to occur.

Pressing Left and Right shift (separately) seem to fix it.

Unbinding Squad Broadcast Message appears (so far) to prevent it from re-occurring.

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