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Anet, you broke WvW Scrapper Barrier builds


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> @"Clownmug.8357" said:

> > @"Valdel.7325" said:

> > > @"Clownmug.8357" said:

> > > Bulwark Gyro cooldown is too low, it's as simple as that. There's no justification for that while Stone Resonance exists.

> >

> > Does Stone Resonance blow you up, if you don't block your allies damage? It's how it's used which makes the difference between skills. Does weaver have a healing model, comparable to the use of bulwark by Scrappers? Solo roaming with bulwark reduces your ability to hurt anyone, you need that slot for new blast or shredder gyro.

> > Weavers/Elementalists in general need something more than bunker for solo, but dragging down other classes skills is not a true reflection of their needs.

> >


> In 1vX the damage sharing isn't a factor. It'd be nice if Weaver's healing required no stat investments and just pushing a button every 20 seconds. Suggesting that Blast or Shredder Gyro would even be considered by most people to use over Bulwark is laughable.


And yet full time Engis are trying stuff out in WvW. Partly due to how boring Holosmith can be outside of a few builds. Guildies and others are brushing off their dusty Scrappers to see how they are and that has increased more of them running around. Most will go back to their more damaging builds, as the gap between Holo and Scrapper dps is massive. When I see a Firebrand in small parties, alongside Boon Beasts and Tanky Weavers, I have to call in more people. Solo Scrappers running around with Bulwark are only going to waste your time.

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> @"coro.3176" said:

> In a 1v1, it's basically a free 10k heal on a 20s cooldown that comes with a bonus anti-projectile bubble and stability.

> In a zerg fight, you'll instantly take so much damage from your teammates it will drop you. If you don't also use elixir S at the same time, you're probably going to die.


Two objections:

It's not a heal, since as with AED the counterplay is waiting with your burst for the barrier to disperse.

Second: in zergs you take damage, but not excessively. In our guild setup of 20-30 people, I pop it every first meelee push and it never killed me before. You can also save Elixir-S and just use hammer-4 to block bulwark-damage if it gets too much.


Since the barrier disperses over time on a 20s CD and the dmg-reduction is only for allies, I don't think it's OP.

There are bunker builds now that increase barrier, but there were things like minstrel-firebrands before. Those builds just don't hit hard.

Purity of purpose is good as it is. With and ICD it would be useless in a zerg or group-setting. And since this game never was balanced on 1vs1, it should not be nerved for duel reasons. Adaptive armor barrier is also really low and should not take you more than a staff-1 hit to take away...

Heal scrapper is basically the zerg counter for enemy-zergs consisting of 40% scourges, so it's natural a 1vs1 fight against condi-based builds is unbalanced.

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