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Did they not promise a 15v15 or a 3v3 death match in the game? The only actual argument against it, seems to be that it would be preferred to have some classes rather than others. But since we already got WvW, Fractal, Raid/Mastery, I dont see this actually being a problem. Besides, who wouldnt want a monthly tourney 15v15


Not gonna lie, I dont like PvP simply because of capture point, I get that aspect is liked by some people, but most seems to agree, at least on map chat or in the actual pvp fields.


I might be wrong though

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> @"mortrialus.3062" said:

> Guild Wars 2's PvP gets too unwieldy, chaotic, and noisy once you start hitting 5v5. I genuinely do not understand how WvWers enjoy potentially 50vs50 zerg content.


Cuz they can just spam skills while being carried by 10ish players who actually have a clue on what they are doing otherwise they would be just bags to farm.


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