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Global Unidentified Gear Incoming, March 26th!

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> @"mtpelion.4562" said:

> > @"Manuhell.2759" said:

> > > @"PeerlessArch.6547" said:

> > > I think a lot are missing the point on "usefulness" of magic find.

> > >

> > > High magic find will increase the chance for an Exotic to "DROP DIRECTLY AS LOOT," not while IDing bags.

> > >

> > > Also High magic find will increase the chance of YELLOW UNIDs dropping instead of GREENs or GREENs vs. BLUEs.

> > >

> > > So in short, you'll have a better chance to get more yellow and green UNID bags over blues with higher MF.

> > >

> > > I hardly see that as "magic find is now useless."

> >

> > Magic find usually applies only to slain foes...but a lot of those bags are given via containers/chests or even event rewards, and thus aren't affected by magic find to start with.

> > And given that magic find won't affect opening them either, then you won't be using magic find at all. So yeah, it's becoming quite less useful.

> >


> Except that now nearly all mobs will be dropping UnID bags as loot, so the way things "use to be" is no longer relevant.

> When you kill an enemy, your magic find will determine if you move from junk to blue, blue to green, green to yellow, and yellow to orange.

> You then get a SECOND chance to move up a tier when you open the UnID bag. This second chance won't be affected by magic find, but is still a second change to move up.


Thank you for putting it into better words for me. :) :+1:

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> @"mtpelion.4562" said:

> Except that now nearly all mobs will be dropping UnID bags as loot, so the way things "use to be" is no longer relevant.

> When you kill an enemy, your magic find will determine if you move from junk to blue, blue to green, green to yellow, and yellow to orange.

> You then get a SECOND chance to move up a tier when you open the UnID bag. This second chance won't be affected by magic find, but is still a second change to move up.


I did read the opening post, you know? It still doesn't change what i wrote, though. UnID bags from sources other than mobs aren't and won't be affected by magic find, thus in those cases magic find won't affect them at all. If the point of the change was that magic find is supposed to affect those UnId bags a single time, then making it work only with enemy drops doesn't work. It's just a nice way to sugarcoat a nerf in drops.


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> @"Manuhell.2759" said:

> > @"mtpelion.4562" said:

> > Except that now nearly all mobs will be dropping UnID bags as loot, so the way things "use to be" is no longer relevant.

> > When you kill an enemy, your magic find will determine if you move from junk to blue, blue to green, green to yellow, and yellow to orange.

> > You then get a SECOND chance to move up a tier when you open the UnID bag. This second chance won't be affected by magic find, but is still a second change to move up.


> I did read the opening post, you know? It still doesn't change what i wrote, though. UnID bags from sources other than mobs aren't and won't be affected by magic find, thus in those cases magic find won't affect them at all. If the point of the change was that magic find is supposed to affect those UnId bags a single time, then making it work only with enemy drops doesn't work. It's just a nice way to sugarcoat a nerf in drops.



Chests were already exempt from MF, weren't they? So whatever rolled up when you opened it is what's inside, the same as it works now, as far as how I understand it. So nothing changed where you're claiming MF died because of this, except that MF won't affect opening the unid bags. Considering the increase in sources for them, however, that makes sense.

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> @"mtpelion.4562" said:

> This change shifts the MF benefit to obtaining the bag

It doesn't, since most of the time you obtain them in a way that makes MF not applicable.


> It also stands as a net buff to the vast majority of players (who were unable to hit that 900+MF level under the old system).

No, it is a nerf even to players with 100-200 MF. You will be getting objectively less from the unid bags at _any_ MF level above zero (and at 0 MF you will get the same as before).


> @"Kiza.5630" said:

> > @"AlexxxDelta.1806" said:

> > What we DO know though is that this change will kill, the already scarcely populated, PoF and LS4 maps. Which is baffling to me since usually MMO devs WANT their latest maps to be the most active. Are there any plans to keep these maps alive?


> Why would it kill those maps?

Significant reduction in rewards (which this change is in PoF and LS4 areas) in maps that were already overnerfed and underpopulated will hardly help to make those maps worth returning to.


> @"mtpelion.4562" said:

> Except that now nearly all mobs will be dropping UnID bags as loot

Direct drops aren't really relevant anymore, and haven't been for years. The majority of rewards nowadays come from bags, chests, event rewards etc. And those aren't affected by MF.


> @"robertthebard.8150" said:

> Chests were already exempt from MF, weren't they? So whatever rolled up when you opened it is what's inside, the same as it works now, as far as how I understand it. So nothing changed where you're claiming MF died because of this, except that MF won't affect opening the unid bags.

It's that "except" that is a major issue. PoF/LS4 events could generate a huge number of unids. Practically all those unids came from chests/event rewards, and _were_ affected by MF. Now, they will still come from chests/event rewards, but won't be affected by MF. So, we went from unids being affected once (the double MF dipping devs mentioned was a practically non-existing occurence) to unids not affected at all.


That is a massive nerf to drops in PoF/LS4, as well as a massive nerf to MF functionality.





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> @"Etria.3642" said:

> I ran a Palawadan today, it failed, not enough people, but that isn't why I'm here. Because NOT ONLY did the usual amount of unid's drop/come from chests, but my inventory was ALSO quite full of regular blues and greens. Same as when I complete a Thunderhead Peaks meta series(ie both north and south) by the time it's ended my bags are full of regular drops along with a few unidentifieds. Basically in both cases I have approximately 60 or so blue unids, 40 or so greens, perhaps 8 yellow, then 1 exotic, 3 rares, 12 greens and 20 blues. In other words, unidentifieds /help/ with inventory management but by no means does it condense everything to 3 neat little stacks plus the exotic.


> My question is will this be what happens in all the rest of the maps too(a few unid's and the rest regular stuff) because if so, then the real real change here is simply that mf no longer applies to unidentifieds.


The change havent happened yet, its still like 12-13 hours away from when I post this message.

To answer the question yes it will affect all the maps so only unidentifieds will drop with the odd exoitc here and there.

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Hope I understand it right.

After the 3/26 change

• Unidentifed Gear drops are influenced by Magic Find once, when received as a drop. Exotic equipment still has the same chance it currently does to drop directly in addition to the **rare** chance to obtain it from identifying gear.


In this situation the "rare" chance is based on rarity or on the drop rate of "rare" items in the game ? I know MF will not effect it but even then we are getting rare items almost daily. Wich one of those possibilities is the right one ?

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> @"Linken.6345" said:

> > @"Etria.3642" said:

> > I ran a Palawadan today, it failed, not enough people, but that isn't why I'm here. Because NOT ONLY did the usual amount of unid's drop/come from chests, but my inventory was ALSO quite full of regular blues and greens. Same as when I complete a Thunderhead Peaks meta series(ie both north and south) by the time it's ended my bags are full of regular drops along with a few unidentifieds. Basically in both cases I have approximately 60 or so blue unids, 40 or so greens, perhaps 8 yellow, then 1 exotic, 3 rares, 12 greens and 20 blues. In other words, unidentifieds /help/ with inventory management but by no means does it condense everything to 3 neat little stacks plus the exotic.

> >

> > My question is will this be what happens in all the rest of the maps too(a few unid's and the rest regular stuff) because if so, then the real real change here is simply that mf no longer applies to unidentifieds.


> The change havent happened yet, its still like 12-13 hours away from when I post this message.

> To answer the question yes it will affect all the maps so only unidentifieds will drop with the odd exoitc here and there.

As the person you quoted has rightly stated, there is more to loot tables than "generic" gear, and there is always a chance at getting some piece of equipment from the non-generic part that does not drop as unidentified. This includes the region specific weapons in core tyria (krytan, glyphic, ...) but from the way regular vs. unidentified gear drops in PoF and season 4 maps I suspect that we will still see individual pieces of seemingly generic gear drop in the future, just at a much lower rate than up to now (in non-PoF areas).


> @"Astralporing.1957" said:

> > @"mtpelion.4562" said:

> > Except that now nearly all mobs will be dropping UnID bags as loot

> Direct drops aren't really relevant anymore, and haven't been for years. The majority of rewards nowadays come from bags, chests, event rewards etc. And those aren't affected by MF.

We are talking about unidentified gear replacing "generic" equipment in core and HoT maps, including the account-bound HoT bags that still use MF when you open them. I suspect that a lot of loot in fact still comes into the game via drops, as the number of players who play to maximize their income by farming the flavor of the month farm (which usually relies a lot more on chest and container opening than "plain" gameplay) are most likely a minority compared to those who just casually play, or else the farmers wouldn't be able to make as much profit via the trading post as they do.

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> @"SwOrly.9362" said:

> Hope I understand it right.

> After the 3/26 change

> • Unidentifed Gear drops are influenced by Magic Find once, when received as a drop. Exotic equipment still has the same chance it currently does to drop directly in addition to the **rare** chance to obtain it from identifying gear.


> In this situation the "rare" chance is based on rarity or on the drop rate of "rare" items in the game ? I know MF will not effect it but even then we are getting rare items almost daily. Wich one of those possibilities is the right one ?

There's a base chance for an item to go up in quality when randomly created, of course more rare the more steps in quality it increases. Let's say an enemy drops a piece of blue quality equipment, then the game determines the exact piece of equipment, with a low chance to turn green, an even lower chance to turn yellow, and an even lower chance to turn exotic. That chance is always there, has always been, and will be unchanged after tonight's patch.


Your magic find increases the chance to upgrade quality of the drop, that's why with higher mf you will find an increase in green, yellow, and orange drops (although the droprate for orange is so low that it won't be easily noticable). Still even with zero magic find there is a chance that your "generic blue" item, when chosen by the game, will in fact turn into an exotic. That's why even a lvl 2 moa in Queensdale can drop a precursor weapon.


This upgrade chance happens twice with unidentified equipment. You get a chance to get a green or yellow unidentified instead of a blue on (with chances increased by your magic find if it drops from a source that includes mf, like mob drops) plus a chance when opening the unidentified (this one changes to the same generic chance for all with tonight's patch). Of course the chance to get an exotic is much higher when opening yellow quality unidentified equipment, as those only have to go up one step in quality, but even the blue ones can still give you exotics occasionally, just like that level 2 moa in Queensdale. The difference will be that the chance is the same for everyone, regardless of personal magic find, on the 2nd chance (when identifying).


For the (theoretical) new player with zero magic find this change will actually increase the odds of getting better quality items. For the regular player just playing the game, it should even out more or less, especially since values on the tp will adjust if it is no longer flooded with exotics from those who identify with high mf. If we are lucky it will actually be beneficial for the casual majority of players as the min-maxers won't be able to skew the drops in their favor (and influence the trading post values by dumping their excess exotics/materials) as easily any more. For those players who explicitely farmed/bought unidentified items and identified them in bulk with ultra-high magic find, it will be a nerf.

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> @"robertthebard.8150" said:

> Chests were already exempt from MF, weren't they? So whatever rolled up when you opened it is what's inside, the same as it works now, as far as how I understand it. So nothing changed where you're claiming MF died because of this, except that MF won't affect opening the unid bags. Considering the increase in sources for them, however, that makes sense.

Chests were exempt from MF, but the unId bags were affected from MF. So you used it a single time in those cases. Now it won't be used at all, as neither chests or bags will be affected my MF.

The only time MF applied twice is when they dropped from mobs from PoF maps, and now it applies once.

Talking about an increase in sources is misleading, anyway. If you were in PoF maps you already dropped unId bags, and it's not like you can be at multiple places at the same time. But even then, drops from monsters in the normal maps were still affected by MF, they just didn't drop unId bags. It applied once before, and it applies once now.

So it's a fact that MF will have less applications, despite whatever you may think.


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> @"Astralporing.1957" said:

> > @"mtpelion.4562" said:

> > This change shifts the MF benefit to obtaining the bag

> It doesn't, since most of the time you obtain them in a way that makes MF not applicable.


> > It also stands as a net buff to the vast majority of players (who were unable to hit that 900+MF level under the old system).

> No, it is a nerf even to players with 100-200 MF. You will be getting objectively less from the unid bags at _any_ MF level above zero (and at 0 MF you will get the same as before).


> > @"Kiza.5630" said:

> > > @"AlexxxDelta.1806" said:

> > > What we DO know though is that this change will kill, the already scarcely populated, PoF and LS4 maps. Which is baffling to me since usually MMO devs WANT their latest maps to be the most active. Are there any plans to keep these maps alive?

> >

> > Why would it kill those maps?

> Significant reduction in rewards (which this change is in PoF and LS4 areas) in maps that were already overnerfed and underpopulated will hardly help to make those maps worth returning to.


> > @"mtpelion.4562" said:

> > Except that now nearly all mobs will be dropping UnID bags as loot

> Direct drops aren't really relevant anymore, and haven't been for years. The majority of rewards nowadays come from bags, chests, event rewards etc. And those aren't affected by MF.


> > @"robertthebard.8150" said:

> > Chests were already exempt from MF, weren't they? So whatever rolled up when you opened it is what's inside, the same as it works now, as far as how I understand it. So nothing changed where you're claiming MF died because of this, except that MF won't affect opening the unid bags.

> It's that "except" that is a major issue. PoF/LS4 events could generate a huge number of unids. Practically all those unids came from chests/event rewards, and _were_ affected by MF. Now, they will still come from chests/event rewards, but won't be affected by MF. So, we went from unids being affected once (the double MF dipping devs mentioned was a practically non-existing occurence) to unids not affected at all.


> That is a massive nerf to drops in PoF/LS4, as well as a massive nerf to MF functionality.






Except that, while doing dailies, or map completions, or whatever in Core Tyria, you're going to be able to get these bags as drops from mobs now, and this will be affected by MF. A lot of what I'm doing in LS2 right now is on Core Tyria maps, not in instances, so this will also be affected by this change.


> @"Manuhell.2759" said:

> > @"robertthebard.8150" said:

> > Chests were already exempt from MF, weren't they? So whatever rolled up when you opened it is what's inside, the same as it works now, as far as how I understand it. So nothing changed where you're claiming MF died because of this, except that MF won't affect opening the unid bags. Considering the increase in sources for them, however, that makes sense.

> Chests were exempt from MF, but the unId bags were affected from MF. So you used it a single time in those cases. Now it won't be used at all, as neither chests or bags will be affected my MF.

> The only time MF applied twice is when they dropped from mobs from PoF maps, and now it applies once.

> Talking about an increase in sources is misleading, anyway. If you were in PoF maps you already dropped unId bags, and it's not like you can be at multiple places at the same time. But even then, drops from monsters in the normal maps were still affected by MF, they just didn't drop unId bags. It applied once before, and it applies once now.

> So it's a fact that MF will have less applications, despite whatever you may think.



Except that I do state it has less applications. That's what "except that MF won't affect opening the unid bags" literally means. However, in response to "but opening chests is now nerfed", paraphrasing there, nothing has changed, since chests were never affected, or aren't, by MF.

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> @"robertthebard.8150" said:


> Except that, while doing dailies, or map completions, or whatever in Core Tyria, you're going to be able to get these bags as drops from mobs now, and this will be affected by MF. A lot of what I'm doing in LS2 right now is on Core Tyria maps, not in instances, so this will also be affected by this change.


Those drops were already affected by MF even before, though. They just weren't unId bags. In terms of MF, it changes nothing even there. It applied once and it will still apply once.


> Except that I do state it has less applications. That's what "except that MF won't affect opening the unid bags" literally means. However, in response to "but opening chests is now nerfed", paraphrasing there, nothing has changed, since chests were never affected, or aren't, by MF.


But their content of those chests was affected by MF, that's the issue. You used MF once because their content, those unId bags, were affected my MF, and now they won't, so they won't use MF at all. Thus you'll get worse drops from those chests. Thus they're indeed nerfed.


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in my opinion, all the last changes will bring outflow of players.

Payment for seasons has come to the game, no matter that GW2 is buy-to-play and player have to buy expansion packs to get access to LWS (like pay twice if you want to get it).

Now players will have to buy bag slots to salvage unids loot or skip events to salvage loot.


I know the publisher asks to bring more money. But I don't think this is a good way to deal with that request.

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> @"Sir Shreder.4206" said:

> Now players will have to buy bag slots to salvage unids loot or skip events to salvage loot.


The opposite is the case, players will buy less bag slots since more of the unids are dropped(instead of the equipment) which can be stack. For the identifying process you will need just a single char with maxed out inventory and not multiple. The need for the slots will shift from 'during farming and salvaging' to 'after farming and indentifying/salvaging' which is a good change. If you are playing with only one character nothing will change regarding the need of bag slots. Also nothing will change, if you are using your chars to deposit items. I also would like to comment that you don't need the slots at all.



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> @"Manuhell.2759" said:

> > @"robertthebard.8150" said:


> > Except that, while doing dailies, or map completions, or whatever in Core Tyria, you're going to be able to get these bags as drops from mobs now, and this will be affected by MF. A lot of what I'm doing in LS2 right now is on Core Tyria maps, not in instances, so this will also be affected by this change.


> Those drops were already affected by MF even before, though. They just weren't unId bags. In terms of MF, it changes nothing even there. It applied once and it will still apply once.


> > Except that I do state it has less applications. That's what "except that MF won't affect opening the unid bags" literally means. However, in response to "but opening chests is now nerfed", paraphrasing there, nothing has changed, since chests were never affected, or aren't, by MF.


> But their content of those chests was affected by MF, that's the issue. You used MF once because their content, those unId bags, were affected my MF, and now they won't, so they won't use MF at all. Thus you'll get worse drops from those chests. Thus they're indeed nerfed.



...and now, the unid bags are added to the drop tables, and will be affected by MF to determine if, and what grade drops.

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> @"robertthebard.8150" said:

> ...and now, the unid bags are added to the drop tables, and will be affected by MF to determine if, and what grade drops.

That change will apply only to Core and HoT, and those drops were affected by MF even before - they just weren't dropping bags.

Again, drops from chests isn't and won't be affected by MF, so those unId bags aren't getting affected by MF at all, neither when you open the chest and neither when you open the bag. Thus a nerf. There isn't much to discuss, and i keep saying the same things that should be obvious to anyone reading, so i won't keep replying further.


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> @"Manuhell.2759" said:

> > @"robertthebard.8150" said:

> > ...and now, the unid bags are added to the drop tables, and will be affected by MF to determine if, and what grade drops.

> That change will apply only to Core and HoT, and those drops were affected by MF even before - they just weren't dropping bags.

> Again, drops from chests isn't and won't be affected by MF, so those unId bags aren't getting affected by MF at all, neither when you open the chest and neither when you open the bag. Thus a nerf. There isn't much to discuss, and i keep saying the same things that should be obvious to anyone reading, so i won't keep replying further.



That's cool, because MF will affect whether you get the bags or not. So despite all the claims, there's no apparent nerf to MF in regard to pulling them. I mentioned in my first post in this thread that there is a nerf to MF in regard to opening the bags, but considering how much the source has been increased, that's understandable.

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Well, opened 112 blue bags, received 101 blue items, 11 green, nothing higher. Sold my greens after that. Opened my 8 rares, received 8 rares. Completed 1 Palawadan(yes, it completed today) received 0 exotics from any source. The amount of regular drops HAS been changed, it's almost all unids now. I did receive 1 rare and 1 green drop from bosses. Hard nerf.

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> @"robertthebard.8150" said:

> > @"Manuhell.2759" said:

> > > @"robertthebard.8150" said:

> >

> > > Except that, while doing dailies, or map completions, or whatever in Core Tyria, you're going to be able to get these bags as drops from mobs now, and this will be affected by MF. A lot of what I'm doing in LS2 right now is on Core Tyria maps, not in instances, so this will also be affected by this change.

> >

> > Those drops were already affected by MF even before, though. They just weren't unId bags. In terms of MF, it changes nothing even there. It applied once and it will still apply once.

> >

> > > Except that I do state it has less applications. That's what "except that MF won't affect opening the unid bags" literally means. However, in response to "but opening chests is now nerfed", paraphrasing there, nothing has changed, since chests were never affected, or aren't, by MF.

> >

> > But their content of those chests was affected by MF, that's the issue. You used MF once because their content, those unId bags, were affected my MF, and now they won't, so they won't use MF at all. Thus you'll get worse drops from those chests. Thus they're indeed nerfed.

> >


> ...and now, the unid bags are added to the drop tables, and will be affected by MF to determine if, and what grade drops.


Then all the events that reward unided and chest rewards it, should be updated to be affected by magic find one time aswell then right?




That what people are saying alot of the unided gears that are gotten from path of fire maps arent affected by magic find anymore so its a nerf to those maps and a inventory boon to core and hot.

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> @"Linken.6345" said:

> > @"robertthebard.8150" said:

> > > @"Manuhell.2759" said:

> > > > @"robertthebard.8150" said:

> > >

> > > > Except that, while doing dailies, or map completions, or whatever in Core Tyria, you're going to be able to get these bags as drops from mobs now, and this will be affected by MF. A lot of what I'm doing in LS2 right now is on Core Tyria maps, not in instances, so this will also be affected by this change.

> > >

> > > Those drops were already affected by MF even before, though. They just weren't unId bags. In terms of MF, it changes nothing even there. It applied once and it will still apply once.

> > >

> > > > Except that I do state it has less applications. That's what "except that MF won't affect opening the unid bags" literally means. However, in response to "but opening chests is now nerfed", paraphrasing there, nothing has changed, since chests were never affected, or aren't, by MF.

> > >

> > > But their content of those chests was affected by MF, that's the issue. You used MF once because their content, those unId bags, were affected my MF, and now they won't, so they won't use MF at all. Thus you'll get worse drops from those chests. Thus they're indeed nerfed.

> > >

> >

> > ...and now, the unid bags are added to the drop tables, and will be affected by MF to determine if, and what grade drops.


> Then all the events that reward unided and chest rewards it, should be updated to be affected by magic find one time aswell then right?


> Edit


> That what people are saying alot of the unided gears that are gotten from path of fire maps arent affected by magic find anymore so its a nerf to those maps and a inventory boon to core and hot.


I acknowledged that in my very first post in this thread, so I'm not sure why people want to keep pointing it out? Maybe it's insecurity or something?

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> @"robertthebard.8150" said:


> That's cool, because MF will affect whether you get the bags or not. So despite all the claims, there's no apparent nerf to MF in regard to pulling them. I mentioned in my first post in this thread that there is a nerf to MF in regard to opening the bags, but considering how much the source has been increased, that's understandable.


But the source hasn't increased because you aren't omnipresent and if you were in PoF maps, you're still getting the same exact amount of bags. Except that they aren't affected by MF anymore when opened, so if they came from chests they aren't affected at all. But i think you're deliberately trolling me by now, so i'll give up replying further, as explaining how the game works clearly seems to be useless.

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> @"Manuhell.2759" said:

> > @"robertthebard.8150" said:


> > That's cool, because MF will affect whether you get the bags or not. So despite all the claims, there's no apparent nerf to MF in regard to pulling them. I mentioned in my first post in this thread that there is a nerf to MF in regard to opening the bags, but considering how much the source has been increased, that's understandable.


> But the source hasn't increased because you aren't omnipresent and if you were in PoF maps, you're still getting the same exact amount of bags. Except that they aren't affected by MF anymore when opened, so if they came from chests they aren't affected at all. But i think you're deliberately trolling me by now, so i'll give up replying further, as explaining how the game works clearly seems to be useless.


I don't spend all my time in PoF maps, so your argument is invalid.

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