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The Story of 1 year of CoreNecro Roaming and 2 Years of CoreNecro main.


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This is Basically my Guild Wars 2 Life story sooo yeah...

i mainly play core necro and i cant see myself playing other class xD

so i though i might share my story with Necro community >:D


well i didnt spend much time in this game as most of u since ive only reached 1.5k hours

and most of it was lag and connection problems xD ,



SO .. This is The Story Of Me .Gholesrolk The Core Necro and My love and passion of Core Necro and gw2 WvW Roaming :-

so in feb 2017 i started playing this amazing game guild wars 2 and i started a necro like a week after i started testing

the classes and i insta fell in love with core necro and the DBZ feel it gives me when playing it and the i started watching old hollts vids on core necro and nemisis builds and analysis with that i understood nearly everything about core necro

so after boring leveling i reached level 31 and thats where i knew i cant play anything else other than core necro when i unlocked lich form

holy kitten, it felt soo goood to be all mighty and powerfull ..then after some more leveling exactly at level 40 i started PvPing and then it all started

the damn feeling of crushing my enemies was undescribable it was suuuper good i learnt PvPing and all the mechanics behind GW2's amazing combat system then

after a month of PvP and salt gains cuz of me playing core necro i started WvW Roaming and sweet kitten is it fun and thriling i was average skill level at that time

i i was running wells power build at that time so nothing amazing it was a rip off hollts old power build

then ,,,, i started losing intrest in the game there was no one to play with and i started feeling bored of running around pottentially killing every 1v1 and dying in others

then i met someone who changed my whole Gw2 life ... it was the experamintalist [bhda] Guild Leader ,,, i roamed with him then he asked me to join his roaming guild .. and i gladly accepted .

then i met the boiz ,,, all of them was sooo skilled i was losing nearly all 1v1s at that time i felt i need to get stronger so after training with my guildies duels . ect

i became a much more better player... at that time there was no other core necros anywhere really so when i first met one i was so happy

so i challenged the necro for a duel and he basically owned me over and over and over ,,, that dude was grandpa don a high skilled core necro

he opened my eyes upon builds and builds variety and condi stuff ... soo after hours of thoerycrafting i made my first epic build that i can call MY build

it was the build appearing in my V1 :-




it was the scourge killer (at that time scourge was unkillable with its dmg)

it got catton of condi transfers which became my second nature xd

shit ton of corrupt to deal with Spellbreakers and Firebrands

and a lot of sustain with bloodmagic which is btw my fav line after soulreaping xd

i started gaining succes and winning huge fights with it even carrying my PvP teams with it cuz it can pull condis from allies a crucial way to deal with the monster that its scourge at that time

well then i got the idea of Youtube montages channel to motivate ppl to play on thier core necros cuz it was caaaatton of fun

so it began and i made the video "CORE NECRO IS NOT VIABLE I AM" and basically begged hollts to watch it and giving me his opinion (he was my hero at that time xD)

so after that i began to think higher and higher i was thinking of some sort of new kitten for core necro something never seen before ...

so after alot of theorycrafting i knew it had to have boon corrupts and condi transfers and has some sort of burst

it was so hard tbh xd

so i made THE HYBRID VAMPIRE : my new hybrid build with a style i called the Vampire (pretty straight forward xD)

AND this build was a huge success.... well . it wasnt at first xD, at first it was a weird traited signet of vampirism and scepter/dagger dagger/focus kitten

then it evovled to the thing it is in my V2 where i replaced spite with soulreaping and scpeter with axe :-





well i knew after a lot of great fights with it this is my new jam this is how core necro should be played in a Roaming style

and i wanted all necros to get it and start kicking ass with my build and style ...but it was at that time incomplete ..

its a brand new style with no known combos and stuff as u can see from the vid above

i couldnt burst i was too slow and stuff so i decided to wait before i make some sort of guide of it

so after time with the build i learnt alot of stuff and combos and had to change consume condies with well of blood since it has more healing power senergy

and then my V3 came :-



after my v3 i contenued the same style and stuff learning new combos about my baby , after couple of patches my build still viable and it changed a bit with dagger main hand skill 2 life siphon which was a buff which was cool

and then i made another build but this time power

it wasnt as good but it had some good stuff and i had good fights with it and that when my v4 came :-






after my v4 .... The Hybrid Vampire and Gholesrolk was my other half

my skills have gotten higher got a some 3v1s, got some crazy stuff and i felt it was time for me to save clips for my guide

so started to be stengy with clips and stuff

so at this time Anet buffed core necro a lil bit so a lot more players started testing core necro and hollts was one of them

he made a video about it :-




and i was shocked about hollts' opinion about core necro (u can check my comment on the vid xd) and how it "still sucks" hollts disappointed me and he destroyed the image of himself in my mind :") in my mind he was the "king of necros"

then my guild leader decided to try core necro and it was the same time as me and my man mak decided to start a guild for core necros since

it was pretty popular at that time

so conjure immortality was born and [CORE] was born ,,

i had crazy fights with conjure and we decided to do a duo roaming montage kinda thing and this where this came in :-






after that i had a real life stuff alot of real life stuff ,,, i had to be away of guild wars 2 for a while

then i came back i shaked my rust and at that time we got some new members in [bhda] and had a lot of fun with them and that

where my last roaming video came my V5 :-





stright after my v5 ...........

is where are we now ...... The warclaw came .... and with it my passion for roaming started disappearing

i couldnt have fun roaming as before ,,,, ppl just run from fights ,,,, and i cant do kitten to stop them ,,,,

i tried to PvP but ppl still go salt mode as soon as they know u playing core necro ,,,,

and PvP in general isnt as fun and thriling as Roaming and getting outnumbered and kicking kittens

so that is my story

i believe i made a little imprerssion on the gw2 community and Anet since core necro was believed to be the most usless of all the core classes but now there some ppl believe its OP xDDDDD

thanks for reading my story Necro community ill leave my builds for you guys to try <:D .,


















i still need to finish my first and last legendary weapon The Binding of Ipos and try to get Monthly AT with Core Necro to prove that core necro and every spec out there have a place >:D.

and thats all ..

i hope i inspired a lot of you to return to core necromancer and not bieng afraid to go off-meta for fun ...

aaaand cya around necro brothers ! >:D

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I am a big fan of your videos and was inspired by your first video to give Core Necro another go and I enjoyed it for quite a while =)

So a big thank you for sharing your videos!


Now I would like to share my story too!

I've had a considerably longer Necro lifespan than you but I'll condense it into 3 main sections.

Vanilla, HOT and POF.



This was when I brought my level 80 Necro into WvW for the first time.

Open World PvP!

So much more fun and unpredictable than the stagnant PvP arenas.


I started learning dueling skills from a Necro streamer 'Ascii'. His graceful fighting styles opened my eyes and I started imitating his builds.

Eventually as I got better, I started crafting my own builds and hunting for other streamers to duel.


* My greatest scalp in Vanilla GW2 was streamer Gladomer's Ranger and Warrior.

I recall beating him on his stream one day and he said something like this after losing: "I've fought this Necro before. He is pretty good."

To be acknowledged by a top streamer/roamer was all the vindication I needed, a reward for all my effort spent practicing to get better.



And then HOT rolled around and I hopped on Reaper eagerly.

7 seconds shroud flicker was my favorite play-style and in combination with a few enter/exit shroud traits, everything felt so fluid.

Even the Reaper theme appealed to me.


It was the most enjoyable time I had in WvW.

I beat many top roamers in this era, including skilled youtubers like Kiritsugu [HCM], Hadi [QQ] and Donnie.


* My greatest scalp in HOT was Joshdangit's Daredevil on Dark Cloud [DC] guild.

He was one of the top thieves of that era (even now when he plays occasionally) and it was an honor to take a match off him.

I even compiled some of my favorite fights into a video!




Scourge was a disappointment for solo roaming in my eyes. Strong in some encounters, but weak in many others. It was contrary to my roaming ethos of roaming with a single build that can fight all other classes' meta roaming builds evenly.

Reaper also fell out of favor as the SoS nerf affected my preferred 7 seconds Shroud flicker play-style badly.


* My greatest scalp in POF was youtuber AikijinX's Rifle+S/D Deadeye.

Beat him on my Power Reaper and was immensely satisfied.


Unfortunately, as I got better and better at roaming/dueling, there were fewer and fewer worthy opponents.

I was pretty much ready to call it a day on roaming as I had beaten one of the best Deadeye roamers.

Roaming started to feel boring.

And eventually as I stood at the top of the mountain looking down at the world, I realized how lonely I had been as a solo roamer.

No friends (only friend quit), no guilds.

Now I've retired from roaming and gone to join the Zergs to have a relaxed time blobbing and following the commander.


In ending, I would like to thank all the top roamers/guilds whom I've beaten at least once.

You guys make up some of my best memories hehehe <3


**In no particular order:**


* Violent Tendency (vT) - Holosmith, Spellbreaker and Mirage!

* Ninja Tactics (OP) - Weaver!

* Eternal Vigil (EV) - Mirage! (I managed to beat this guy once after 5 years of trying :3 )

* I Love You (XOXO) - Thief, Daredevil, Mesmer, Mirage!

* Ruthless Gaming (RG) - Warrior and Berserker!

* I Will Make You (QQ) - Warrior, Berserker, Mesmer and Chrono! (almost beat their Mirage and Daredevil but fell just short sadly)

* Happy Children Meal (HCM) - Druid and Daredevil! (never managed to beat their Dragonhunter - too strong)

* Get the Bleach (KYS) - Daredevil!

* Dark Cloud (DC) - Daredevil (best in NA)!

* It's Nothing Personal (Love) - Herald and Thief!

* The Rubberduckies (QUAK) - Deadeye and Herald!

* Dionysian Rights (RITE) - Chrono, Weaver, Tempest and Druid!

* Fear Us Respect Us (FEAR) - Warrior and Thief! (one of the strongest guilds I fought, extremely tough)

* Redrum X Murder (RDRM) - Dragonhunter and Warrior!

* Echo Zulu Papa Kila (EZPK) - Holosmith!

* Progeniem of Primordus (KGB) - Mirage!

* The Praetorians (PRAE) - Soulbeast, Spellbreaker, Daredevil and Druid!

* Demons of the Mysts (DOM) - Guardian!

* Over Powered People (OPP) - Ranger, Druid, Warrior, Mesmer, Elementalist and Spellbreaker!

* We love you (BEN) - Weaver!

* Sweater Weather (SWAG) - Daredevil!

* Hairless Kitties Riding Duckies (JOY) - Tempest and Daredevil!

* Retired (RE) - Firebrand!

* Venator Phalanx (VP) - Berserker!

* Envy (ENVY) - Daredevil!

* Crusaders of the Asia Pacific (ASIA) - Mesmer!

* Jedi Covenant (JEDI) - Daredevil!

* Black Lion Hunters (HUNT) - Mesmer!

* Predatory Instinct (HUNT) - Soulbeast and Herald!

* Brotherhood of Zetara (BOZ) - Mesmer!

* Decepticon Defiance (DCON) - Chrono!

* Glorious Dapper (CAPS/HATS) - Guardian, Elementalist, Thief and Ranger!

* Silent Veil (SV) - Daredevil!

* Diplomatic Dictators (DD) - Daredevil!

* Knights of the Temple (KNT) - Guardian!

* I swear I am a hot gamer (GURL) - Soulbeast!

* My very own shinies (NvUs) - Deadeye!

* Riot Gaming (RIOT) - Warrior and Guardian!

* I am Gonna (AFK) - Dragonhunter!

* Verdant Shield (VS) - Dragonhunter!

* Wyldstallyns (WS) - Tempest!

* Iron Tribe (IRON) - Ranger!

* Rosen Ritters (RR) - Mirage and Soulbeast!

* Eye of Janthir (XIII) - Chrono!

* Never Die (ND) - Daredevil!

* Undodgeable (Hit) - Daredevil!

* The Crimson Mercenaries (CM) - Mesmer!

* Strategic Suicide (SS) - Scrapper and Dragonhunter!

* Shatter Incorporated (SI) - Mesmer and Chrono!

* Gggg Beahces (PPPP) - Tempest!

* Soultion (Sxy) - Druid!

* Roll Init (RNG) - Guardian and Thief!

* All I do is two two two two two (TWO) - Thief!

* Procrastination Nation (UHOH) - Elementalist!

* User Shamanlord - Soulbeast!

* User No Challenge - Herald!

* Streamer Hadi - Warrior and Berserker! (One of the strongest I've fought - knows how to kill Necros very well)

* Streamer Aria on the Planetes (IA) - Chrono!

* Streamer Wilson Storm - Berserker! (Beat him once after multiple tries)

* Streamer Gladomer - Warrior, Ranger and Druid! (My fave foe to fight during vanilla GW2, always a challenge)

* Streamer Kirito Emperor Azuro - Dragonhunter!

* Youtuber Kiritsugu - Druid!

* Youtuber Donnie - Druid!

* Youtuber Aikijinx - Deadeye! (The stars aligned that day and I managed to win 1 out of 3 fights on my Power Reaper)

* Guildless but equally skilful - BG server Soulbeast (strongest SB I fought, 1 win after 10 tries, shame I forgot your name), AR server Soulbeast, FA server Pistol whip Thief (my 1st win after many tries against a top pistol whip thief), CD server Dragonhunter (fought him during Reaper prime, very good kiter), JQ server Tempest, Mag server Druid

* And many more!

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