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A new look to SB


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During my game play I have see Power SB Condi SB Boon support, but never a Healing SB until now, I give you the healing SB.




This guys has 100% boon duration, supplies over 2K healing ticks from regen, healing over 15K in just under 8 seconds while granting you 6500 direct healing plus a burst heal, removes conditions can grant swiftness, fury protection might and stab, does OK damage nothing that is going to set any records is reasonably tanky and is just another way to look at the SB


What are your thoughts and I would say this could possibly give the druid a run for its money.

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> @"Stajan.4581" said:

> During my game play I have see Power SB Condi SB Boon support, but never a Healing SB until now, I give you the healing SB.


> http://gw2skills.net/editor/?vNAQNBIhN6kRFojXskFwWQgrFs4IYMBgt1lLv4mcfuObuQ3oLlWt9VaB-jxBBABPqEc/TBAoq/Mz+Dip8bQ9BA8EACAkAMTlpy0MF4+sP7z+sP7jrTmmpZammpZamuP7z+IFgfTtA-e


> This guys has 100% boon duration, supplies over 2K healing ticks from regen, healing over 15K in just under 8 seconds while granting you 6500 direct healing plus a burst heal, removes conditions can grant swiftness, fury protection might and stab, does OK damage nothing that is going to set any records is reasonably tanky and is just another way to look at the SB


> What are your thoughts and I would say this could possibly give the druid a run for its money.


While the idea of support SB does sound fun it's missing the two big things people bring a druid for, GotL and Sprits.

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Healing SB potential is better than Healing Druid in PvP and WvW roaming, since you don't need to generate CA. Healing SB also needs less investment in Healing power.


I tried Healing SB for the lul in early PoF. Anyway, beside that, why 2 Bears ? I can understand Brown Bear for the Condi Clear, Defy Pain and Spiritual Reprieve.


People seem to forget a really strong pet, the Blue Moa. It will give you Harmonic Cry (Healing) and Unflinching Fortitude. Outside of BMode, the Pet can still heal for 6.5K and gives Protection.


As for Weapons, MH Axe and Sword would be better. At least, the Sword will give you lots of evade and a leap. Axe will give you the damage and Weakness.

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With spirits you can sub out protect for a spirit and even Zypher if you want, you can also cross it up a little with stance sharing and use one wolf pack for a little more DPS output. The reason there are 2 bears is for the 100% boon duration Blue Moe sound in theme with the build but if it does not give the extra concentration it does not work to well. The reason I went with the dagger in the main hand is for the quickness attack it allows me to get the utility skills off quicker and having 2 stun breaks there one a group stun break is fantastic stuff I think. LB is used because you can get healing bolts raining down with barrage.


I will look at the blue Moe but like I said unless it has concentration it is most likely a no go.


Also I have found that for some reason the healing ticks from spring are not healing at the 2K plus they should be, any ideas of why ?

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There is no way a sb can compete with druid when it comes to healing others. The only decent slb exclusive aoe heal is Spiritual Reprive, which has a 40s cd and won't be enough to keep others alive in the long run. Everything else (eg. regen) is aviable to druid too, which has a lot of additional healing (and buffs/utility) through staff and CA.

Also: Bears don't grant concentration. Versatile pets do - and those can be found among various pet types (using a pet solely for the boon duration is a waste regardless). Barrage is not a combo finisher and can't proc healing bolts. Spring isn't supposed to heal for 2k per tick. It only grants regen every 2 seconds which is ticking for ~300/s with some healing power.

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Did you even look at the build at all? You are right versatile pets grant the concentration, but it also gives me defy pain which is a good skill and allows me to heal. Barrage says it is not a finisher but I have seen the healing bolts raining down so it could be a toolbar issue or it could be a bug. Spring heat for 6500 right off the top and grants regen which does 14461 in 7.25 seconds that is 1994.62 healing per second. on top of that warhorn gives a blast finisher, and Instinctive Engage gives 2 leaping heals. Spiritual Reprieve gives an added heal that I did n to know about so thanks for that. Healing spring then is broken and not working correctly as it should heal for 6500 right away and grant regen for 7.25 seconds giving you 14461 in that time line, something for the Devs to look at I guess. In this case it is a simple fix and you change to bear stance and you go with one wolf pack to give those stances to your team. This also rebuilds the build which I will post in a bit. so thanks for the info and having me check into that stuff. New build to come in a little bit and I still think it might be able to compete with the druid since druid will not do what this does.


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I don't know if you would be better with Harrier set for the concentration ?


> @"Stajan.4581" said:

> Barrage says it is not a finisher but I have seen the healing bolts raining down so it could be a toolbar issue or it could be a bug.


It's either Pharus critical hits or Bow of Truth (Guardian). Barrage won't create finishers, unfortunately.



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The initial heal of Healing Spring only heals the ranger, not allies. It then applies 7,25s of regen each tick (6x). And because regen stacks in duration, not in intensity, it will take 43,5s for the full healing of 144461 to be applied, which results in ~ 332 hp/s. That's how this skill is supposed to work, nothing bugged about it. But even if HS would be such an amazing aoe heal as you claim, it would be nothing that puts slb over druid as healer, because druid can use it too while having better healing modifier, more blast finishers (leaps don't heal you allies) and tons of other aoe healing, which you keep ignoring for some reason. Stuff like Bear Stance and Spiritual Reprive are never going to compete with the aoe healing capabilities of druid, that's just simple math.


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I ignore them because Druid is crap, it took one of the top DPS classes in condi and made it a dedicated healer which they did not want as they did not want the holy trinity to happen and now they have basically gone and gave it back, that is first off. Second SB it a better flavour and it can and is a very powerful healer that I am finding it is a very active healer with having to switch pets to get the healing you are looking but it is turning out to be good. The regen should stack in intensity and we all know this but it does not and that is a flaw in the game that needs to be addressed I think. So the build I have come up with to address these is good on the outside needs some refinement but it does the following, Gives the following boons: Protection, Fury, Swiftness, Regen, Stab, Might out to allies and yourself as well as granting yourself quickness and retaliation. It has a boon duration or 98% a critical hit chance of 51% with fury which you have all the time, at this point it only have 1405 power but there is no runes on right now as of yet still working on those now lets get to the healing which is what I am focusing on here.


Bear Stance heals for 5515 +960 for each condition, it clears 2 conditions each second and lasts for 6 seconds on the SB and 3 seconds on everyone else.

This can clear up to six conditions in 3 seconds healing for almost 6K in conditions alone+ 5515 added healing. This can be done every 25 seconds, yes the cool down is higher than wanted but it is what it is. Number affected 5


Next Regenerate form the Fern Hound: Heals for a 1000 points yes not great I know but with the trait it also gives 2580 healing for a total of 3580 healing can be done every 20 seconds grants regen, fury and quickness to allies. Number affected 5


Spiritual Reprieve Heals for 6638+ 3685 affects 5 grants fury swiftness and resistance.


Bear: Shake it off clears 5 conditions heals for 2580 affects 5 and can be done every 20 seconds grants fury and quickness to allies


You can add in 10% more healing to this because for some reason the build editor does not take the weapon signet into account


Plus on top of all this you have regen popping out its small amounts.


Will this out do the druid most likely not over time but in a burst of healing from a non dedicated healer class being able to do 21998 direct healing without taking into account healing from condis removed with bear stance and the regen and without runes that is some good healing.


Plus pumping out boons like there is no tomorrow and doubling the damage output for the whole party this is pretty good and since this is a healing build if I can get 2000 power than I would be happy with that.


This is also not putting in any blast finishers from water fields or healing bolts from whirling defence. The trick now is to round it out and yes you can sub out spirits if you want for stances but I would not take out bear, moe or wolf but it is up to you so hear is the build I have revamped Mind you no runes as of yet and yes it takes infusions into account so you have to go digging for them and there is no food or utilities as of yet.




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UmbraNoctis what misinformation are you talking about, everything that is in the build is there and happens. I do not know what you are talking about on misinformation but maybe instead of being a total donkey about it you fill in what you think is misinformation.

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How is it me being a donkey, if it is you who simply ignores facts just because you don't like them?


> @"Stajan.4581" said:

>The regen should stack in intensity and we all know this but it does not and that is a flaw in the game that needs to be addressed I think.

Regen has never been stacking in intensity and it shouldn't do so, because it would create some seriously broken builds (and no i'm not talking about healing sb).


> Bear Stance heals for 5515 +960 for each condition, it clears 2 conditions each second and lasts for 6 seconds on the SB and 3 seconds on everyone else.

> This can clear up to six conditions in 3 seconds healing for almost 6K in conditions alone+ 5515 added healing. This can be done every 25 seconds, yes the cool down is higher than wanted but it is what it is. Number affected 5


The initial heal of Bear Stance doesn't heal allies, and the stance lasts 2s on them.

So it heals for up to ~4k (+~1,6k from flock rune) if they have condis on them, otherwise it does nothing.


> Next Regenerate form the Fern Hound: Heals for a 1000 points yes not great I know but with the trait it also gives 2580 healing for a total of 3580 healing can be done every 20 seconds grants regen, fury and quickness to allies. Number affected 5


Does not grant fury and quickness to allies. And Invigorating Bond has a cd of 20s, so if it procs on Fern Hound F2, it won't proc on anything else.


> Spiritual Reprieve Heals for 6638+ 3685 affects 5 grants fury swiftness and resistance.


Will heal for ~7k and grants resistance only. Has a huge cd.


> Bear: Shake it off clears 5 conditions heals for 2580 affects 5 and can be done every 20 seconds grants fury and quickness to allies


Clears 2 condis, does not grant any boons to allies and won't heal, because Invigorating Bond will be on cd.


> You can add in 10% more healing to this because for some reason the build editor does not take the weapon signet into account


Your build will have a 20% healing modifier outside of beastmode and 45% when merged. Meta healing druid will have ~70% increased outgoing healing pretty much all the time (though it is possible to reach the same modifiers as slb if you camp beast mode - but with the overall much lower healing it won't be relevant).


> Plus pumping out boons like there is no tomorrow and doubling the damage output for the whole party this is pretty good and since this is a healing build if I can get 2000 power than I would be happy with that.


Less boon application and dmg buffs than druid. No frost or sun spirit, no Glyph of Empowerment, no 25 might stacks. The only offensive buff outside of fury and a little bit of might is One Wolf Pack, which can also be provided by dps soulbeasts. Your build is nowhere near to "doubling the dmg output for the whole party".


> This is also not putting in any blast finishers from water fields or healing bolts from whirling defence. The trick now is to round it out and yes you can sub out spirits if you want for stances but I would not take out bear, moe or wolf but it is up to you so hear is the build I have revamped Mind you no runes as of yet and yes it takes infusions into account so you have to go digging for them and there is no food or utilities as of yet.


Your build does not provide any water fields.


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If what you are saying hear is true than there is something wrong with the build editor and this maybe the issue as it may not have been updated from the last patch as of yet. Because in the build when you look at it, it clearly says that some of the skills apply those boons. May have to wait for it to be updated to do a proper build without issues to it.



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The build editor is fine, it just displays the ingame tooltips. And those are for the most part correct too, maybe a little bit vague at times. The beast skills show those buffs, because of the trait Live Fast. And if you look up the desciption of said trait, it clearly says "using a beast ability grants **you** offensive boons". No mentioning of allies. Just because the trait is procced by aoe skills, doesn't make the trait itself aoe.

Sometimes it is better to test stuff ingame first, before trying to create new builds. If you don't know how stuff actually works ingame, descriptions can be misleading, even if they aren't wrong per se.

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UmbraNoctis is correct for basically everything he's mentioned.


I too have pondered a heal SB. I might play around with it with my legendary armor but unfortunately it's just not built for that sort of support.

My idea looks more like this:



Like you, I went with Runes of Dwayna to maximize Regen effectiveness. (an actual "bug" in the build editor is it doesn't calculate % effectiveness). The regen ticks of this build _should_ tick for 337 HP per sec unmerged.

I went offensive but the Zealot's gear could be swapped with Magi's for more Healing Power. The regen would then tick for 352 unmerged.


The big downside to SB healer is it doesn't have moderate heals on lowish cooldowns. The build really has to lean on damage mitigation from protection and Guard. I attempted to work around that by rotating more smaller heals. Sigil of Water/Renewal on weapons and running Fern Hound/Blue Moa and Water Spirit. It has... potential. But I admit that I don't think it's great. You're certainly not doing no-greens VG with this.


I can think of two changes that could really help this build.

Change 1: We would need a Supportive Moa. C'mon ANet plzzzzzz. We have two invulns on Black Bear, let us have two heals on, I dunno, Green Moa.

Change 2: Pack Alpha would need to reduce Beastmode/Beast skill cooldowns. I've actually wanted this change forever and not just for this build. Bonus points if Loud Whistle reduces Merge/Unmerge cooldown. That would push Beastmastery over Wilderness Survival.


Even at that point, you'd need someone else to cover the rest of might/fury. :| And there's the rub: for SB to be good at healing, it has to hard spec into healing and can't really do anything else.

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I'll just leave this here. But yeah, OP has things mixed up. Best I could do was to make regen tick 660, but I think it is possible to get 700.

You do almost no damage or better - equal or less than your regen tick/per hit.

It does however have a mean spike heal (see my gif above).

You can't really die - you'd have to seriously be in a bad situation, but you can't kill anyone either (maybe an afk dude).

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