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Game Issues (access, TP, Gem Store) 10-03/04 [merged]

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very good job, i bid on something but didnt work. now i saw the game accepted my bid but i already got outbid by another player but i dont get my gold back.

another chance gone for making gold and i am already poor :S fix it


we should be compensated for this fails. with 400 gems or something. everyone paid much money for path of fire but also a lot of problems.

but i think it can only be a dream the compensate...

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  • ArenaNet Staff

As it turns out, there were additional issues with the game, so the team is working on them, as well. They'll get this sorted as quickly as possible, and transactions should complete as soon as the overall problem is addressed. (In fact, we're seeing transaction go through now, it'll just take a bit of time.)

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> @"Gaile Gray.6029" said:

> As it turns out, there were additional issues with the game, so the team is working on them, as well. They'll get this sorted as quickly as possible, and transactions should complete as soon as the overall problem is addressed. (In fact, we're seeing transaction go through now, it'll just take a bit of time.)


I just sold another item but no founds, will be the founds appear when problem is solved or we lost it ?

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Today, the Gem Store either doesn't load at all, or when it loads, it remains unresponsive - meaning that you cannot select any items nor links (including the top menu).


Is the server having trouble with the heavy load traffic in Germany (due to the national holiday) or is there a general problem?

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I have been getting random disconnects all day today when loading from one map to another. It does not seem to be influenced by which map as it has happened in Mag, PoF, and Core maps. Sometimes I can get in to a map and it will DC on the next travel and sometimes it won't even load the first map after selecting my character to play. It has happened across all of my characters for about the last four hours or so. What will happen is the client will attempt to load the map like usual but take an extremely long time and then give an error that it cannot connect to the servers. The problem seems to be progressively getting worse (i.e. more frequent) as time goes on. I disconnected once or twice last night with a similar error but nothing I really noticed. Today it is almost every map change.


Just to narrow it down a bit here is everything that may (or may not) help:


**Error:** 7:11:3:189:101 sometimes it displays as 7:11:3:191:101 and once or twice with 7:11:3:18XX:101 with xx being some 1800 number I don't remember

_"The game client lost its connection to the server. Please wait a few minutes before restarting the client and trying again"_

**Character Race:** Charr (all four characters are the same race and having the same issues)

**Server:** Tarnished Coast

**Maps:** Gendarren Fields, Rata Sum, Lions Arch, Dry Top, Brisbane Wildlands, assorted personal story instances, Divinity's Reach


**I have tried:**

* Repairing the game as per support wiki suggestion

* Adding port forwarding for the game to my router (did this even though my router config has not changed)

* Removing .TMP and .DAT files from the client folder and reloaded the game

* Rebooting router and system multiple times


None of this seems to fix the issue. I am afraid that the issue may be related to the problems with the game currently as it is too coincidental to be unrelated. Hope the added information helps you guys narrow down the problem and get a fix out for everyone.

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> @Dlegend.1682 said:

> As the Title says, I sold alot of items on the tp from my material storage (about 50g+ worth), but after sellign all my items and running to the TP to collect my gold, I realised that the Delivery Box shows 0g available to collect.


Same here. Can't collect any gold from what I sold tonight.


Also, spent 1,800 gems but did not receive the package.

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