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PoF maps: Aggro mobs everywhere


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I think Anet should really adjust things and consider it seriously. I don't want nerfs and love a good challenge but this is actually hindering progress , trying to figure out where to go, trying to accurately do a jp ish thing, looking at a map, or even taking in the beautiful sights, reading the actual npc text, sorting out inventory, and taking time with the content they created, whatever. This is from someone who has maxed their jackal mastery and gotten the griffon and so on. Most likely if you're not in a town area mobs will be all over you unless you are rushing through everywhere and past everything as fast as possible on mount evades


We need at least one of these changes :


1) reduce aggro range

2) greatly reduce respawn rate

3) scatter mobs further apart, or clump them more so they don't scatter and cover every inch of ground

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I also have it hard that we can stay nowhere for more than one second without being under attack of something. Even talking to a NPC or staying at a WP is not safe. It is almost impossible to find spots where we can take time to simply observe, enjoy landscape, check on stuff, study map, or anything else making us stay immobile. I find it a bit annoying.


In HoT, it is not the same, because we can go up into the trees or on cliffs, where there are lot of safe spaces if taking a bit care.

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What bugs me is how long it can take to get out of combat sometimes. I finally finish killing everything, or make it up onto a ledge, enemies are gone, nowhere to be seen and it can still take forever before I can remount. I almost wish there were a button, target nearest aggroed mob just so I could figure out what's keeping me here.

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Been thinking about the same thing. So many enemies everywhere!! When they dismount you then 90% of the time it's this "tough luck" situation because getting out of combat can be a challenge on its own. And then you die because you were also crippled and bleeding and 6 angry enemies at once were able to catch up with you while you were running for your life into more angry enemies.



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> @rwolf.9571 said:

> Just don't look at any mobs far away. They can tell your judging them.

> PoF reminds me of Cursed shore back in the day. Risen just pulling you over to them randomly.


That's what PoF maps remind me of too, except in Orr, they didn't just pull you. The pulled you, pushed you, launched you, dazed you, pulled you again, then crippled, chilled, immobilized before pulling, pushing, and launching you all over again. :/ I guess the only bright side to PoF is that it lacks the Ping Pong element that Pre-Nerf Orr had, lol.

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  • 2 weeks later...


Please do something about the short spawn times on mobs in PoF. Mobs that you just killed re-spawn in less than a minute, you can't take a little time to study the map at all before you are in combat again. Also there are WAY too much mobs, I do not mind there being many mobs, but you could at least group them up more, so there are places that we ACTUALLY CAN STAND WITHOUT being ATTACKED constantly.

The game is being played by role-players too and I'm sure they would like to be able to RP on the PoF maps as well, but as it is now that is next to impossible. I've tried RPing on the PoF maps, but we gave up because we couldn't even RP on where to go before we were interrupted by mobs that respawned less than a minute after they had been killed.

It's just STUPID how short the spawn timer is!


And you do not even have much time in the settlements either because event times are so damn short that you get interrupted by that too.

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  • 4 months later...

Im here trying to do that annoying "The Collection of Tribute" achievement to get those funerary leggings; its hard enough trying to find those stupidly rare items and it gets worse when everything around you tries to kill you. Its absolutely infuriating. Everythings attacking you every 2 seconds. I just can't be on my merry way trying to get those rare items. Unless theres something important about these nuisance mobs but theyre just straight up annoying, ruins the experience for pof expansion.

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  • 2 weeks later...

There's too many mobs, their respawn time is too short, and some of them are particularly annoying.


That's not a problem only in PoF, of course. The obvious purpose seems to be time gating, and as players, we rightly hate time gating. It also makes it harder to roam on your own, and I'm never in favour of forcing habits. Incentivize? That's fine. But that's one fine line to cross, and I'd much rather use positive incentives than negative ones.

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You make a good point here and i agree. The overagroing and packing together of hordes of enemies should be tuned/balanced. Cant stand still for a second to enjoy the scenery or take a breath without being camped by hordes of enemies. I compare it to the hordes of anoying mesmer mobs in ls3 (which are still there) which have the same effect. Bloodstone fen and Lake Doric are the maps full of these things. Theres no space between mobs also, its just one big cluster of enemies.

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To me the problem is twofold: if you're going to offer so few places someone can stop and look at his inventory or just take in the view and get oriented, then you have to have more waypoints. I don't mind having to port to a town in order to avoid aggro if I don't have to then spend five minutes getting back to where I was. And I don't mind having so few waypoints if I can stop here and there to salvage or check the map. But having both issues together is annoying.

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