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Please Nerf Permastealth Firebrand

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I'm really sick and tired of seeing (or not in this case) permastealth Firebrands in PvP (and to a lesser extend WvW).


Every time, **every time** I go mid thinking they're vulnerable, I start laying down the condis from my tempest, then boom, they're gone in an instant, replaced with boons, and I never know why unless the FB slips up with maintaining stealth. And believe me, before FB got stealth, I was winning almost every game I could alongside my PvPartner, who also happens to run support holosmith.


I'm really excited for the big music update, but how do you expect us to play musical chairs when not just thieves are hiding in stealth like cowards??? Then they teleport to chair, and once again, win with as little skill as possible. Gj aenet.


And while I'm on the subject of bs things in pvp, why in Balthazar's name did you people allow the usage of springers in Skyhammer... like wtf, those things have the dumbest dismount attack in the game and that's all that ever happens in that map now. Every time in mid, springer cc. So fun, jfc no wonder people say this game is dying.


Also, one last thing. I know what causes the warclaw bugs, and guess what -- it's spread to the other mounts too.


![](https://i.imgur.com/Sf9lBSb.jpg "")


![](https://i.imgur.com/i0z6jaZ.jpg "")


I'm holding the information at ransom: fix all the charr outfit bugs and I'll tell you what it is.

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I actually really enjoyed playing Support Healer Holosmith: The usual support with Med Kit and whatnot, but the combination of Prime Light Arena conversion and Elixir Gun allowed me to do more damage than Scrapper's pathetic tickle-tier DPS, which is what any support should do nowadays.

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