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WvW roaming - Which FA build?


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I'm want to give FA a try since I've seen a lot of fun footage of FA's builds - and I want to try an Ele build that has big damage and isn't limited to healing power (I gave up marshal weaver long ago for power rev - big damage and sort of glass cannon - and now I want to try FA ele).


So which build is the best for general 1v1s in WvW? I've mainly seen core and Weaver - what are the advantages and disadvantages of those 2? Is tempest worth considering?


For match-ups, what are the ones that I should avoid? Personally I'm a currently a Rev main so I know power rev can counter FA eles due to gapclosers, superb burst damage, and the ability to negate damage through Infuse Light. Also what are the more favorable match-ups?

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> @"idolin.2831" said:

> I'm want to give FA a try since I've seen a lot of fun footage of FA's builds - and I want to try an Ele build that has big damage and isn't limited to healing power (I gave up marshal weaver long ago for power rev - big damage and sort of glass cannon - and now I want to try FA ele).


> So which build is the best for general 1v1s in WvW? I've mainly seen core and Weaver - what are the advantages and disadvantages of those 2? Is tempest worth considering?


> For match-ups, what are the ones that I should avoid? Personally I'm a currently a Rev main so I know power rev can counter FA eles due to gapclosers, superb burst damage, and the ability to negate damage through Infuse Light. Also what are the more favorable match-ups?


FA is not viable in roaming (1 v x) unless you are riding on the back of others ie playing the burst from range damage game while others do the work.

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You can roam on FA, it is just much more difficult than on other traditional roamers. You have less easy access to defensive skills and no stealth, so you need to be much more aware of your surroundings and utilise your defensive skills very well.


I would recommend FA Weaver over core as the burst is higher and easier to land and you can one shot combo a lot of squishier opponents. Core has easier access to defence and you can take the water line for additional healing etc, but you will struggle to kill a lot of classes with it and it’s much harder to land the burst. Although it is decent for 1v1s.


I suppose you could run a tankier tempest FA build, but it’s not ideal since you need to be very close to make effective use of fresh air reset air overloads and it’s easy to interrupt them.


Presuming you run FA Weaver, I find the tough matchups are condi mes, holo, power rev, boonbeast and s/d thieves. You are also are threat 1v1 to all of them apart from boonbeast however.


The good matchups are basically anything squishy. You counter most other thieves and necro. You can also kite warriors very easily.

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FA core ele has better defense with on demand access to focus skills/healing, and you can take the water or earth traitline. FA weaver has higher damage burst, more burst combos, but you can get locked out of defensive skills when cycling attunements.


Ive played a lot of FA weaver in WvW and while it is really fun, there are some builds you have little to no chance of beating in a fair fight. Any decent warrior, engi, rev, ranger roaming build should always beat you, and most condi builds will give you a lot of trouble. However, If played well FA weaver is one of the strongest 1 shot builds, and it is very fun since you can constantly cycle through different burst combos. It is also very effective at killing other glassy builds.


If you are looking for a build that does well in fair 1v1s, you would probably be better off with another class, but if you want a fun burst build then i would give it a try.

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