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What changes does warrior need most?


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More defensive utilities that aren't just like a stance (toggle it and done). Bull's Charge isn't enough. Convert Kick into something like Bandits Defense where the warrior counters with an evade into a low sweep (1 second knockdown).


Alternatively... Add more burst skills, 1 isn't really enough to keep up with today's skill count creep. Reduce damage of all current burst skills to compensante. Off hands should have a burst skill, or a defensive burst for the MH (or 2h weapon). OH weapon bursts are utility oriented like the 2nd burst for 2h weapons.



Shield - Hyper Charging Star (like Captain America in marvel vs capcom): a fast, 900 range shield charge that gains extra utility (damage is fixed) per bar: 1 bar, Projectile Immunity (unblockables are destroyed instead of reflected if shield is traited); 2 bars, Immune to CC (doesn't use stability, ignores all forms of control); 3 bars, fully invulnerable during travel time. Enemies that are not the target are pushed aside like Revenant staff 5, the target is knocked down for 1 second. Damage is low.


OH Sword - Swallowtail Defense -> Swordbreaker: 1st Skill enters an immobile counter stance. Negate all attacks (unblockable projectiles are destroyed, melee attacks simply negated) and 1-3 (based on adrenaline) aoe attacks by slicing through their core with extreme precision. Successfully blocking at least 3-1 attacks (based on adrenaline) flips the a skill to Swordbreaker, a speedy, 450 range lunge that locks out Weapon Skills for 1-3 seconds (based on adrenaline). Low damage.


Greatsword - Unstoppable Blade (inspired by Tusk from Killer Instinct 2016, certain greatsword attacks simply deflect enemy attacks): A whirling swing that Launches (150 units) any enemies who are attacking in melee range by deflecting their attacks by using a trick with the weight of your greatsword. Whatever attack was blocked is locked out for 1-3 seconds (based on adrenaline). Grants superspeed for 1-3 seconds (based on adrenaline) so you can follow up your launch. Enemies that are not attacking are dazed and crippled instead.


Etc etc. Warrior really needs some interesting utilities and defensive options besides just soaking damage, stances, or dodge roll. Then we can nerf adrenal health (so it's less mandatory) and cut back on the necessity of stances since they'll have some new options, as well as reduce some of the power ratios on some of the level 3 burst skills since they'll have 2 or more burst skills (that way spikes in damage aren't as crazy since you have more options).

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