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Hi, Im posting this in the players helping players because i want to know how far off i may be on DPS scale of things. For the first time in 6 years im actually doing some group content and want to make sure im not totally screwing up. Without a dps meter in game its hard to judge if my "rotation" or priority skills are being utilized property, so i went to the target dummy and created a golem average with weak hps ( the first options on both ) and without any buffs, other than whatever came up, i managed to sustain just over 3k dps with my staff mirage mesmer. Im thinking thats pretty low. I am still working on condition gear so im sure that will bump it. With my elemental weaver i can get 4k dps ....im guessing this is low as well although it is AE damage.


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Yes, those are low numbers for a DPS, in a no-party buff scenario; average numbers are around 9-12k with no consumables and party buffs. Look up rotation guides on sites like [snowcrows](https://snowcrows.com/) or [Discretize](https://discretize.eu/), and learn the core fundamentals of the build. For example, a condition mirage aims to keep three clones active at all time, never interrupt the third hit of the axe chain, use their Ambush abilities at every given opportunity, and learn how to reset their clones after using Cry of Frustration. Then practice on the golem until you start developing a degree of muscle memory. Then practice, and practice some more.


Side note: Staff for mirage is more suited for PVP, than it is for PVE. The weapon has a lot of disruptive effects that affect players more than NPC enemies, but has very unreliable damage output. The only time it was remotely good in PVE was due mainly to a bug, that was eventually fixed. While there's nothing stopping you from using the weapon as you please in PVE, you should also not expect to see any decent DPS numbers.

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There's going to be a huge difference based on being in a group and benefiting from buffs. I believe the golem lets you opt to apply a battery of buffs on yourself. That seems to be what people do when measuring their output. Then there's consumables as well. I tend to think people put too much emphasis on what they can generate under these ideal conditions. I briefly ran ArcDPS (before it became inexplicably defunct on my machine), and I noticed that when running a low dps flamethrower engineer on the Lake Doric run, I was consistently among the top 5 or so for damage output in my squad of about 35 people, sometimes on top of the list. I guarantee that half of them were running glass-canon 'meta' builds but either not tagging enough targets or spending half their time downed. Obviously if you're doing raids and whatnot you want to be aware of the benchmarks, but I wouldn't sweat overmuch about reaching the absolute limits. It's going to matter more whether you can survive and position yourself.

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Okay, first off, kudos for wanting to improve. Don't panic or worry, being a tad low on personal dps is not uncommon for people who have never optimized for damage in GW2.


So, the way damage works in GW2 is by combining 4 pillars:



The build you run with traits, skills, utilities, weapons etc. Different builds will perform differently. In general builds are created with synergies between weapons, traits, utilities, etc. A random selection of things here will cause performance loss.



There is different stat combinations and the offensive stats combinations will outperform defensive stat combination by factors of 5-6 or more. With everything else similar (build, rotation, class, etc.) a dps setup (like bersker or viper) will probably do around 4-5 times the damage of a full defensive setup (like knight gear or nomads). Even gear which is similar stats like berserker to marauder (the same as berskerker only with some vitality splashed in) will see performance loss of 10-15% in favor of the specialized gear. Runes and Sigils are part of this too.



Rotations are the sequences in which you want to optimally use your skills. There are highly optimized rotations for many high end builds. Deviating from them can cause as little loss as 5-10% or upwards of 30% depending on how difficult the rotation is. Different classes have different hard rotations ranging from very easy to piano-player hard.


**Boons** (as well as class specific buffs like banners)

Boons are the final tier which adds significant performance. Fury and Might directly increase maximum stats and thus damage. Quickness increases attack speed by 50% and alacrity reduces cool downs by 20% making skills available faster. Class specific benefits work in a similar fashion by mostly increasing stats or adding other types of performance increases.


In general one can summarize the performance as such (this is assumed, different classes performance will vary but the general increase remains true):

Damage without any optimization: 1-3k damage per second.

Damage with damage gear, correct build but no proper rotation or boons: 3-6k dps.

Damage with proper gear, correct build and proper rotation but no boons: 9-12k dps.

Damage with proper gear, correct build, proper rotation and all boons and class buffs: 25-35k dps.

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Just to chime in, you didn't specify what you meant by "group content", but assuming PvE, we would be talking about fractals? Reason I mention it is that the DPS you get on a golem is a benchmark "in a laboratory" setting. Builds that can crank out 30K on a golem might do 20k in a T4 fractal, largely because the boss moves and attacks back, forcing you to use dodges or activate utilities, there are sometimes phases, you likely won't have all the boons available in the golem room, etc.


Fun factoid, I used to do T4s daily, pugging DPS mostly, and on average they would each crank out about 12-14k DPS in a boss fight, and yet it never took longer than 45mins to finish all T4s + recs.


So it is important to keep perspective, and avoid comparing your DPS to other people. Use it as benchmark to evaluate yourself and your improvement.

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