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Griffon - thoughts

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Would have liked the acquisition to be be longer, and it could have spanned the entire world not just POF. I would much rather it be a lengthier process than a gold sink, as i do think this is a little unfair. You see players return, they see people with griffons and want one, yet unless they have 250 gold they cant get one ... and no doubt people will leave as may feel a sense of unfairness. I think they are justified.

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Its not even that bad, plus its a long term goal thats not so bad to obtain. Do dailys every day and you can have it fairly fast.


The collection i felt wasnt to bad, it was certainly really fast with the guide i used(because i hate searching for stuff), could it have been longer? yes, but im glad it wasnt.

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The collection process did seem a bit easy to go through...but then again everything seems easy with a Dulfy guide. I have no problem with the 250 gold price-tag though. The Griffon is purely a fluff item that is not needed for any content. If someone wants it then they need to work for it and buy it. People nowadays have an odd sense of entitlement that just because someone else has something that they also **must** have it. If they leave over that then I hope they find a game they enjoy.

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> @Boysenberry.1869 said:

> The collection process did seem a bit easy to go through...but then again everything seems easy with a Dulfy guide. I have no problem with the 250 gold price-tag though. The Griffon is purely a fluff item that is not needed for any content. If someone wants it then they need to work for it and buy it. People nowadays have an odd sense of entitlement that just because someone else has something that they also **must** have it. If they leave over that then I hope they find a game they enjoy.


And i presume you haven't max the masteries?

if not go youtube and type "gw2 griffon fast?"

- Sense of entitlement - what are you taking about? did you read anything or just get triggered from a few words you skimmed?

- I said make the process harder - what has this got to do with sense of entitlement?

- It may well be fine for you and me, and loads of other people that have been farming GW2 while we where waiting on content. But those who have been enticed back from the dark days of HOT release, i have compassion for. Why would you want them to leave?

Fluffy pfft!!

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It's an optional end game item, I see no issue here. 250g was a blow to my gold funds, but it's a lot cheaper than lots of end game items like crafting a few bits of ascended armour.


If someone has zero gold and really wants the mount, then they could easily farm 20g in 1-2 hours once a day and have it in two weeks. That's a flying griffon mount, from scratch & with zero funds, in less time than it would take to get the Wayfarer's Henge back item!! If people think that's unfair then frankly that's just pathetic.

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The gold sink aspect was fairly obvious (25g for an item you won't use again from a Heart vendor... 10 times). I'm okay with it as it's meant to be a prestige item that requires time (or a credit card) to earn. It's gated behind the other mount masteries and Story completion. It forces people to play the game and get exposed to every area in the new expansion. It's a means for Anet to have players see all that has been developed, for a cool mount.

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Depending on if you used a guide or not the collection can take a good while just going off the hints. I got the griffin before the dulfy guide and it was a lot of fun- I stayed up all night to do it and about halfway through I found a imgur album someone had made that showed where they found certain things- But still all I had to go by was their minimap, I had to try and line up the landmarks on the minimap to what I could see on my map.

The 250g hurt, but I was able to scrounge it up selling MATS and doing some clever mystic forging, and I'll probably be doing it some more to help my friends get the gold as well. I basically had to get 225g because all I had before the griffon collection was ~30g.

It probably took me a cumulative 6-8 hours to get the griffon and for an optional side quest? Damn cool. And the lore parts of it- returning to the library and being able to see Nenah one last time, and the final fight at the sanctuary?

PLUS some npcs you can mention the Sunspear sanctuary to them?? Really fun **OPTIONAL** mount. Had more fun going after this collection than any other collection in Gw2.

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> @finkle.9513 said:

>Why would you want them to leave?


No one wants them to leave, you're making an assumption that they will. Players need goals to keep them playing and the griffon is perfectly reasonable at 250g. I am happy for them to make the collection longer but the price tag is totally fine.

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I also feel like it's unfair when I see players running around with Legendary Weapons and I don't have the gold to just outright buy one off the trading post nor do I want to take the time to collect everything to make one. So I think Anet should just give every player a Legendary Weapon of their choice to make it fair. (I was being sarcastic if you didn't know).


This comes down to the age old complaint of "Player sees other players with nice things. They also want those nice things but don't have the gold to buy them, which makes them sad :'(. So they think the company that runs the game are bad people since they don't make those nice things cheap to buy or just give them those nice things for free since the player dosen't want to take the time and energy to earn those nice things which makes them mad >:(".


I really think you would not truly find any players, more so returning players who think it's unfair that the Griffon costs 250 gold and dosen't think it's unfair they can't buy one if they don't have the gold.

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> @finkle.9513 said:

> And i presume you haven't max the masteries?

> if not go youtube and type "gw2 griffon fast?"

> - Sense of entitlement - what are you taking about? did you read anything or just get triggered from a few words you skimmed?

> - I said make the process harder - what has this got to do with sense of entitlement?

> - It may well be fine for you and me, and loads of other people that have been farming GW2 while we where waiting on content. But those who have been enticed back from the dark days of HOT release, i have compassion for. Why would you want them to leave?


You suggested that players may leave because they would feel it is unfair that others have Griffons and they do not. My sense of entitlement comment would apply to those that left in that manner. However, I have some faith in the community that I feel the majority of people who see something they want would instead make achieving it a goal rather than just leaving.


I would have no problem making the process a little harder or more involved. I also have no problem with the current 250 gold price-tag.

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If your issue is with how they keep the collections in the PoF area, then you should try to understand that having those collection items scattered throughout central Tyria would be confusing and annoying for people who only have the base game. ANet tries to keep new content in the new content maps so it doesn't interfere with new players' experiences; so that everyone has about the same starting experience.

If your issue is with how the griffon was too easy to obtain, then I have to ask if you used a guide or not.

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