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[WvW] My personal solo roaming 1 vs X scourge build


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So I've been playing necro ever since 2013 and I made it a goal to myself to never play any other classes.

I've been solo roaming and doing small scale group roaming in WvW for as long as I can remember.

Everything I will mention will be towards scourge.


Pros to class:

Very high damage

great AoE damage



Healing skills have long CD (Lack of sustain)

LF generation sucks

Terrible against long range classes

lack of mobility on weapon skills


the build



This build fixes a lot of the issues with the class.

The sigils Leeching and Energy must not be changed as they are essential for the builds sustain.

The utilities give this class tons of mobility options that can be used offensively and defensively.


This build is able to beat any sustain class in a 1v1(scrapper / ele /staff druid)

For me personally, I have almost been able to beat all classes in a 1v1 fight.

There are some exceptions to really good players.


Sand swell is by far the best skill Necro has ever received.

You should use sand swell offensively, defensively, or mobility.


If you're having trouble against range classes (Deadeye, Dragon Hunter, or Long Bow rangers)

replace trail of anguish with poison cloud.

You shouldn't really need to do this replacement unless that range player is really really good.


If you have any questions or tips, please let me know.

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