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SAB 2020: a suggestion

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> @"hugo.4705" said:

> Hmm, whereas I want to agree.... I would like to see the two complete worlds: As the weapons set name told us, I want to fight The crimson assassin and the kaiser snake. So, a great buzz + revamp of Sab for 2020. My personnal through is I agree to lose 1 more month waiting for the next ls, if it allows them to finish that festival. One of the major priority for me. We compare a content doable in 4 days by speed runners every 3 months (ls) with a whole new style of activity here for 1 month each YEAR, sab is more important for me, 6 years, and still unfinished.


> It is not a joke anymore, for many players it's CONTENT.


> If instead of 3 months between ls, we have 4 months, the last one can be used to develop sab, so would be finished for march 2021.


> *changed the end, because the comment was removed for 1 word.


Given there are supposed to be 4 worlds, i don't think we'll really see both of those two, unless one is a secret boss. I mean, the boss of world 4 should have to be Lord Vanquish itself, after all (also, give us the flaming nunchucks after defeating him, pretty please). And they should also review what to give for tribulation mode in those worlds, since they have already given out all the bauble colors beside purple (despite being two worlds left, so unless they introduce another color, we're lacking one right now).

I do hope we'll see those worlds as well, anyway. Albeit, i would rather prefer them to be more like the first world, rather than the second.

And there was also the dangling subplot about Moto, its old krewe, the genie in the box and the true enemy's machine (it was available only during Super Adventure Box - Back to School, back in 2013, as you had to go to the initial area of world 3, level 1, and gave instructions related to Ketto's Lab, aka Moto's former lab).


In terms of past content, i hope they'll check some old area and put some fix on a couple of issues.

Like, having white cloud platforms with a white sky above and a white chasm below makes it so you can't see where to jump sometimes.

And the darkness in world 2-3 tribulation mode is just annoying...it makes seeing where to jump unnecessarily difficult unless you use the torch (but you can't use that if you have a balloon) or if you raise the gamma a lot (that's what people usually do).

And as other people have said, those trampolines seem even wonkier than usual.


Also, please put on the store a tribulation cloud-skin for the warclaw.

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  • 11 months later...

> @"Ashantara.8731" said:

> Dear devs,


> it is unknown to us whether you have future plans for SAB or whether it will remain as it is forever. But in case you _are_ considering to add new playable content for SAB, my suggestion would be to simply remove the World 4 hut from the hub and make World 3 the final chapter for this content. That way, you'd have less work and we could finally save the princess. ;)


> Just a thought. :)


Pref a full fledged w3 and w4 just be the final boss

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