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[Feedback] Dungeons

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Dungeons have been neglected for a very long time. I was thinking that the game offers a wide variety of ways to acquire gear, but dungeons no longer offer anything of value. Sooo... what if... dungeons were updated to have ascended gear in the dungeon vendors? Albeit, the currency cost would have to be enough that the time investment to acquire them would be similar to that of crafting, or other methods (laurels or fractals) would be comparable. Why not? After all, the argument has long been held that the stats and gear are not the end-game in GW2. So open up the door to another avenue of acquisition, and at the same time, breath a little life back into some old content that new players have never been able to experience due to their lack of value.

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I almost don't care what ANet will choose to do with dungeons as long as they will ressurect them. Either with bigger rewards (min. 2.5x amount of current gold reward), additional things to buy from tokens (crafting bags etc asc items) and/or reworking it to solo instanced experience (would be something new and interesting)

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> @Theocraft.6053 said:

> I almost don't care what ANet will choose to do with dungeons as long as they will ressurect them. Either with bigger rewards (min. 2.5x amount of current gold reward), additional things to buy from tokens (crafting bags etc asc items) and/or reworking it to solo instanced experience (would be something new and interesting)


Yeah, I went back to play one last night, and they're still fun. I enjoy the challenge and going through the content, but the reward at the end is almost insulting compared to content of comparable difficulty elsewhere in the game. I hope they revisit this.

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Fractals and Raids are the new dungeons, Anet don't give a damn about old Dungeons, IMO they were fun and less stress, and they knew this and killed them on purpose, sad thing you still need to run dungeons to create GW2 vanilla Legendary, you should remove dungeons from the game and use a new modern currency to buy the 8 different dungeon Gifts..

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> @Nemesis.2019 said:

> Fractals and Raids are the new dungeons, Anet don't give a kitten about old Dungeons, IMO they were fun and less stress, and they knew this and killed them on purpose, sad thing you still need to run dungeons to create GW2 vanilla Legendary, you should remove dungeons from the game and use a new modern currency to buy the 8 different dungeon Gifts..


You are right with the very beginning of your reply, but I hope they won't listen to you. Dungeons are both fun and are part of the story which many of us like. It would be perfectly ok to make it solo experience (or anything as I said earlier). Why not just removing, apart from the story? Well, ANet put the effort here, with good results. It would be a waste just to delete it. Also, dungeons are different than fractals and raids, so they are convincing for yet another share of the player base.

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