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Help with ArcDPS

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Hello, I am wondering if anyone can help me. I am using ArcDps and I am not sure that it's working correctly. The DPS that it's showing is very low and I'm not sure if I'm doing something wrong. What I'm thinking is that it is missing a decimal or something. Granted, I haven't played in a while and my DPS is low, but it isn't THAT low. Basically, it will only show in the thousands. So, for example, my DPS will be 2600 or something. I feel that there is a setting I'm missing because when I use the total dmg setting it is a hell of a lot higher.


Anyhow, any help would be awesome. Thanks.

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Total dmg is not dps, also dps meters are the worst thing that has happened to the game. You can't even play properly without getting kicked all the time, i just want to have fun on my power reaper in t4 fractals, but i get kicked all thee time. They bring so much toxicity to this wonderful casual game, this game was advertised as play how you want, not play how they want.

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> @robert.6315 said:

> Hello, I am wondering if anyone can help me. I am using ArcDps and I am not sure that it's working correctly. The DPS that it's showing is very low and I'm not sure if I'm doing something wrong.


You can go to the test golem that is accessible from the raid-lobby in Lions Arch (you can select different golems and boons/bufs) and check your rotation/DPS there and you can compare that with the ArcDPS numbers.


Of course, that is only a static target without movement. But if you get low numbers on the static golem, you probably would not get higher numbers in an actual fight.

And you can use the golem to improve your rotation.






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I noticed the same thing but specifically on my holosmith, for example the numbers on my screen vs the average dps on arc will be drastically different (full zerk/scholar); it will say my average dps is +/-2k (the other classes seem to be fine). I haven't updated arc since PoF, so I'm wondering if that may be the issue. I'll update it later and let you know of that helps.

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> @Cynn.1659 said:

> Total dmg is not dps, also dps meters are the worst thing that has happened to the game. You can't even play properly without getting kicked all the time, i just want to have fun on my power reaper in t4 fractals, but i get kicked all thee time. They bring so much toxicity to this wonderful casual game, this game was advertised as play how you want, not play how they want.


My main is power reaper, and i never getting kick from fractal t4 daily. Even for 99cm i always use power reaper with pug :)

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> @robert.6315 said:

> Hello, I am wondering if anyone can help me. I am using ArcDps and I am not sure that it's working correctly. The DPS that it's showing is very low and I'm not sure if I'm doing something wrong. What I'm thinking is that it is missing a decimal or something. Granted, I haven't played in a while and my DPS is low, but it isn't THAT low. Basically, it will only show in the thousands. So, for example, my DPS will be 2600 or something. I feel that there is a setting I'm missing because when I use the total dmg setting it is a hell of a lot higher.


> Anyhow, any help would be awesome. Thanks.


Like somebody else suggested, go to the DPS golem in the Lion's Arch Aerodome and make a comparison. But don't be surprised if it actually is that low. I've been running ArcDPS for months in t4 fractals. And there's very frequently somebody in the 2000s (power rangers for example).

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> @Aninika.6819 said:

> I noticed the same thing but specifically on my holosmith, for example the numbers on my screen vs the average dps on arc will be drastically different (full zerk/scholar); it will say my average dps is +/-2k (the other classes seem to be fine). I haven't updated arc since PoF, so I'm wondering if that may be the issue. I'll update it later and let you know of that helps.


UPDATE: It was a bug on my end with not updating arc. After I updated, I got more realistic numbers.

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So, after updating, and even reinstalling Arc, I am still thinking there is a decimal missing. I tested my DPS and it is coming to around 2600. I really am wondering if it should read 26,000? Now, I might be bad, but I am not THAT bad. Auto attacks should hit harder than that. I have the proper runes, sigils, and mostly ascended weapons and gear. So, this is freaking me out.


Anyhow, if anyone can help,. that would be awesome. If not, I appreciate all the answers so far.

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> @robert.6315 said:

> Anyhow, if anyone can help,. that would be awesome. If not, I appreciate all the answers so far.


What class are you playing? 26k dps is no small amount so unless you're playing one of the meta dps builds with established benchmarks at or above that level and your rotation is perfect then it likely isn't a decimal problem. We can't really tell unless you let us know what your build is.


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> @Hitlit.7630 said:

> > @robert.6315 said:

> > Anyhow, if anyone can help,. that would be awesome. If not, I appreciate all the answers so far.


> What class are you playing? 26k dps is no small amount so unless you're playing one of the meta dps builds with established benchmarks at or above that level and your rotation is perfect then it likely isn't a decimal problem. We can't really tell unless you let us know what your build is.



Exactly. You won't be pumping out 26k unless you're on a dps golem with realistic buffs, running food and utilities, with berserkers or viper's gear with the proper sigils and runes, and depending on your class, you may not even hit 26k with a perfect rotation.

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> @robert.6315 said:

> So, after updating, and even reinstalling Arc, I am still thinking there is a decimal missing. I tested my DPS and it is coming to around 2600. I really am wondering if it should read 26,000? Now, I might be bad, but I am not THAT bad. Auto attacks should hit harder than that. I have the proper runes, sigils, and mostly ascended weapons and gear. So, this is freaking me out.


> Anyhow, if anyone can help,. that would be awesome. If not, I appreciate all the answers so far.


Mail me in game, and when i online i will try to help u to do proper rotation :)

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> @robert.6315 said:

> So, after updating, and even reinstalling Arc, I am still thinking there is a decimal missing. I tested my DPS and it is coming to around 2600. I really am wondering if it should read 26,000? Now, I might be bad, but I am not THAT bad. Auto attacks should hit harder than that. I have the proper runes, sigils, and mostly ascended weapons and gear. So, this is freaking me out.


> Anyhow, if anyone can help,. that would be awesome. If not, I appreciate all the answers so far.


Can you specify your class and build? Also, are you doing this testing on a golem or in open world pve? Feel free to send me a mail in-game, I'd be happy to try and help you out

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You should make sure you have the following buffs if testing on the golem in the training area:

* 25 Might

* Fury

* Quickness

* Swiftness

* Regeneration

* Alacrity

* Spotter

* Sun Spirit

* Frost Spirit

* 5 Grace of the Land

* Banner of Strength

* Banner of Discipline

* Empower Allies

* Food (eg Rare Veggie Pizza)

* Utilities (eg Toxic Focusing Crystals)


Also make sure the golem has all conditions.


This is the scenario that people get numbers like 26,000 that they compare builds with. If you're in open world attacking random mobs then 2600 is reasonable, especially if there are periods of time that you are in combat and not attacking. ArcDPS measures your dps since you first entered combat, so periods of being in combat without attacking dramatically lower dps shown.

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