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Suggestions - Quality of Life for Guilds

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Bring the Guild, back to Guild Wars.


In this moment, 35 Suggestions ;) :



1 - **Guild Calendar**, give to our guilds the feature to announce their events in-game.


2 - **Vote System**.


3 - **Global Recruiment post for Guilds**, for example inside the Looking For Group panel with a New Category - Guild Recruiment. People can see here:


Name of the Guild (NoG) - Language - PvP, WvW or PvE - number of members - and a little text, for example message of the day


4 - **Separate Autorizations** for Invite to Guild, and Kick from Guild. For example All members can invite, only officials can Kick.


5 - **Alliances of Guilds** (5 for example), and disable the representing system. Add a new chat for Alliances of Guilds, same in Guild Wars 1.


6 - If you like to mantain the Representing system, a **status to see when is the last time anyone represent your guild**.


7 - **Special Guild merchant to the Guild Halls**. This merchant can sell items with discounted prices, and deposit a little of the earnings in the Guild Bank. This can help to small guilds or Thematic Guilds (WvW, PvP)


8 - **Hall of Winners**. A new zone in the Guild Hall, here we can see the names of winners. We can reunite in this place, the best achievements of our members. Adventures, jumping puzzles and others.


9 - **Minipet of the Guild**. A minipet dressed with the colors and emblem of your guild.


10 - **More icons** for the **Guild Ranking system**.


11 - **Guild Commander icon** with the emblem of your guild. For WvW, PVE or Invisible (only member of your guild can see the icon)


12- **Sponsor System**. A Big Guild can donate things to a Small Guild. The small guild win aid, and the big, win guild points.


13 - **Branch System**. A Guild now, spend too many to upgrade the Guild Hall to the maximum. If the Guild Hall is in level 50, add a discount of 50% to the transfer when they like to choose another Guild Hall. (for example with the new expansion)


14 - A new section inside the Guild Panel, to write the **Rules of your guild**, not in the message of the day.


15 - **More missions** and events **Inside Guild Halls**.


16 - **New** Guild Races, Challenges, and new **Guild Dungeons**.


17 - **Internal mail system to Guild Members**. For example if our guild are making a contest for our members, this can help to send them their prizes. Now its very uncomfortable make this.


18 - **Remove decorations in groups**. For example only trees, or only statues.


19 - **All crafting NPCs in Guild Halls**, not only Scribes.


20 - **Black Lion Npcs** in Guild Halls.


21 - **Cooperative** missions for **Alliances of Guilds**.


22 - **Alliances vs Alliances** system


23 - **Sit able chairs** inside Guild Halls.


24 - **Add names of players in chat**, when anyone join or exit from a Commander Group. (can be extended for the rest of the game)


25 - New **functionality inside the Guild Panel**, to add links. for example Guild Web homepage, or the teamspeak/discord/others


26 - **Guild Capes** with your Guild Emblem, same in Guild Wars 1. If you can make Legendary Armors, you can make Capes!


27 - **Guild Mounts**. A mount dressed with the colors and emblems of your Guild.


28 - A new **Guild Mastery** System. This mastery its based in your Guild Hall. Maxing this mastery, can unlock special doors inside your guild hall, and enter in secret areas. In this areas, you have a secret access to your home district, or other special places.


29 - **More Stronghold maps** with Guild vs Guild systems in PvP.


30 - **Guild Mount Races**.


31- More **Guild Hall Levels**, to increase the zones we can view in our guild halls.


32- **New Locations** in the Guild Portal.


33- **Custom Location in the Guild Portal**. Only one, and can be changed weekly.


34- **More music** and songs in Guild Halls


35- **Guild Bookshelf**, all the Lorebooks of Season 1, 2 and 3 reunited.


I have many more ideas, but this is these are the main :D


Tell me more ideas, and i add them to the list!


Choose your preference! [Poll Here](https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/1044/quality-of-life-for-guilds "https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/1044/quality-of-life-for-guilds")

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I just wish Anet would bring guilds back to life. No one likes the current guild missions we have now. Guild halls are pretty dead, people only go there to farm nodes.


So yes please, to any activity that help bringing life back to the whole guild concept.


I really like most of your ideas and i hope Anet will read it and realize that they have to do something with the guild situation. Its easier for people to stay of they have friends and guilds to have fun with.


Now guilds aren't that fun. For small guilds it's too costly and the current guild missions are too boring and doesn't give much contribution for the guild at all.

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