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Scepter Lightning Bolt quality of life suggestion


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_It's probably important to clarify right now that I am talking from a PvE perspective only._


I don't like using Lightning Bolt, it feels very... I don't know, clunky? I think the issue comes from the fact that it is both without any drawback or real gameplay, and without real decision making. It has no cast time and can be used during others skills, so you don't have to micro-manage it to make room for it in your rotation, and it doesn't have a delay or a ground target so you don't have to predict ennemy movement or try to hit multiple ennemies. It also has a very short cooldown which removes any idea of "finding the right opportunity".

I find that all of this makes it both very boring and stressful: It's just a thing that forces you to think about pressing it exactly every 4 seconds in order to maximize your DPS.


So to make it more fluid, I thought that perhaps simply giving it a second charge might be a good solution? The ability's cooldown could be **slightly** increased in compensation, if necessary. The reason I think it would be mutch more pleasant to use this way, is that you wouldn't have to think about it **exactly** every 4 seconds to make the most out of it. If you wait 1 or 2 seconds, it will keep charging and you won't loose any overall DPS. I think it would actually make for a pretty fun gameplay, irregularly unleashing your spent up charges every now and then like a thunderstorm! ^^


Before commenting, please remember that I am not saying this skill needs a buff or a nerf. It's just a very personnal feeling of clunkyness that I'd love to see adressed, because this alone is enough to keep me away from scepter (yea I know, I'm weird).


So, in your opinion, would it be fun to give Lightning Bolt a second charge in PvE?

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Sounds nice and all, but I prefer keeping Lightning Bolt as it is. It's such a simple skill, yet it's so useful. An instant cast skill that deals solid damage, has a very short cooldown especially when traited and it doesn't require line of sight i.e. you don't have to be facing towards your enemy for it to be used. It's why I love the elementalist's scepter. The "clunky" feel of Lightning Bolt that you have expressed is definitely a personal problem.


I suggest you practice with Fresh Air builds: start with Arc Lightning and Lightning Bolt, switch to a different attunement like earth or fire, critically hit a mob and finally switch back to air just before the channeled auto attack ends, ending it with another Lightning Bolt. Fresh Air builds do require very good timing skills so you better start practicing it.

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@"ROMANG.1903" Didn't you post about lightning bolt at least once before?


Anyway, adding a second charge to it would probably be a good change and wouldn't even need to have the recharge bumped up from 4 sec per charge. It would certainly help FA Ele builds across all the game modes, something which is needed particularly in pvp and wvw. There should, however, be some minor benefit to using a single bolt over firing off both in quick succession.

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> @"Hoodie.1045" said:

> Sounds nice and all, but I prefer keeping Lightning Bolt as it is. It's such a simple skill, yet it's so useful. An instant cast skill that deals solid damage, has a very short cooldown especially when traited and it doesn't require line of sight i.e. you don't have to be facing towards your enemy for it to be used.

My suggestion wouldn't remove any of this


> @"Arkaile.5604" said:

>There should, however, be some minor benefit to using a single bolt over firing off both in quick succession.

What if, on the contrary, using Lightning Bolt while 2 charges are stored unleashed both at the same time?

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