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Idea: Entry Price for Ranked PvP


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> @"phs.6089" said:

> First they need to make algorithm to determine the 'AFK' atm i's its simple use of skill that makes them not AFK.

> They can go on damage taken, units moved, damage cause, healing etc but then you have people just running strait to mid, respawning, repeat.

> Those gold numbers are really high, given win cost 30 silver and defeated-15 silver atm



That’s not high at all 30 silver every 15 minutes. Maybe for pro cheater with 10 alt accounts who Q all the same time.


Maybe if anet can look into those like 10 act one IP every normal player will not play pvp to get rich

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> @"Samuel.4812" said:

> I think if you get reported Afk enough times you should get a week ban from queuing rated. This would cut it down severely and make people atleast try till the end.


While things should definitely be done for [intentional AFKs](https://i.imgur.com/HYXvJwe.jpg "intentional AFKs"), (a lot of comeback matches stem from the losing team not giving up and keep trying to solve the matchups), I don't think community-based judgement + punishment is the way to go, because the community is a spectrum in terms of demeanor and this makes the boundary of deciding on an AFK report an ever expanding one. If number of times reported is the only factor, there are a lot of ways to troll the system and make everyone miserable.


Instead of punishment for the incompetent, motivation for the competent is more efficient in my opinion. The former will be like trampling the weeds in your garden - there's always more, but the latter will become a self-correcting process.


> @"Yannir.4132" said:

> There's a much simpler solution. Just remove participation rewards, so losing matches gives you nothing, and losing becomes an essential waste of time.


> This way doesn't impede participation(not everybody has 100's of gold laying around) but it means you need to be actively participating in the game to gain something from it. A 4v5 is a loss 98% of the time.


> Time to stop giving free gold to these leeches!


That is how PvP is handled in other games like WoW right? The winner gets significant rewards, losers basically get nothing.

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