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SPvP - SoulBeast Build (v1 & v2)


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Hi, everyone.


Build Link: [soulbeast (v1)](http://gw2skills.net/editor/?vNAQJATRnUqAlsgtCCusAs8ilJBLv3OcTuNBgH3E4JIcB+Ylcu0A-jZRSABZfIAatMAA7PI+FAo2nAAA "Soulbeast (v1)")

Build Link: [soulbeast (v2)](http://gw2skills.net/editor/?vNAQJATRnUqAlsgtCCusAs8ilJBLf3OcTuPBhLwmrJA84mAlcu0A-jZRSAB1+EAAY/hsPEAtWGQ8LAAA "Soulbeast (v2)")



Each build brings a different dynamic to how you go about engaging targets. Direction of the builds are to deal high burst damage with decent survival and mobility to +1 them fights where needed and the pressure from range. The build isn't meant for 1v1 or holding points, it's designed to break tanks and down targets fast which it does effectively.



**Version 1**, uses **Unstoppable Union** & **Zephyr's Speed**. The build is more focused towards being out of Soulbeast. You only really in Soulbeast when you're planning to burst a target down. Only problem I've found with this build is, Unstoppable Union doesn't always line up when you really need it.


**Version 2**, uses **Live Fast** & **Beastly Warden**. You're in Soulbeast all the time this allows you to burst a target at full range then swap into Greatsword and teleport into the target followed up with Worldly Impact all under Quickness, "Sick 'Em!" and One Wolf Pack. The damage is extremely high, I wouldn't recommend using this on Necros just sit at range and nuke them down.





Both builds use **Predator's Cunning** and **Refined Toxins**, they have great synergy and its our only viable way to access poison to slow down healing. Predator's Cunning might not seem like much but I'll take the extra damage and healing every 5 seconds.


Both builds use **We heal as one**, **Resounding Timbre** & **Soften the Fall**, great synergy and gives you out of combat swiftness. Got this idea from a friend.


Sigils , are a personal pick. I enjoy having quickness and swiftness on weapon swap helps land burst.

Runes, same again personal pick I've tested so many, I use Pack for the power and extra crit chance putting me at 63.76% while in Soulbeast.

Traits, rest are common sense. Most of the traits synergise up with my utilities or weapons.



Feedback welcome, enjoy.


Saizo Sol....



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They look solid for what it is(que the eww your not druid 3..2..1) but a few questions why pack runes? Just for the stats, wouldn't rage help you squeeze out more dps more?


As for double sigil of agility I would change one of those to anything else as the CDs are 18 secs and that might lead to some awkward weapon swapping, as I'm damn near swapping of cd in fights.


And one wolf pack is fun but I find without stab at all it's very easy to get cc'd before you can get your burst off. Maybe if they lowered the CD or increased the duration id like it better just some thoughts.

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> @Eleazar.9478 said:

> They look solid for what it is(que the eww your not druid 3..2..1) but a few questions why pack runes? Just for the stats, wouldn't rage help you squeeze out more dps more?


> As for double sigil of agility I would change one of those to anything else as the CDs are 18 secs and that might lead to some awkward weapon swapping, as I'm kitten near swapping of cd in fights.


> And one wolf pack is fun but I find without stab at all it's very easy to get cc'd before you can get your burst off. Maybe if they lowered the CD or increased the duration id like it better just some thoughts.


Runes, I've ran so many runes over the years and I've ran fair few different types with this build, they all seem to do around the same damage, so I went with something that offers that little bit more. High Crit Chance + extra swiftness is handy. Honestly I was thinking going scholar for power and ferocity.


Sigils, I have been thinking about changing the agility out off the LB and using Fallibility gets me roughly around 3-5 stacks which isn't bad tbh.


Tried RoA but found I got more damage and killed faster with Wolf Pack, if you land full burst from Wolf Pack it's not far behind Rapid Fire. Works well against Necros and there is always 1-2 per game.


Druid is a support build, good at holding points and helping team fights, where Soulbeast is a burst build. So if anything we have two options, at start of the game if you feel your team has no real support or holding power quickly swap out to Druid isn't hard.

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