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How viable is healer scrapper in fractals?


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Hello everyone,


Tldr: can tier 4 fractals still be succesfully(easily) done with healer scrapper?


I know lots of questions are asked on this topic and I know its not a meta support build since it cannot give boons as much to group, but untill which point is it viable?


I did first time yesterday tier 3 fractals with my scrapper and we had a really easy time going through them, with my healing being really good and saving people left and right. I even got a few whispers of teammates how they are amazed by my healing.


So scrapper obviously can do good in tier 3s. But how good is it in tier 4s? Is it still viable there or the group would have hard time finishing them because of inapropriate support proffesion in the group. Is there any other proffesion that could , in combination with scrapper, provide needed boon and push the group closer to meta performance? Also, which boons does scrapper exactly provide, exept all the condi convertions, some might from medpack 5 and superspeed?

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1)scrapper - no 25 might, no spirits, no bonus precision, .. But why not if u have any other 25 might stacker.

Anyway if ppl have understanding that they should do - possible done it whit any heal.


n) skilled ppl sometimes close cms+t4 without any heal. Read word skilled twice.

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It isn't meta, but more and more I'm coming around to the idea that it would work fine. You might have to use Blast Gyro for might stacking, but Purity of Purpose alone will provide many boons - the only problem there is you don't get to choose, it all depends on what conditions they receive.


But what stat combo? Full Minstrel seems overkill. Harrier seems most likely? Plaguedoctor w/ Pistol+Shield + Elixir Gun?




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I also think it would work well, especially in PUGs where you never know what team composition you'll get. Most of the time, I've found that PUGs benefit more from over healing than having permanent 25 might stacks (as long as there is some might generation, teams generally do fine).


I'm still working on a Scrapper healing build myself and agree that Minstrels may be overkill unless you want the extra toughness to try for a healer/tank in places where toughness gives agro in T4s. I'm looking at Harriers stats with maybe some Magi mixed in for more healing power and a bit of precision. Full Magi is also a cheaper alternative. Since you'll be on Med Kit and E-gun most of the time, I don't think weapon choice is too important, but I am leaning towards Hammer for the block and evade frames.

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I do it in T4 all the time, assuming people will let me. There's a lot of hesitance from people unfamiliar with it, but I think more people are starting to get warmed up to it. It can't *reliably* output certain boons, but it sure does pump them out with purity of purpose. The thing is, it becomes way more powerful in certain scenarios depending on the conditions applied by enemies. If enemies are applying chilled, you are putting out alacrity. If enemies are applying agony or weakness, you are providing might. If enemies are applying blind, you are applying fury. Ironically, it excels in the toughest fractals such as Twilight Oasis or Siren's Reef, where conditions can be particularly dangerous.




So with all that said, I've carried completely incompetent groups with it through harder fractals, and I've breezed through harder fractals with skilled groups. Nobody has made any major complaints, and it pairs well with a quickbrand.

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Well, I had a great time yesterday as heal-scrapper with 2 thiefs, 1 reaper and 1 guard.

We were able to ignore all debuffs and most mechanics.

I switched purge gyro for blast gyro for might generation, though...

Boon table said some nice boons.


We also failed at taumanova in a group of 1 weaver, 1 reaper, 1 guard and 1 scrapper plus me as a healscrapper. Far too little damage.

The recommended I did with 3 people (thief, dragonhunter, soulbeast) as a healscrapper and it was just as fast as usually. First, the soulbeast was also supporter but switched to DPS. My own might output at cliffside was pretty high.

Other boons (e.g. aegis, protection) are not displayed directly in arcDPS.


However, I encountered two main problems:

- Most groups already had a hunter. Probably since hunter is clearly better at providing boons at lower levels. If you fractal-level up a char you usually won't switch the char when reaching T4. So there are mostly groups that ask for very specific classes and builds or groups that run 2-3 supporters...

- What should I do underwater? ^^ You can do stuff with Elixir B, C, H, S, U, elixir gun and crate, but scrapper trait line is completely wasted there.

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> @"Dediggefedde.4961" said:

> Well, I had a great time yesterday as heal-scrapper with 2 thiefs, 1 reaper and 1 guard.

> We were able to ignore all debuffs and most mechanics.

> I switched purge gyro for blast gyro for might generation, though...

> Boon table said some nice boons.


> We also failed at taumanova in a group of 1 weaver, 1 reaper, 1 guard and 1 scrapper plus me as a healscrapper. Far too little damage.

> The recommended I did with 3 people (thief, dragonhunter, soulbeast) as a healscrapper and it was just as fast as usually. First, the soulbeast was also supporter but switched to DPS. My own might output at cliffside was pretty high.

> Other boons (e.g. aegis, protection) are not displayed directly in arcDPS.


> However, I encountered two main problems:

> - Most groups already had a hunter. Probably since hunter is clearly better at providing boons at lower levels. If you fractal-level up a char you usually won't switch the char when reaching T4. So there are mostly groups that ask for very specific classes and builds or groups that run 2-3 supporters...

> - What should I do underwater? ^^ You can do stuff with Elixir B, C, H, S, U, elixir gun and crate, but scrapper trait line is completely wasted there.


Underwater is a cluster. Just go DPS in underwater -- you shouldn't need a healer there.

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That would require a second set of armor/trinket/rune/sigils, though, even if using build templates for quickly loading different builds.

Using a dps-build (e.g. holo + bombs) with minstrel stats and monk runes does not sound so great. ^^

That's why I thought about going to elixir support to give a few nice boons (like superspeed at U, cleanse, protection,stability etc.)


Unless I carry around a second set of things (or legendary stuff), changing chars for this fractal seems to be best choice...

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> @"Dediggefedde.4961" said:

> That would require a second set of armor/trinket/rune/sigils, though, even if using build templates for quickly loading different builds.

> Using a dps-build (e.g. holo + bombs) with minstrel stats and monk runes does not sound so great. ^^

> That's why I thought about going to elixir support to give a few nice boons (like superspeed at U, cleanse, protection,stability etc.)


> Unless I carry around a second set of things (or legendary stuff), changing chars for this fractal seems to be best choice...


Yeah, if you don't have a second set or legendary, just have a DPS char available for that fractal. Underwater is a massive cluster, so you won't be able to operate normally there.

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