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Soloing T4 Fractals

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> @OriOri.8724 said:

> There are "lots" of builds that can solo T4 fractals. I know there's a vid out there of a mesmer soloing T4 Mai Trin back when it was still scale 100.


Sorry, but which T4 fractal can be soloed now and by which class? I've seen the one or other single boss being soloed, but not an entire fractal.

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> @Faaris.8013 said:

> Sorry, but which T4 fractal can be soloed now and by which class? I've seen the one or other single boss being soloed, but not an entire fractal.


All T4s but the ones with mechanics that requires more than 1 player can be soloed even though it takes some time. Chronomancer is quite easy to solo with. Sadly I don't have any footage of me doing it, but i'm sure there are others


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> @olleandersson.4352 said:

> > @Faaris.8013 said:

> > Sorry, but which T4 fractal can be soloed now and by which class? I've seen the one or other single boss being soloed, but not an entire fractal.


> All T4s but the ones with mechanics that requires more than 1 player can be soloed even though it takes some time. Chronomancer is quite easy to solo with. Sadly I don't have any footage of me doing it, but i'm sure there are others



So nobody who did it put it on Youtube? Very unlikely...


You know what, if it's easy with Chronomancer, why don't you do it and create footage? I'm sure Molten Boss 90 can be soloed, I've seen Hizen beating the last bosses with his double pistol thief. I know Arkk can be beaten and the ball boss of 100, but I cannot imagine a single player beating Subject 6. Although many T4 bosses can be beaten by a single player in theory, actually doing it is a totally different matter. As long as I don't see anyone going through Uncategorized L91 alone, I consider it not possible.

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> @RaidsAreEasyAF.8652 said:

> You are able to solo all Fractals but Chaos and Dredge in terms of game mechanics.


> For the Thaumanova one: I dont think someone did a solo yet, however there was a duo uploaded recently. Like 3 days ago or something.


So you can solo Cliffside? What about Swamps? In reality, even if you managed to get to the end boss of 100, how much energy and concentration will you have left to beat Arkk? You guys keep saying that T4 fractals can be soloed but nobody has ever done it, right? I applaude your optimism but please don't state this as fact. In theory, Vinetooth Prime can be soloed, but saying that doesn't make it true in reality (unless he gets stuck in a wall and you can pour out enough dps to finish him in time).


And btw, doing this with 2 people is a huge difference. Only one needs to stay alive so the other can use an Orb to get back into the fight. If you are alone, there are no safeguards.

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Im currently unable to post any videos. I can post them later tho.


Back when fractals were random and only got up to level 50 Purple Miku soloed them with a warrior. The Video is probably still on twitch.


You can solo the first Part on Swampland, which was already done. There are a lot of People that soloed the new bloomhunger, Fennec being one of them. He also did Mai Trin Solo on Tempest.


Roul soloed Arkk, Viraastra, the Thaumanova Endboss, the entire Aetherblades Fractal, the Molten Duo, entire Snowblind Fractal and Soloed/Duoed the Nightmare Bosses.


So yes, T4 fractals can be soloed and i will post videos in a few hours.


The Thaumanova Duo didnt use a revive Orb and i think i saw a necro once solo the complete fractal.


There are many more people who soloed T4 Fractals.

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> @Smiggles.6823 said:

> I saw someone claim on old forum that their earth/water/tempest ele with full celestial ascended had enough sustain to solo T4 fractals. There was no vid for this.


> My question is is this possible? Does anyone have video to back it up?


> If so what was your gear and build?


Even if you could solo a fractal with this, it would take forever. The videos of soloing bosses I've seen are all done in basically the full Berserker Fire/Air/Tempest build, slightly tweaked (mostly in utility skills) for the specific fight. Takes a lot of skill though. You're very fragile and you must pay special attention to not get hit by anything big, while maintaining your damage output high at the same time.

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A good condi build would also work, since you can get downed and rally because some trash mobs die with delay. There's a video of someone killing Viraastra that way. Thing is that nobody did a whole fractal like this as far as I know. As you say, it would take forever to get it right finally. Maybe you would fight for an hour and then die and restart the boss, then again and again. You would really need a perfect run through two or three or four bosses and even then it would probably take 3 hours. How many attempts does it take? After 5 hours trying, you get tired and are exhausted, and mistakes will happen more frequently, and by that time you might be at the last boss. Then you die when he's at 10%. Who has the grit to restart, and what for? There is no price to it and nobody will really try it fully. That's why we find several videos of people soloing one boss, but none where they go for the full fractal. And even if you solo one boss a day of L100, that doesn't mean you can solo the whole fractal. If you can run 5km per day for 9 days, it doesn't mean I can run a marathon.


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> @RaidsAreEasyAF.8652 said:

> But there are people soloing entire fractals.



We are talking about T4 here, and I have yet to see someone doing it. And I also don't care if anyone soloed a fractal 4 years ago, things have changed since then. A google and Youtube search doesn't give any result where someone soloed a full T4 fractal, or at least I cannot find any videos.

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> @Faaris.8013 said:

> > @olleandersson.4352 said:

> > > @Faaris.8013 said:

> > > Sorry, but which T4 fractal can be soloed now and by which class? I've seen the one or other single boss being soloed, but not an entire fractal.

> >

> > All T4s but the ones with mechanics that requires more than 1 player can be soloed even though it takes some time. Chronomancer is quite easy to solo with. Sadly I don't have any footage of me doing it, but i'm sure there are others

> >


> So nobody who did it put it on Youtube? Very unlikely...


> You know what, if it's easy with Chronomancer, why don't you do it and create footage? I'm sure Molten Boss 90 can be soloed, I've seen Hizen beating the last bosses with his double pistol thief. I know Arkk can be beaten and the ball boss of 100, but I cannot imagine a single player beating Subject 6. Although many T4 bosses can be beaten by a single player in theory, actually doing it is a totally different matter. As long as I don't see anyone going through Uncategorized L91 alone, I consider it not possible.


@"Faaris.8013" How about doing a tiny bit of research before throwing out claims like this lol


Reaper soloing t97 thaumanova, including subject 6. That same necro (I believe its the same person), posted loads of videos on the old forums of him soloing other fractals, including molten boss.


https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCy--fIryu4sfzNL8KtkNH0A/videos Here's his channel, where he has videos of him soloing T80, 85, 90, 91, 96, and 97

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> @Faaris.8013 said:

> So nobody who did it put it on Youtube? Very unlikely...


> You know what, if it's easy with Chronomancer, why don't you do it and create footage?


I've already done it with my Chronomancer, although I dont feel any need to create footage of it to ''prove myself'', I just wanted to let you know that it is possible to solo T4 fractals, as i've done it myself. And yes, there are videos on youtube where people solo T4's, it took me a minute or two to find footage of it on youtube... Did you even search for it before commenting?

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Great job there by these players! I didn't think it's possible to solo Subject 6, totally underestimated the damage potential of conditions. Thanks for linking the videos, and don't be so sour, I actually tried to find videos, but my searches gave no results (too much clutter by videos of lower tier fractals and single boss kills I guess).


I stand by my statement though that there are not "a lot of builds" that can solo T4 fractals, and that it's not easy for Chronomancers. It was these comments that made me rolling my eyes and questioning the mere possibility of soloing these fractals. There are probably only 3 or 4 builds that can do this and only a handful of players, and it certainly isn't easy.

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> @Sublimatio.6981 said:

> > @Hesacon.8735 said:

> > Many fractals can't be solo'd because of their mechanics, for example underground requires at least 3.


> no, you need 2 if you know what you're doing ;)


Without skipping or using some consumable, you'd definitely need 3 at a minimum for the switches.

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> @TexZero.7910 said:

> > @Sublimatio.6981 said:

> > > @Hesacon.8735 said:

> > > Many fractals can't be solo'd because of their mechanics, for example underground requires at least 3.

> >

> > no, you need 2 if you know what you're doing ;)


> Without skipping or using some consumable, you'd definitely need 3 at a minimum for the switches.


something about using stability so the door closing doesnt interrupt the channel

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> @insanemaniac.2456 said:

> > @TexZero.7910 said:

> > > @Sublimatio.6981 said:

> > > > @Hesacon.8735 said:

> > > > Many fractals can't be solo'd because of their mechanics, for example underground requires at least 3.

> > >

> > > no, you need 2 if you know what you're doing ;)

> >

> > Without skipping or using some consumable, you'd definitely need 3 at a minimum for the switches.


> something about using stability so the door closing doesnt interrupt the channel


That's assuming you even get to the third set of doors. Without 2 people, it's kind of impossible, even with a mesmer port.

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Lord Hizen is really good at solo/duo, heres some pov: Guild Wars 2: Fractal 100 Nightmare Warrior Solo ( Ensolyss )-

Guild Wars 2: Fractal 89 swampland power Warrior Solo ( Melee )-

Guild Wars 2: Fractal 100 Last Boss Solo Warrior (Arkk)-

Guild Wars 2: Fractal 100 Last Boss Solo (Fast Solo)-

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